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Miguel Sanchez

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Everything posted by Miguel Sanchez

  1. Stewart's one of those types who also audibly says "could of," which is a shame because I generally enjoy what he says. Such as just there with Caley's phantom goal kick and the subsequent disbelief at Collum.
  2. Happier times for Rangers there with The Clipboard running the show.
  3. I'm not catholic. I went to a catholic school. I thought the purpose of going to school was to receive an education.
  4. Kris Boyd's career has been synonymous with the term "pace," yes.
  5. Invalid votes? Did someone draw a cock and balls next to Sepp's name?
  6. For a team that's been in such dire need of a complete cleaning of the player side of their organisation and a proper, long-term sustainable strategy of developing drafted talent for as long as the Leafs have, giving an eight year billion dollar contract to a guy whose success was built on virtually refusing to play prospects until they're about 22 seems sort of counter productive to me. Of course, I'm sure Toronto's media will make those eight years just fly past. A contract that length for someone who isn't a player in such a reactionary market is just strange. Good luck to him, he'll need it.
  7. You can't treat the working man this way. One day, we'll form a union and get the fair and equitable treatment we deserve! Then we'll go too far, and get corrupt and shiftless, and the Japanese will eat us alive!
  8. Made it this far I'm still going mind, this is funny.
  9. Not if they shift Blatter and Co. He'd be too incompetent to orchestrate this culture of bribery, at least. Probably. I'll believe change happens when I see it.
  10. Aldi adverts with variations of "these are a few of my favourite things" in them.
  11. That poor boy on the right looks like he knows he's ending up in this thread.
  12. http://www.hurriyetdailynews.com/masturbating-men-will-find-their-hands-pregnant-in-the-afterlife-says-muslim-televangelist.aspx?pageID=238&nID=82936&NewsCatID=393
  13. Clicked on this thread, went to the last unread post oof
  14. Boys Keep Swinging by David Bowie (if you're still there)
  15. ^^^ is still raging he wasn't first to think of throwing on a dress and a wig to win Eurovision type post
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