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Sweet Pete

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Everything posted by Sweet Pete

  1. Roll. Square slice. Greenock is on the west coast.
  2. Google suggests it was this: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Brother_in_the_Land
  3. Tradeston must be more upmarket than Larbert then. The last two chalk drawings I have happened across have been 6 foot wallopers You are a 6 foot walloper.
  4. He was fond of bringing in unattached / Junior trialists mid season for the 3 games they were allowed to play back then as well.
  5. I remember another similar book called Junk that was also about teenage runaways leaving abusive families and rough sleeping then getting full of the broon. Cheery stuff.
  6. Breaking Decency, formerly of this parish, has been bombarding me with obscure dance music from Scandinavia and my Spotify algorythm is now a clusterfuck of Swedish pop and underground drum n bass.
  7. That's it. I knew a journo was involved in the story somehow. Must have got the ending mixed up with some other grisly young-adult book They all seem to be like that, don't they? Never been a fan of harrowing young adult fiction personally. Especially not when I was a young adult. Womans Weekly or a Take A Break for me thank you very much.
  8. Admittedly I haven't seen it for over 25 years, but it was very sad.
  9. I don't remember a TV show, but I had a library book as a teenager with a very similar, possibly the same, plot. Think the boy ended up going home in the end only to find that his maw had killed herself. Right cheery story. That's the fella. Jeezy peeps that makes for grim reading! What was that doing getting broadcast during the day on school days?
  10. One step above throwing shite at the walls, and politically just as effective.
  11. Took a walk through Tradeston on my lunch break and it appears political discourse in this country has been reduced to spray paint and using children's pavement chalk to get your agenda across.
  12. Does anyone remember a horrific BBC program about a teenager from a broken family who gets made homeless, sleeps rough, makes pals with another rough sleeper and eventually one of them gets murdered by an ex soldier who routinely kills homeless people? What was remarkable about it was that it was on in the middle of the day on weekdays in the slot that would usually be occupied by the likes of Padraig Post. Think it was a mini series. Saw it as a kid in the early 90s when I would have been off primary school ill and it struck me as really odd for a show like that to be on in the daytime. Possibly called Link or similar?
  13. I get this all the time. It used to weird me out, then it annoyed me, now I'm used to it. Apathy will doom us all.
  14. A friend of my wife's is a total conspiracy loon (as all single maws are) and said the same to me when we got the Echo. My response now is the same as it was then, if they want to listen to me they're welcome to. I don't know any national secrets, I don't recite nuclear launchcodes and I am not a remotely interesting person. Besides, unless I pretend to be from a different country the fucking thing can't understand me anyway.
  15. If I'm asking the echo to play a song that it won't recognise the name of repeatedly, but I know it has in its library, then I'll do a stereotypical English accent and it recognises it every single time. FEWMING.
  16. Walk in the park today. No failures in the team. 2 wins in a row, both scoring 4. Optimistic for the next league game.
  17. Jones worse than a man down. Ramsbottom looked decent first half. Wedderburn making an arse of a pass by giving it straight to the Don's then tracking him a 1/3rd of the pitch and fouling him. Plus making a crucial block to stop Considine scoring from a corner.
  18. Cheers for the education, folks. I feel a bit more understanding of the nomenclature now.
  19. Didn't work out for Liam Buchanan's dad...
  20. Just tell them you're calling to talk about Rangers, Thommo1690.
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