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Everything posted by stevoraith

  1. Fair enough, don’t know why I would ever doubt the Tex! Still think there’s zero chance of him going back though.
  2. Not sure where you’ve read that Tex. https://www.raithrovers.net/48707/matej-poplatnik.htm I mean, there probably is one but I don’t recall reading about it and it seems very unlikely it will be used.
  3. Not sure why there’s constant speculation on Matej being recalled by Livi in January. He was signed on a season-long loan so it was obviously never the intention of Livi to have him back in January. I imagine if he’d scored 20 goals for us or if all of Livis forwards were injured there may have been a clause in there to allow him to go back but as neither of these things have happened I think you can put Starks Parks mortgage on him being with us until the end of the season.
  4. Maybe the article says his ambitions are to become as good as Ross Matthews?
  5. This. I started going in 91/92. Had my first season ticket in 92/93. I just assumed that’s what supporting the Rovers would always be like. The only part I’d disagree with was that it didn’t really dawn on me for about ten years that we wouldn’t always be fighting for promotion to the top league.
  6. So we can ‘bank’ on conceding when he’s in the team?
  7. No need. Clearly we should all know before each game the appropriate level of celebrations based on the league position of our opponent.
  8. To be fair, the Inverness player did do a massive twist and pirouette in the air…… but it was because he’d been absolutely clattered! Not sure from the footage if Matthews even got the ball. Red all day long, anyone suggesting otherwise has a serious pair of blue-tinted glasses on.
  9. I’m one of those who suggested we should win on paper and the rest of your post pretty much mirrors what else I said and backs up the point that we should ‘on paper’ win. Form team in the league with the manager who most would agree is the best in the league against a team who haven’t won in ten games being managed by a guy so far out of his depth it’s barely believable. That’s an ‘on paper’ win if ever I heard one. But as you said in the rest of your post, and I also said in my post, this is a derby, we’ve got a lot of starters out, add in a few other factors and remember that games aren’t played on paper and there’s no way this is an easy win for us.
  10. Unfortunately I agree that this is reasonably likely. On paper this is an easy win for Rovers. We are a better team with a manager who is light years ahead. But we’ll be missing three starters and the guys who played yesterday have had a tougher shift than usual having to play the second half a man down and don’t have much time to recover. Add in the fact it’s a derby and the chance for an ‘upset’ is a reasonable one.
  11. If the question was just our three best players the answer would be different, but I think the intention was for the three players that would integrate into and improve the current team. For me the area where we lack the most is goal scorers. So I’d go for; Craig Brewster Gordon Dalziel And I’d add Colin Cameron as he’d be a worthy replacement for Hendry in the centre of the park. With those three slotted into our current team we’d win the league at a canter.
  12. We’re on 17 now, same as Killie but we’re in 2nd on goals scored. 17 in the first quarter is a fantastic haul and, as SJM pointed out a couple of weeks back, is more than we managed in any quarter (third) last season.
  13. Genuinely torn here. On the one hand I’m pissing myself laughing at the absolute rip-roaring c*nt your board have been making of themselves since the minute they appointed that buffoon, and that they’re still managing to find ways of making things worse. And I’d find it quite amusing if you spent a couple of seasons in league one with Falkirk. But on the other, the memories of Locke and Drysdale are still quite fresh and the similarities are striking. Most of you lot are just the same as most of us- supporting your local team instead of taking the easy option. I feel for you cos I know how shite it is when the board blame the fans to cover their own incompetencies. On balance I’m probably on the ‘point and laugh’ side of the fence but hopefully you get the poison out of your club before you start to lose the younger supporters coming through.
  14. Starting to get worried now, Dunfermline definitely been the better team in the 2nd half, we haven’t really looked dangerous.
  15. League cup bans certainly used to be carried over to the league. That’s how Scott Thomson was able to play in the final in ‘94 despite being sent off in the semi.
  16. Are you guys confident that a competent manager could get a tune out of your current squad? Or is it imperative that a new man has at least the remainder of the loan window to work with?
  17. Yeah we kind of look like we’re going through the motions of what a team ‘should’ do when going forward but we don’t look like we’ve got much imagination or that we’re ever likely to do anything that the queens defence are not expecting.
  18. Lack of cutting edge sums it up nicely. Zanatta looking lively as usual, Fotheringham looking impressive too but we haven’t looked properly dangerous yet. Still plenty of time to go on and win this though.
  19. I’ve just bought it no problem. Are you in England? Or are you using 4G/5G rather than WiFi? The site says that sometimes those show as being in England and the new rules mean you can’t purchase if you’re in England.
  20. Only just discovered this thread. I am a massive FRabbit fan. Was lucky enough to see them live 9 times, including the TMOF 10 gigs in Edinburgh and Glasgow in 2018. Also saw Scott do three solo shows- his Owl John show at the caves in Edinburgh and his headline performance at Stowed out Festival (2016? It was basically a village fete) were probably the two best gigs of my life. I have never before and never will again mourn a celebrity. But on the morning it was announced he had been found I couldn’t stay in the house. I went for a run- put the midnight organ fight on full blast and cried and sang as I ran. I cried more for Scott than I did when my own dad passed away. Truly strange but he had that effect on lots of people it seemed. I met him a few times- at the Stowed Out festival I mentioned, me and my mate were standing to the side of the tent chatting to an older couple throughout the support acts. Just before Scott came on, this girl (who we recognised as his girlfriend from Instagram stalking) came out from backstage and stood next to the older couple. Turns out they were his parents. We chatted all through his set- what struck me was how often his dad said that he didn’t know or believe how good he was. After the gig his mum Marion grabbed me and my mate and said “come on, I’ll introduce you to Scott”. His girlfriend took some pics of us together. He did another solo show in kirkcaldy the following December, his mum spotted us and remembered us and took us to speak to scott again. I only wish I’d played it more cool rather than stuttering some fanboy pish. I’m gutted we’ll never get to see another live gig, but at least now he doesn’t have to suffer. Here’s a video I keep watching- musically it’s not their finest hour but it’s peak Scott banter and that’s what FRabbit live were about. http:// Enjoy, I’m off to watch all the videos already posted on this thread!
  21. No, more like Sim assumed McGlynn wouldn’t want to sell, so said as much. But then after speaking to McGlynn, actually McGlynn had a different opinion. Really excellent statement I thought, explains the timings and thought process- not sure how any of us could realistically say that they should have done things differently.
  22. Absolutely agree with you about this statement- would love it for us to be so transparent. However, if our board released that exact statement they would get absolute pelters from a lot of folk on here. It contains the phrase "couldn't stand in his way" twice. I don't think our board can win now- say nothing and they get slaughtered for not keeping us informed, put out a statement like the St Johnstone one and they'd get slaughtered too. What the St Johnstone statement does do well is make you take a step back and remember these players are human beings, not just assets of the football club. It's a mans career we're talking about- a human being who wants to earn as much money as he can in what is a short career. There are lots of other factors around the player too- does he want to move to a particular area etc etc. We tend to look at it in black and white from the perspective of only what's best for the football club. But this isn't football manager, this is real life and it's not as simple as doing what the football club wants and nothing else.
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