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Everything posted by btb

  1. Unaware of the details regarding the payments for his flat, unaware of the parties going on - the old wisdom for someone in BJs position was that you should be aware.
  2. Johnson's get out to the enquiry will be "he was assured no rules were broken", I expect a couple of minor flunkeys to resign only to re-appear in lobbying jobs as soon as rules allow (Surprise, Surprise!) - I believe the term is falling upwards!
  3. Just seen this, who's paying - Needham or the club? If it's the club are we being punished for him not resigning?
  4. Although Sher will be primarily remembered for his work with the RSC his breakthrough role was as the wurldzzz greatest drummer in Willy Russell's John, Paul, George, Ringo & Bert, Although JPGR&B was voted best musical back in the day it offended G&P who subsequently withdrew permission to use their music so we'll never know how good/bad it was.....
  5. A coupla strikers who will be crocked before the month ends is the recent pattern....
  6. Welsh Labour and Plaid Cymru to cooperate on almost 50 policy areas Parties say deal is not coalition but ‘bespoke agreement’ to create a stable Senedd capable of delivering ‘radical change and reform’ Won't happen here!
  7. Initially by billionaire press barons, surely they couldn't have had ulterior motives?
  8. There's timing for ya - the day after The Grauniad does a big piece on Mark Cavendish he's involved in a serious accident. Kept in hospital overnight but due out either today or tomorrow - wishing Cav a speedy recovery... Mark Cavendish: ‘I knew I could be top again’ | Cycling | The Guardian Mark Cavendish suffers collapsed lung and two broken ribs in crash | Mark Cavendish | The Guardian
  9. Jennifer Arcuri his ex from BJs GLA days is set to dish the dirt on him. BJs patter “How can I be the thrust?" seems to be straight from the Sid James Book of Double Entendres and it won't affect him at Westminster but every little helps.
  10. The problem is if you take each shooting as being unconnected and occupying a separate 10 second window then the self defence argument probably stands. It doesn't answer what he was doing there, that and a "good ole boy" as judge got him off, he should consider himself very lucky. I've seen opinions stating the prosecution should've spent more time considering what was achievable.
  11. Not that I like Hearts but a win4Well today effectively hands the title to the OF with barely a third of the season gone!
  12. No particular desire to intrude on your feud with @superbigal but in this case he was replying to a specific claim by @Todd_is_God that there had been "Another huge crash in week on week daily figures".
  13. No their hourly rate is so great that 10/15/20 hours a week (officially) doesn't come into the equation. Take Owen Patterson whose extracurricular activities started the present kerfuffle he was paid I make that 18 hours a month or just under 5 hours a week @ appoximately £500/hour - nice work if you can get it. ********************* As I said BJs proposals to clean up parliament are designed not to affect his backbenchers - it'll be interesting to see if the opposition can keep up the pressure and force the government into making significant reforms.
  14. Weaselling out - BJs new plan on second jobs which would allow MPs to do either 10, 15 or 20 hours (they're making it up as they go along) outside work a week may affect less than 10 MPs.
  15. Coupla dozen exclamation marks, that's the sign of an, ahem, adult response.
  16. Correct, there is a difference between pontificating on the General Nonsense Section (nuff said) of a football forum and actually having the responsibility for minimizing the effects of the, now endemic, virus. Considering we're (UK figures) currently running at over 1000 deaths per month from a respiratory virus that is more problematical in winter and that we haven't even started proper winter yet I find the "nothing to see here, mate" comments on the thread complacent in the extreme.
  17. I knew it wouldn't be the first strip with a plain back but like I say I'm not too bothered bout the details of strip design, I'd like to keep the colours though even if it's just because I still like to bastardize the lyrics to Run, Run Away be Slade. Maybe something Dashiki like for the away strip
  18. Is that to do with back of the shirt sponsorship & might it become a more regular feature. I realize I'm probably in a minority but I'm not too bothered about the number of stripes or even alternate designs like half&half (Blackburn Rovers) as long as the colours remain..... As I've said previously I'd kinda like a yin-yang design
  19. Morton fans getting to realize that Gus's forte is doing just enough to avoid the sack - enjoy the ride!
  20. Since they went to 3 guitarists their songs tend to be 7/8 mins long on average to accommodate the egos. New Album 10 tracks - 81mins 53secs Number of the Beast - 8 tracks - 39mins 11 secs Musically they're flabby!
  21. I go for cock-up over conspiracy 9 times out of 10 but this time I'd say a conspiracy that BJ has managed to cock-up...
  22. Interesting take on the Patterson Affair by Marina Hyde in The Grauniad, saying that he was just a patsy in undermining the HoC Standards Committee before they investigate Boris over who paid for the refurbishments to his Downing St. flat and was thrown under the bus when it all went pear shaped. Oh and The Grauniad is also reporting he may be in line for a peerage - for services to (insert here - ).
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