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Everything posted by Gibby82

  1. First time this season Gallagher and Holt have looked really troubled, got to give Dunfermline's pressing some credit for that. Neither Sibbald or Tilson offer the back four much protection and that's two weeks in row we've looked exposed on the counter with Docherty missing, hoping he's back soon. Job done though, would give Mochrie a shout next week at Falkirk before Tilson.
  2. He was sent off twice at East End eh? Was at both, I think we were pumped 3-0 in one game, and gave up a 3-0 half-time lead in the other.
  3. Long time ago now but we were good to watch under Levein. It was quick, direct and aggressive but far from the boring long ball stuff he seems to be inextricably linked with these days. He definitely likes his defenders to defend first and foremost, but he signed guys like Gomis, Sandaza and Swanson who could play a bit. Possibly was a little too cautious at times and the team kicked on under Houston, but considering where we were at when he came in, not a dissimilar position to St Johnstone just now, he did a remarkable job. MacDairmid probably a good fit, expect him to do well.
  4. It was the length of contract apparently, wanted a longer deal than the end of the season one offered.
  5. I think it's always been his style. Pretty sure Peter Houston did much of the training when he was manager at United.
  6. Call me a traditionalist but I like goalies to jump left or right at penalties.
  7. He seems to visibly shrink when he plays on the George Fox side. Definitely a better player than he's currently showing but this 'spell' has been going on for a long time now.
  8. We're red. You're dead. We're bouncing on your head.
  9. About 1.5 million for Petric. British transfer record for Ferguson, about 4 million, which seems mental now. Think it paid for the East Stand. The stuff about Ferguson being a thug does him a disservice, he was a very good player with a brilliant touch. Should have achieved more but injuries, and the judicial system, hindered him a bit.
  10. Also scored the winner for us the last time we won at Parkhead.
  11. Terrible call by the linesman. Alex Cleland has aged a bit. Would be better shaving that barnet.
  12. Airdrie pressing us really well and getting the better of the midfield since Docherty went off. Would prefer Grimshaw in there than Tilson, who I'm already mentally preparing to forget ever played for us in a Craig Slater/Grant Gillespie sort of way.
  13. I thought he was more of a squad player at Rangers but might be wrong.
  14. Derek Ferguson. Though McIntyre then pitched in some shite about Bomber strolling the Champions League in the early 90s.
  15. Watched that MacLean interview. He does that weird pulling on the ears thing that Calum Davidson used to do. Ominous.
  16. It's only Rangers fans that call us Dundee Hibernian, and the odd Jam Bun. Arbroath quite staunch?
  17. Arbroath lads starting early it seems, and why not.
  18. I was at that game. I'm sure Tom Boyd was playing as a wing back at the age of 37.
  19. I think we're even now for the whole giving us Adam Barton thing.
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