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Everything posted by btb

  1. The thing I never understood about Truss's "budget" is why said libertarian moonhowlers took against it, Ida thought it would've been all for it as it was skewed towards them. We all know the "market" is just a bunch of rich boyz playing with our pension funds and paying themselves handsomely for doing so - perhaps they just fancied betting against Truss that day. I tend to think this is why Truss seems so deranged now, she did what she thought the "market" wanted and it bit her on the arse, she reminds me a bit of Miss Haversham in her tattered wedding dress pining for the lover who jilted her.
  2. With the internet so dominant these days I feel the real rivalry is now between us diddy/yo-yo clubs much more so than the perma-Championship teams.
  3. Managerial post-match interviews - Pretty much for home fans only, cliche ridden, rarely informative, I switch off mentally. All time favourite was Tom Hendrie's "We drew the second half" after being 4-0 down at H/T!
  4. Fairy Nuff, I don't look out for competitions we're not involved in so rely on headlines spilling into the sections of the media I do read.
  5. Unless Aberdeen/Hibs can turn their season around quickly then 4th spot is up for grabs by one of the diddy clubs.
  6. While it's encouraging to see Labour steering slightly away from the Tories on Brexit what's in it for the EU?
  7. Will he be using the "unwise but not illegal" defence?
  8. Roglic and Vingegaard are elite athletes and you can understand why they attacked on Wednesday if they hadn't had clear and specific team orders to support Kuss, sure they're greedy but I guess you don't get into their shoes (sic) without this trait. Overall I think the decision to back Kuss on Thursday was the right one but without Landa's helping Kuss on Wednesday it could have been so different - two hard stages in the mountains it was an obvious spot and TJ-V should have seen it a day earlier.
  9. Nothing new here - I hate Jimmy Hill, he's a poof, he's a poo-oof!
  10. Another baby step towards the EU today with the UK govt re-joining the Horizon science research program, seems the Brexit experiment is up yet the two major UK parties are committed to making it work.
  11. We're so far past the "they don't give a fuck" sign we can't see it in the rear view mirror!
  12. I live within hearing distance of Somerset Park so I'll give it a go next time I'm driving past - even if you have deleted the post!
  13. We're just a clatty nation - it's been said on other threads but capital punishment should be re-introduced for litterers.
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