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Sweet Pete

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Everything posted by Sweet Pete

  1. The club themselves don't help. They openly garner and encourage feeling amongst supporters to be seeking "truth" outwith the Liverpool ranks and run constant pieces on the official website about the subject, all tinged with an emotive and accusatory spin, it's ridiculous and shows no class or dignity from the club themselves. Today they're running the speeches from last night in full on the official club site, as well as various other interviews and comments about helping the grief stricken families get answers. In my personal opinion, the club should mark the tragedy somberly and with dignity on the anniversary and take nothing else to do with the issue. It should be left to individuals and private pressure groups to seek their own answers without official club involvement. Not that the tragedy doesn't deserve answers, but that the club's stance openly sets its stall, by default, out to be aiming the blame squarely at the police etc. Whereas, if the club stayed out of that side of it, the blame could be apportioned to all parties responsible without Liverpool FC being seen to side with parties who may or not be partly to blame.
  2. Have you never read the Liverpool match threads on Miscellaneous Football Chat? Every second post is "scum" or "Scouse c***s".
  3. Which is the kicker for me. I've always felt distant from other Liverpool fans in that I can't stand the finger pointing and lack of a dignified silence (or culpability / apology). I attended a couple of supporters group meetings a while back and have been to Anfield and felt out of place at both because (a) I wasn't wearing a ridiculous replica strip (not that Liverpool strips are more ridiculous than others, I just can't bring myself as an adult to wear a replica top) and (b) I don't subscribe to the proscribed collective opinions and have never been one for going with the crowd. It's the football and the football alone which I'm interested in (the same goes for Dumbarton as it happens, football fans as a general rule are cringeworthy cretins).
  4. I've always gotten the impression that the campaigners only expect one outcome and that that outcome would (in their minds) be an admission of culpability by those in charge and a number of civil suits thereafter. An honest and open disclosure would, of course, show that both sides were at fault and that the whole thing could have been avoided but it really depends whether this disclosure is made in a "here's the facts" kind of way, or, as XBL highlights, whether it is "flavoured" one way or another. Regardless, those with agendas will not be satisfied no matter how full and frank the outcome and I expect this nonsense persecution complex stuff to rumble on regardless afterwards, and I say that as a Liverpool fan.
  5. No, don't. I'm off for a full two weeks every Christmas due to the building trade completely shutting down at that time and it's as boring as f**k. You have fun at times, but towards the last week you're (read: "I'm") just sitting drinking every day for the sake of it as there's f**k all to do and everyone else is at work.
  6. I got a major comedown off booze a few years ago after a three day bender. I was shaking, hallucinating, panicky. It was awful.
  7. You mean the Leeds who got to the Champions League semi-final? And Doncaster got to (and won) the Football League Trophy... Basically, what I'm saying is, outwith the big league, there's a lot of big teams slumming it with diddies due to financial discrepancies.
  8. Castle Street Elite. Nae messin'

  9. Yes. A Fixed Penalty Notice is an on-the-spot fine for £50. Also, I don't think you actually "get done" with Breach of the Peace when one is issued. IE. you're not formally charged with a criminal offence and obliged to appear in a court. So, basically, the guy's talking pish.
  10. If he was getting booked for something (which presumably he was in order to have the police's attention in the first place) then they'd take all personal details down. In fact, it's highly likely that he was being an arse prior to the singing and that's ultimately why he was fined.
  11. I can type more than 600 words on Pie and Bovril on my lunch break. In fact, I'm struggling to restrict myself to just 600 words on what a lazy spacker you are.
  12. Wee fannies at train stations who're incapable of keeping their fucking noise down. Made worse by the fact that only one of whom could be anywhere near slapping age.
  13. I'm currently rocking my office with "Hole in the head" by Cypress Hill.
  14. You could try not watching that fucking drivel, which would allow you to get to bed earlier.
  15. I've been steaming and stoned on diazepam on a flight some years ago but these days I just have a couple of drams and read a book if the flight is rough.
  16. If you're tall like me then expect to have f**k all leg room. Other than that its like a bus, but a bit more novel. Some folk find landing and take off a bit nervy as you're at an angle of ascent / descent but really there's nothing greatly spectacular about flying, other than the views from the window; seeing the world from above is very cool, as is looking down on the clouds.
  17. When my dog got one the vet gave us a tool that twists them out. Apparently if you pull them out with tweezers the head can pull off and remain inside.
  18. Could you not get another cat as a companion? Or would they fight?
  19. In your profile there's a "manage ignored users" button. Click that and then type the name of the poster you wish to ignore in the text box.
  20. I've got about 20. I never used to have any, it was quite recently that I decided I was sick of reading total pish. In fact, on that note, I'm putting you on ignore.
  21. I've got Jojo on ignore so have no idea what was posted, however, I feel a permanent ban is completely justified.
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