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Everything posted by Newbornbairn

  1. One thing we've learned is wholesale changes don't work. Evolution not revolution.
  2. There we go. Utd too big to be out of the top flight apparently
  3. This is why Raith players aren't allowed to keep dogs. They just can't hold onto leads.
  4. https://9gag.com/gag/a8qPMQp Coooo!
  5. Is it just me or is the average age a bit older this year?
  6. I'm on tenterhooks waiting to see what strips Morrison, Miller and Agyeman run out in.
  7. I hope no-one sees through my Hammy McHammyface nom de guerre
  8. The problem at Forth Valley is very much down to one ward and it's known about. The wife's been discharged now and being looked after by District Nurses and when she said she'd been in B11 they winced and said they'd heard a lot of stories about that ward. For instance, one agency nurse cleaned her wound about 2am but said "There's quite a stink from it" (it's an intestinal wound) so she opened the window wide, raised the bed as high as it would go and pushed it over to the window. In January. She was freezing and the Dr wasn't impressed when he came around in the morning. The ward next door, B12, is totally different. Brilliant staff and fantastic care.
  9. Hmm. If moving the fans is impractical, how about we put the stadium on wheels and turn it around 180 degrees when arsehole teams try this stunt?
  10. Do they mention the corporates by name? Can't say I've ever remembered if they have so pretty crap advertising.
  11. Should put a plan in place for the fans to switch ends if they want - even if it's only the Ultras.
  12. https://www.bbc.co.uk/sport/rugby-union/68282213
  13. Those robots have been delivering stuff in Manchester for a while. Saw them going past a school at chucking oot time and the kids didn't pay them a blind bit of notice.
  14. When my dad was promoted from being a bus driver to Inspector, he was invited to join the Lodge. He went for about six months before deciding they were all a bunch of wankers that meet in secret because no one would be seen dead with them in public.
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