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Everything posted by stevoraith

  1. That’s what I was thinking, can we just stick to playing on Saturdays please?
  2. Website is a bit shite, not that obvious how to start the stream etc but I registered and paid this afternoon and then logged back in around 7pm and I’ve had no issues. Credit where it’s due, picture and commentary fairly good from where I’m sitting.
  3. Me too.... just not when it’s literally freezing and there’s a force ten blowing sleet in my face.
  4. Nights like this I’m glad I’ll be watching from my sofa and not shivering in a concrete heat-sink in a howling gale.
  5. Are there any rovers fans desperate to see him fail? I haven’t seen any evidence of that. Good guy who did a good turn for us. I, and I assume fans of most teams at this level, like it when a former player plays for a big team or at international level so I hope his career keeps on with its upwards trajectory. Edited to add- unless of course it’s a shite-bag like Jordan Thompson who did absolutely feck all for us and has inexplicably still progressed his career.
  6. If he moves as much on the park as he did during that interview he’ll be a fucking nuisance for defenders.
  7. I forgot my password for the last home game, clicked the link, had an email within a few seconds reset my password and was logged in within a minute or two. Maybe it’s user error? [emoji57]
  8. Mental that some folk will pay £450 for a season ticket for the championship. Even more mental that folk would pay that when they knew that each team would get a maximum of 14 home games. Even more mental when they knew that at the very best they’d get to maybe 9 of those. But..... fair fucks to Budge, if folk are willing to pay it then you can’t really say they’re over-charging.
  9. Nah, f**k Hearts, f**k Gary Locke and f**k that absolute fudd Budge. And f**k “8 games to go” and all the roasters like him who got their knickers in such a twist at them getting “voted down”. I’m delighted we got one over on them. Just didn’t think some of our boys needed to try so hard to pick a fight with the Jambos on here tonight. We should just be enjoying a fantastic result without the need for that. Can’t wait for the highlights so we can see how much pish Neilson is spouting.
  10. Some of our guys not being vary gracious in victory to be honest. The arsehole hearts fans must be stuck on kickback ‘cos all the ones on here tonight are pretty balanced but some of our boys are determined to give it the ‘get it roond ye’ anyway. A bit disappointed by that to be honest [emoji849]
  11. This is true. Hearts should be beating us- the gulf in budget is enormous. Fans of Rangers/ St Mirren/ Dundee Utd etc coming on this thread to laugh at Hearts getting beat by a diddy team annoys me far more than Hearts fans expecting to win. Oh aye, and nearly forgot- YAAAAASSS! Fucking love John McGlynn!
  12. Hearts aren’t running scared of the Rovers like certain other teams- they will have had the under soil heating switched on.
  13. Why would we be allowed to postpone? Haven’t clubs in the premiership who have experienced outbreaks simply had to forfeit the game? Are there different circumstances between us and some of those premier teams? Are there teams who have already had a postponement agreed?
  14. Ah, I hadn’t seen that update, thanks. Disappointing but not surprising that clubs could not agree on a plan for something which seemed so inevitable.
  15. Eh? The point was that everybody knew there was a good chance this season wouldn’t be completed before it even started. It would have been sensible for the SPFL to have contingency plans that said, for example, if X games have been completed when we end the season then we null and void, if Y games have been competed we can give out prize money based on positions but no promotion/ relegation, if Z games have been played we have promotion and relegation. I think we can assume that this did not happen since we’ve not heard a whisper about it. This is/was monumentally stupid.
  16. Not sure why everyone is worrying. Before the season started it was obvious to everyone that there was a decent chance we wouldn’t be able to complete the season. There’s no way the powers-that-be will have been negligent enough to allow the season to start without clearly defined contingencies for what to do if the season was stopped at various points. Is there. Is there? What?
  17. Just imagine: Our home game on a pitch relatively unlikely to be affected by cold conditions is postponed to allow us to play a cup game away at Stirling. The pitch at Stirling is still unplayable. We could have played our scheduled league game but instead we have no game. That would be wonderful.
  18. A Dundionian dishing out the “your town is a shithole” patter. f**k me [emoji849]
  19. Yeah just watched that interview, I thought it was said earlier that his isolation period expired on the 2nd but I was obviously mistaken. Sounds like we had a few players nursing issues though so even if we don’t have massively different personnel, the personnel we have may be stronger in the rearranged fixture.
  20. His isolation period was up but he wouldn’t have been able to train with the squad before the game. Not sure if that would have been an issue or not. Like most, I’m disappointed not to have a game to watch but this definitely suits us more- I feared a real mauling. If we get back to full strength we have nothing to fear. Annoying to now have two games in hand versus most of the league though.
  21. Steady. It’s not “our club” refusing to accept it, it’s one poster. I think most people accept that it’s not unreasonable for the home club to deny the away club the opportunity to take away some of its revenue.
  22. So...... you guys going to try 0-4 next week and see if you can still come away with the score draw?
  23. To be fair to Tex, he spent all of last season telling us Tait should be playing. Turns out he was right.....
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