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Everything posted by NotThePars

  1. There's plenty of people who would disagree with that and they may have a point but I will be much more lukewarm towards an independence drive that loses its radical edge. The Yes movement doesn't feel distinct from the SNP either atm. A lot of the attitudes towards the Greens for example centre around the extent to which they will block or support SNP legislation. I'm not at all as enthusiastic as I was in 2014 but I would still vote for independence as it stands.
  2. Doesn't suit the narrative that the only way for left wing politics now is Scottish independence.
  3. There was 800,000 votes in it. Just double the amount of the referendum on about ten times the gross turnout. The momentum (geddit) is with Corbyn.
  4. I'll be making the most of my membership by kicking your arse up and down our local CLP.
  5. The DUP deserve commendation for the absolute mugging they've given Theresa. An absolute shambles for the Tories though that once again highlights their austerity is ideological. When this government falls Labour should slaughter these c***s.
  6. Inspirational to think the first openly gay female military dictator in the west could be in the UK though!
  7. An army general briefed against Corbyn as well in 2015. http://www.independent.co.uk/news/uk/politics/british-army-could-stage-mutiny-under-corbyn-says-senior-serving-general-10509742.html
  8. Probs want to tell that to the party you're apparently a supporter of since they're already in campaign mode for the next general election. It'll come sooner than you think.
  9. Accepting this zombie government's REDUCED mandate to negotiate Brexit is really bizarre from a self-professed Labour voter.
  10. Ranallo has a good voice for commentary, glad he's back.
  11. I fully support the premise that Jude Law can become the pope.
  12. Good club space but filled to the brim with roasters and far too overcrowded when they oversell events which they've a tendency to do.
  13. I enjoyed it but I can understand and acknowledge most of the criticisms of it were fair. I watched it at the same time as The Young Pope and it's probably telling that the only one I've watched back is The Young Pope. But that might be because I'm a filthy Papist.
  14. Reigns won't turn. He's beginning to nail the tweener babyface who acts like a cocky p***k to wind up all the internet geeks.
  15. Mate there's roasters in every party.
  16. His argument is he's supporting a Corbynite candidate in Graham Munro. Doesn't detract that the idea of reading Owen Jones debating with Wings Over Scotland is torture.
  17. He's already pissed off the entirety of English Left Twitter by being a duplicitous backstabbing snake so it's only right he finds a new group to alienate.
  18. Owen Jones volte face in favour of Corbyn now Corbyn's going to be the next PM is quite amusing.
  19. I think there's a lot of people with good politics and with a lot of good analysis who lose the heid when it comes to discussing Scottish independence. Or maybe there's a curse at the heart of the Labour Party.
  20. I have a great many reservations about the Labour Party and find large swathes of the party repulsive but Corbyn ran a great campaign and I believe in him as much as I've believed in any politician ever. I bought into the indyref project more than any SNP politician and until another referendum is launched I'm likely done supporting the SNP barring the melts in the PLP reestablishing control.
  21. No problem, mate. If you have any other questions I'll be sure to pass it on and see what he thinks.
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