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Pie Of The Month

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Everything posted by Pie Of The Month

  1. Another goal for Stewart today. Up to 9 goals in 11 games in the Championship. Along with the EPL clubs mentioned above he's being linked with the likes of Middlesbrough but with Simms recalled by Everton he's Sunderland's only fit proper striker so can't see him going anywhere unless it's for stupid money right now.
  2. Congratulations to Andy Robertson on his MBE for services to 'being not quite as good as Ashley Cole but being better at assists'.
  3. Stewart looks like he's back to playing well after his injury.
  4. With (I think) Bannigan suspended and Docherty having not played in a while I can't say I'm too confident in getting anything.
  5. I'm not sure what you're meaning by additional as you can only buy 1 per game so if you have the package then you can't buy an individual ticket for any of the games on the same membership. Members haven't been able to buy extra tickets on membership since the Italy game back in 2007. If that's not the case and you're trying to buy your first ticket for the game on a membership and it's not working then call the SFA office when they're open, the system said I had bought Ukraine away when I hadn't and they sorted it no bother.
  6. Good* to see P&B's Kilmarnock poster of the year and Ayrshire's worst fraudster make a return to the forum. *Absolutely awful
  7. What is it about the family of goalkeepers that they act like this on social media? We've got the same with Sneddon's dad.
  8. In this season of giving it was really nice of Inverness to let Muirhead point to where he wanted that corner, run across the box to the front post unmarked and then just knock it in.
  9. We're currently streaming our game v ICT to viewers in the UK and advertised it as such so not sure why that wouldn't be the case here.
  10. Plus if there's anything we don't like we can just agree to it then backtrack the week of the tournament like Qatar.
  11. Has any team that asked fans for feedback on earlier kick offs to avoid using floodlights to save money ever came out and said what the result of their consultation was?
  12. Seems like that's just an ideal opportunity for FIFA to punt tickets on the shaded side for twice the price. I went to the Copa America Centanario back in 2016 and it was even ridiculously hot for playing football in Chicago never mind places like Miami.
  13. I imagine we might lose some sponsors who were Low's pals. Marie Macklin for one liked to white knight for Low on twitter and claim misogyny on her behalf and Macklin Motors sponsor the centenary fund car prize draw. You'd have to think 90% of people who sponsor a club like Thistle though as just fans who own a business or just a local company like the Woodside and others do.
  14. Still not got over the embarrassment of losing to a player with this haircut last time out.
  15. They didn't put their own money in that we know of but last season we had non-recurring income such as the Queen's Park rent and potentially the final payments of grants due to COVID so in theory we could be in a worse position than last season. Reading between the lines the fact we have announced sponsors in the last week or so which are from the business of 1 of the trustees (the Specsaves deal) and then a joint venture between the Foundation and the Trust I think both fan organisations are hinting the finances aren't great.
  16. I wouldn't be massively surprised if we ended up with Zak Lovelace or Robbie Ure coming in to replace Weston unless McCall's contacts at Ibrox are gone. Considering the old board (whilst throwing McCall under the bus) thought Robbie Crawford, Kyle McAllister, a weird loan swap for Jakubiak, Firth and Alegria was pushing the boat out and was the reason for a 6 figure operating loss I'm not holding out much hope of us getting much decent in this window.
  17. BBC getting on the Doak hype train https://www.bbc.co.uk/sport/football/63813304
  18. The likes of McMullan should be relishing this game if they watch the space Fitzpatrick and Lawless had to run at the weekend. Really unfortunate for Ayr to end up with an injury crisis at the back at this time of year with massive games coming up.
  19. Just been out with the dog for a walk and the ice is pretty much gone with temperatures forecast to stay above freezing overnight. No chance the game is off because of the surrounding area. On that subject when has a game been off at Firhill due to the concerns over the safety of the public due to the weather in recent years? I can remember nearly decking it a few times on Maryhill Road due to the weather and the games were played fine.
  20. https://www.bbc.co.uk/sport/football/64004005 Interesting to see how this goes. I suspect the SFA will point to the revenue brought in by the men's team as their justification but considering most of the men's team won't need whatever match fees the SFA pay them it would be good to see if some sort of compromise can be reached between the teams rather than ending up with a bitter dispute like happened in the US.
  21. I'm surprised the guy from Proud Jags wants to be involved considering he was still putting out tweets about thanking Jacqui Low was after her tantrum of a resigntation statement.
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