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Everything posted by sophia

  1. Oh dear, that's a shame, in 2017, that's a shame. The poor girl on the left, I hope that she and her cohorts have it within them to move positively forward.
  2. Ruthless is blue in tooth and claw today. There's a gap and she's going for it. To be fair to her and in the football idiom, she's taken the Scottish Tories as far as she can.
  3. The tear that fell from the eye of the audience member as he gave his story was just one of the things that must have made Ruthless feel ashamed, maybe not, but the experience was enough for to let her cheeky chappie shield down and throw some icy stares. As the half hour wore on she resorted to flagrantly disavowing her own policies.
  4. You're not obliged to feel anything other than the way you feel capybara. If its worth anything, the hours after I lost my mother were hours when I felt I was stoic and in control. With the prism of time, I rather think that day and the days after brought with them a quiet determination to get through. Fraternal strength to you and yours.
  5. The operation was a success but unfortunately the patient died. ^^^^ Second best Ebbe Skovdhal quote Adiós amigos!
  6. Thank you all so very much for your kind concern, I'm rather flattered. I'm predisposed to avoid any particular reports on motions of the day, however, I can't help but wonder if Franks' sensational winner on Tuesday evening will have a solid impact on proceedings.
  7. What way did you read it? Was it very slowly with your finger under each word?
  8. Alas, the power urge was too great. What a grave error they made.
  9. Go on, admit it Fide, moist were your eyes. Beautiful people are moved by this bulletin of brilliance.
  10. May interviewed by shredded wheat head ... swh - The £350m on the bus May - that was during the referendum, lots was said on both sides, now is the time to get on with the business (paraphrasing) swh - Are you ruling out a Scottish referendum in principle May - The SNP said "once in a generation" in 2014, so that's that Its utterly incoherent, but I suppose now is not the time for me to get too upset that the Prime Minister is struggling so badly.
  11. At the risk of coming over like a student lawyer that is ad-libbing, I didn't mean balancing the books actually means balancing the books. However, I'm fully convinced that in the fullness of time, we can do better with our finances than others who have other priorities have ever managed. don't balance
  12. Amongst all of the sophistry, there is a simple truth that at the very moment we take full responsibility, we can start to make things better and also plan to balance our books in the long term.
  13. Tonight at 8:30 and as a special treat .... On the panel are secretary of state for exiting the EU David Davis, shadow secretary of state for exiting the EU Sir Keir Starmer, former deputy prime minister Nick Clegg, former first minister of Scotland Alex Salmond, deputy chair of Ukip Suzanne Evans and Times columnist Melanie Phillips.
  14. We're moving beyond this too poor / not too poor pantomime and looking towards a future structure that we can shape. Its quite a simple concept.
  15. I have a direct report colleague that, despite years of loyal and diligent work does not have the £800 to invest in citizenship papers and she is fearful that one mistake in the multi page form will mean another £800. I'll put you in touch with her if you want to debate on a human one to one basis.
  16. nope, not me. but its certain sure that Davie D has shown that he's not up to being a neutral chair
  17. The groat man betrays a cultural acceptance of thinly veiled racism.
  18. Outwith anybody with the surname of Blair, the last labour prime minister elected was in 1974. 1974! I'm sorry, but I've had enough of us coaching our neighbours, it's time to lead by example.
  19. This is brilliant and its on days like this that I miss my dear friend Reynard. I wonder just apoplectic he is, would he simply be or full shotgun tooled up ?
  20. Heard that. I hope Lesley Brennan was hopelessly hungover as there was little in the way of coherence, however I rather suspect that she perfectly well communicated the flailing nature of her party
  21. UR promised some months ago that he was developing his departure. I wonder when the time might come. He won't want to go with a whiff of failure in our nostrils and as an accountant, he won't want to spend one thin dime that he doesn't have to.
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