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Everything posted by peasy23

  1. That's just stupidity by Dummett.
  2. Newcastle should be out of sight by now.
  3. Mats went off at Bishopbriggs on Saturday past, temporary tees still in use up until Saturday when the main tees will be on for the Captain's start. Every time the greens staff think they are starting to catch a break with the weather it starts pishing again.
  4. Confirmed. Famously retired at half time when playing for the Bills.
  5. Detry will be kicking himself, makeable putts missed on 16 and 17 would have won him it.
  6. Usual Super Sunday, the bigger the hype, the shitter the game.
  7. Watched the Columbia Space Shuttle doc on iplayer after seeing it mentioned on here. Sadly, nothing about NASA surprises me after watching the Challenger one on Netflix.
  8. Dreadful finish from Nakajima in India, but he was so far in front that he still won by 4 shots.
  9. That dog's name is Yardley and he's a Pollok fan. Despite that he is a very good boy.
  10. Was watching the Hero Indian Open yesterday and Ewen Ferguson was going well, but I had to go out when he had half a dozen holes left. Watching this morning and wondering where he was, and looked at his finish yesterday, which was similar to Bob the other day. He had two bogeys and a double in his last 6 holes. Looks a very tough course, some of the tee shots look terrifying.
  11. Leicester have gone from looking like certainties to win the Championship to struggling to hang onto an automatic promotion spot. 1 win in their last 5 and a 1-0 loss at Bristol City today. Vardy missed three sitters at 0-0.
  12. Dropped 5 shots in the last 6 holes, missed the green on 13 and 15, put it in the water on 16 and 17, then 3 putted the last.
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