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Everything posted by Trogdor

  1. Is meme of the day going to be a thing you do from now on?
  2. He may well have, I don't really follow him. It also wouldn't surprise me given they are Stewart McDonald's emails! Not sure he's ever had an original thought.
  3. He was a UK Ambassador to somewhere once. He attended the Salmond trial and tweeted stuff he shouldn't have (allowing the alleged victims to be identified) and got sent to jail for contempt. He fancies himself as a journalist. I'm sure he claims to have Stewart McDonald's (SNP MP) email cache and will release those in the public interest. He's a fruit loop.
  4. I've got the image stuck in my head of her doing a driving lesson at 08:10 and driving back in her street and being like "let's make it a full day lesson". She's driving about Uddingston somewhere.
  5. He's walking that fine line. If anyone knows what side to stay on you'd think it would be him after last time. Or maybe he never learns?
  6. You've answered your own question there tbqh. Published accounts often look in order it's the general ledger within the accounting system where all the good stuff is. I'm sure the forensic accountants and Police Scotland will be all over that.
  7. About what I expected from Humza. I would be very keen to see the terms of reference for the review (with external input) of the party machine. Given the collapse in governance. I'd imagine resignations from the NEC will happen once the review concludes. The NEC have been culpable and/or complicit in allowing Murrell to run the party like his own fiefdom.
  8. I'm not convinced it's criminal. As Deetildeath said, it's morally wrong for sure and there have been warning signs that the party ignored. Politically that is difficult for the party to wriggle out of. Also, I don't think the £600k being spent is the only issue though. I suspect some of the spending is dubious as well - not sure its Trump levels but I think even what it's been spent on and how it's been reported to the Elecotral commission and reported in the Accounts is an issue as well. As I say, this is my suspicions and gut feel. It could be nonsense on my part.
  9. Her defence is a simple one... "I can't recall"
  10. It's the constant drip drip drip of bad news which is harming the party. Humza is largely a bystander. He needs to talk about how he recognised the party needed reform and this is how he is taking it forward. It is the only way forward. He may get awkward questions on political judgement wrt. how he spoke about Murrell but the whole party was beholden to him. I suspect had NS not been FM then Murrell would have been jettisoned many years ago. He needs to tread a careful line here but I wouldn't be averse chucking it back at NS. It happened on her watch and HY has to clean it up.
  11. Can someone mock up a scooby doo reveal with Murrell bemoaning that he would have gotten away with it if it weren't for those pesky kids. With Wings and that boy Sean Clerkin alongside Scooby Doo. Thank you.
  12. Iannucci would be proud of that. At least Scottish politics isn't boring.
  13. Surely to f**k, no-one will defend Murrell now. Even the party apparatchiks (has anyone checked on Mhairi Hunter?). The issue is that the whole NEC is effectively culpable. In hindsight, when the Treasurer resigned and half the Audit Committee, the NEC should have stepped in. This is a colossal failure in governance at the very top of the party. Humza doesn't have many cards here other than "I cannot comment on an ongoing investigation" and authorising a root and branch review of the Party's operations.
  14. There has been an air of inevitability about this. I'm not convinced he's done anything criminal but I'm not a lawyer. He's dodgy as though and should have been jettisoned years ago.
  15. Raith losing is very helpful. A win on Saturday would go a long way to securing top 4.
  16. This is the first thing I've agreed with the Home Office on in about 15 years...
  17. I think calling it the "Daily Hate Mail" is sufficient tbh.
  18. Not sure it was your intent but you're making me hungry.
  19. I, for one, welcome our new Humza overlord.
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