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Everything posted by Trogdor

  1. Aye, the Lib Dems, not really Democrats though, are they? At least they can have their Parliamentary meetings in a phone box. Must save on venue hire.
  2. If my cold/flu clears up I may make it to this. This team, eh?
  3. Interesting take from John Crace, apologies if posted already. https://amp.theguardian.com/politics/2023/mar/27/scottish-national-party-humza-yousaf-in-no-mood-to-party-as-contest-finally-ends
  4. Humza reminds me of Chris Grayling but sightly better (if that makes any sense?) I wish him all the best, he needs to unify the party and expand the base. I'll be interested to see who is in his cabinet and where. Will be interested to see what he does with Kate Forbes (if she opts to stay in government that is). At least we have certainty and Party HQ has been purged (that was essential). I've been done with this race for the last two weeks so glad it's over.
  5. Pray for the reverend at this very difficult time for him.
  6. Just heard Jim Murphy on Radio 4. He's obviously been reading this thread as he's parroting some attack lines. Apparently Kate Forbes wouldn't be out of place on the right side of the Conservative party. He also suggested she was the most right wing candidate to stand for any party (not sure if he meant Scotland or UK). He said he wished Humza all the best for the nation but to make way for Labour as the SNP are ungovernable with a hard right element (given Forbes support). I tell you what Jim, go and get you're Irn Bru crate and take your fantasist shit round the country. An irrelevant bawbag whose electoral legacy was worse than Johann Lamont.
  7. This is non-sensical. Who is the arbiter of when someone is xxxxphobe? Or a nazi? Who should call it out? It's reactionary nonsense and I'd venture if you use these terms as flippantly as some do then, you are part of the problem rather than the solution.
  8. She certainly didn't verbalise it very well. I'm quite tolerant of divergent views, I think its healthy to have divergence especially within a political party. In the first week of the campaign (before the deadline) I thought she should stand aside as she'd effectively run her race! She's done very well to get within touching distance of Humza but she's been playing catch up since then. I know Free church types and every one of them is perfectly kind and considerate. I expect Forbes is as well. She's certainly not what I would call bigoted but then I'd never refer to opponents as nazis (unless they actually were nazis!). Political discourse is in the gutter and nuance is dead. Its all literal interpretations, if you're against me you are the enemy and loads of rhetoric and misinformation/clickbait.
  9. You better not have summoned him. He's like the candyman.
  10. Not a chance. ETA - Did you see the embrace after the result? This is going to be the SNP equivalent of Blair & Brown.
  11. I bet that weapon had that tweet scheduled to send. Arsehole!
  12. It's time to swing in behind Humza. Let's see what he can do. I'm cautiously optimistic? Is that right?
  13. This literally made me laugh out loud which then resulted in a coughing fit. Thank you
  14. Who's going to come out with a prediction? I'll go first - Humza to win on first preferences: Humza 52% Forbes 41% Regan 7%
  15. I think that's Deputy First Minister and Minister without portfolio. Makes him sound important but he can't do any damage.
  16. I don't disagree on the broad point that Forbes isn't Sturgeon's protégé. That's been quite apparent in this contest. Humza has been right next to NS ever since he announced his candidacy. Wrt. Forbes stepping into the Finance Secretary role. Could they not just have parachuted Swinney back in at the time?
  17. I always think having the support of the MSPs/MPs is overblown. Unless they are going to openly revolt its pretty much irrelevant if they file in behind you. In the event of Forbes win (I still consider it unlikely) then Humza will swear fealty (for some plum job) and encourage his supporters to do likewise. The 34 (None Yet/None) will swing behind Forbes as they are all career politicians (You again - Wishart!). There will be some elected members who will either want a meeting with Forbes to speak to her directly about trans rights, equal marraige etc. and there will be party members who leave as its all too much for them. I doubt we'll see any MSPs or MPs leave. Least of all having watched what has happened to the Alba das. Its a brave person to step out the tent. There may even be a scenario where the Alba das return (for better or worse!).
  18. I preferred you when you had tier 3 in your name. You weren't so serious.
  19. I'll put you down as a potential heads gone. I'll wear that as a badge of honour.
  20. Sturgeon picking Yousaf as her successor can't be right. I cannot honestly believe she would inflict that on Scotland. He's been a bit meh in ever ministerial role he has held. He's not suddenly going to get better as FM, it's like the folk at work who you think have been promoted well beyond their competence. Promote them so they do less damage? Is that where we're at... Maybe she's protecting her legacy by getting an absolute no hoper in after her. She'll take a two year round the world sabbatical and then ride to the rescue and return as the glorious leader.
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