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Everything posted by btb

  1. Well now that the transfer window is shut what from now till January? Our first priority as a fanbase is to pick our scapegoat which seems to be Hemmings, never understood how this helps but we've always had one. IMO selecting a keeper for this slot is a bold move. Generally I think we look competitive wrt the other diddy clubs and if we could find a magic combo up front we could be pushing for the best of the rest although I think currently Motherwell are looking faves for that title, I think one of the Tayside clubs will finish bottom. No gimmes for us in this division but we've got a good vibe within the squad (90+6 against Livi cancels out the 90+10 against the Dons) so Greenhill will be the venue for thrills & spills - so let's get behind the lads (Hemming excepted) It'll be interesting to see how County's windfall will be used ie whether it'll be extra money or a wee break for Uncle Roy in terms of subsidising them.
  2. Ditch the old definitions a qualified plumber probably has greater earning potential than say a teacher or a nurse, the middle class is now anyone with a saleable skill, and then as you say there's the rich cunts and the precariat.
  3. The history is not that far back in relative terms, especially as it's less than a decade since the UK government finished paying reparations to the slave owners for the emancipation - I'm pretty sure these records could be easily found if there was a will.
  4. We had all the same arguments about JG as we're having now about SR. Like it or not Hibs is a step up and a manager with ambition will be taking an improved position with a view to the one afterwards in 2/3 years time. ******************* My worry is that after three good appointments in 5 years the "law of averages" will not be in our favour next time.
  5. After 2 successive 2's today's 4 which was well played (IMO) felt a little disappointing. Wordle 804 4/6 Better lucky than good!
  6. Second successive two, bit luckier this time. Wordle 803 2/6
  7. Wordle 802 2/6 Lucky today - only one real option after the first guess!
  8. GB News running with the possibility that the flight disruption over the past few days was due to an error by a French airline. Damned Frogs!
  9. I'm waiting for the Zapruder Tape of the incident that shows conclusively that there were two gunmen touches.
  10. I think that's one of our major problems that guys like Rory Stewart had to consider which party they were going to join, he went Tory presumably on them offering him the quickest path to Westminster. Truss herself who started as an anti-monarchist Lib-Dem before becoming the neoliberalist of neoliberals. BJ famously chose his side on Brexit for personal gain. Starmer and Reeves just seem to be in politx for the same reason David Cameron was, "because he thought he'd be rather good at it", I know we can't have a working class credentials test before they're selected as MP candidates but are they really the best that's on offer to Labour PLPs.
  11. Does this scupper your chances of getting anyone good in before the transfer window closes? Nothing personal but if so good!
  12. That part probably is, but I'd also zone out and was often punished for this sometimes with the ruler to the head, other times by being belted and if I was "fortunate" just by being humiliated in front of the rest of the class. As I said being changing to a less secular but still Catholic school helped me because of the greater sympathy to my difficulties. Looking at ADHD symptoms I feel many could apply to me, but as they're so vague they could apply to everyone, I have worked out my own solutions to the regular problems I face but I have to stick to them rigidly and feel uncomfortable when forced to deviate, being on time is a major issue for me and I am obsessive about milestones and schedules.. I recently changed jobs and had an image recognition test as part of a group induction, my answers were idiosyncratic and pointed out as being so in front of the group, afterwords I told the tutor I found this uncomfortable but these situations are rare nowadays.
  13. Both my children were diagnosed upon entering primary school and when we discussed it with our GP it reminded me of my experiences at a primary school run by nuns - a big wooden stick to the head for spelling mistakes, luckily I was good with numbers and eventually found a way to cope with writing although my spelling was & is still erratic. English & History exams were the worst and I was eventually advised to print written answers for these - gawd bless spellcheckers and their zigzaggy red underlines. I was offered the chance to "get a diagnosis" but having turned 40 I didn't see the point so who knows? My grandson has been diagnosed "they" were waiting to test him even before he went to school. ***************** I'm sure the remedial classes at school which I was at times placed in by the nuns had other kids like me, fortunately I moved to a school run by "normal" teachers (still Catholic) and was able to move out of the remedial stream but if this hadn't happened I'd likely be a 60-y-o nutter posting nonsense on football websites.
  14. We don't need another 5-10 goal a season striker but unless we get lucky and magic up one that is a bit better we're gonna be posting the same comments pretty regularly.
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