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Everything posted by bullywee

  1. Dunno how you associated that with the mega-brothel.
  2. Yeah, drinking on the train is nothing short of madness. On the Bratislava/ Vienna thing; I would say that both are worth a visit, but that if you're short for time then it would have to be Vienna, seeing as it's a genuinely breathtaking city. I personally had a better time in Bratislava, but that was purely circumstantial. We were givena guided tour of the city by some locals that we knew through someone's sister which was probably the reason why I enjoyed it so much, but they were puzzled as to why we had decided to go. According to them; everyone leaves the city at the weekend, which I didn't believe until we walked through the city centre on the night of the champions league final and the place was deserted. If you do go to Bratislava, however, I would recommend Hostel Possonium (It's 5 minutes from the train station and has a basement bar themed like the film 'Hostel') and that you find your way up to the big monument on the hill as the views from up there are pretty spectacular.
  3. Whenever you see someone with threads so dench they make you ache with jealousy. Whenever you see a straight 10 being led from the sweaty dance floor into the cool night air. Whenever you see abs so shredded that you pull your sleeves further down out of sheer embarrassment. That's when/ where a Club DECE gathering is happening.
  4. I did Budapest to Zagreb in the summer there (a month before they joined the EU) and although there was a stop at th border; it can only have taken about half an hour for the guys to come on the train, stamp everyone's passports then get off again. All-in-all I think the entire journey took between 7 and 8 hours, so not that bad really.
  5. Smoking dope and drinking mushroom shakes here in Laos atm. Chillin', killin'.
  6. I'm in SE Asia at the moment so won't be able to make it. In commemoration I'll snort 12 lines of coke off a ladyboys chest. Or something.
  7. bullywee

    Breaking Bad

    Actual, literal scenes.
  8. Hmmmm, remarkably similar to the Sevco timeline.
  9. I quit my job tonight, it's my birthday on Saturday and I leave for at least 6 months of travelling round Asia and Australia next Friday.
  10. Your nigga my nigga naw a middle left in the noddle Amen, bruv.
  11. I feel for our loved ones (and our loved 8,9 and 10s). What can you possibly get for the men who have everything? Stay DECE, Stay DENCH.
  12. It's no exaggeration when I say that my first step on the Reeperbahn was to avoid the projectile vomit of a man who had just stumbled from a KFC. Classy place.
  13. I'm going to call a three-line whip here and tell everyone to vote for R. Kelly - Ignition (Remix) in this poll: http://www.pieandbovril.com/forum/index.php/topic/208655-p-bs-christmas-number-one-2013-the-final/
  14. Thank f**k 'Your people, our people. People' Hershel is dead.
  15. My friends have taken to calling me 'The Binary Man' because I only deal in 10s.
  16. wont muches whos bring me some I don't have any wull eats everythin x Aye, same.
  17. That would be a great deal for Dundee United if true. Link?
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