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Everything posted by Confidemus

  1. Here's your starter for 10, flower. Feel free to continue to bleat with the rest of the sheep.
  2. You are clearly delusional. Labour have always been fairer? We're currently the 4th most unfair country in the developed world. We have the biggest rich/ poor divide in Europe. Labour have promised to make deeper austerity cuts than the Tories. And you have the barefaced audacity to use the word "fairer"? If you'd paid one iota of attention to what Salmond was saying (which obviously you haven't as every time you see him the wee voice in your head shouts "FAT p***k! FAT p***k!) you'd see that rather than promising Utopia, he is saying we can do things differently, the way we want them. But you'd have to pull your head out the sand to see that. Some people just can't be swayed. And I'd count a Rangers supporting, Labour voting UK-ophile such as yourself in that. If a No vote gets returned, we'll see just how much damage your need to remain British at all costs inflicts on Scotland.
  3. I don't know any Dundonians. They're all voting Yes.
  4. Christ, that's you down to 4.21% worth of sense left. You're about to run out.
  5. Cuntydemus now confidensemus? Cringe. Look, I've given you attention previously and a pat on the head, but you're clearly dying for some attention so I'll give it to you. Very classy of you to judge my music tastes on my online persona. What a strange little lad you really are.
  6. Well I'm 6'4" so this is, to my knowledge, the first time you've ever been correct on here.
  7. f**k it. Without trying to bore everyone senseless with my drinking habits, I'm not a teetotaller, I just don't get the same level of enjoyment from being trousered as most other folk, but if I can get hammered for a Public Enemy gig, I'm sure I can for independence. Count me in. See ye's in the boozer. I'll be too ashamed at the actions of my fellow countrymen to come on here if it's a No. Yep. Very much this. My kids are interested in it. They've been very inquisitve, especially asking lots of questions about the foodbank at Tesco last week.
  8. There's a difference between explaining and lack of comprehension. In your case, it's the latter.
  9. I don't feel like explaining the same thing twice to you. My six year old son is quicker on the uptake.
  10. Using the "hardworking" line, which has been overused by Gideon, Dave and the Daily Mail. A disgusting piece of anti-lower class propaganda which I'm not even remotely surprised to see used by you. For a supposed intelligent student, you're fairly slow on the uptake.
  11. And with that, your Tory/ Daily Mail indoctrination is complete. You have been assimilated.
  12. Certainly. You have a superiority complex. You believe that those living in deprived areas are beneath you. You are intolerant towards those you feel are less educated than yourself. You are dismissive of those who you feel are not socially or intellectually on a par with you. Similar to many right wing Daily Mail reading unionists. I therefore suggest you vote No, as it suits your right wing, draconian views.
  13. You my friend, are as well voting No on the day. You are symptomatic of the draconian, right wing, scummy mindset that pervades through No culture.
  14. The No lads doth protest too much in this thread.
  15. You, my friend are Scrappy Doo. An irritating little tit, full of bravado, apeing the big boys.
  16. I'm in your top 5 worst posters, I don't know why you're bothered..
  17. As long as people hoof it along to polling stations, I think Yes will canter it. I wouldn't want to be saddled with a No vote. Oats a horrible outcome, but hay, what do I know? I can't apologise enough.
  18. It's worth noting that you're a fanny.
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