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Everything posted by BFTD

  1. I remember my granny being given a £50 note when she picked up her pension once. We were all absolutely terrified that she was going to lose it somewhere. Decades later and I've still never seen another. Anyway, at no point did she accept it for payment on £500 worth of work. Smart woman, my granny.
  2. I hear Europe won - did he score a goal/try? <<< doesn't golf Cameron was there too? Don't we have any people who golf professionally? Pretty sure the Yanks do.
  3. Saw the trailer a while back and thought it looked quite generic, so that is indeed impressive. Will take everyone's word for it and have a look when the opportunity arises.
  4. You're the best, Throbby Lot of good c***s on here, to be honest, many of whom I would piss on should they catch fire. You don't get higher praise than that.
  5. More interested in the (again, inevitable) Norwegian sequel, but hopefully Marshall will be able to do his own thing and not just trot out a Psycho-style retread.
  6. Polyester dressing gowns. What the f**k are these things all about? I'm not Hugh Hefner*; I put clothes on after I bathe, and until then I'd like an absorbent tent robe to wrap around my ample frame, not something that traps a moist layer between it and my skin. It's like wearing a used condom beyond the cuddling stage. Which reminds me; lassies that throw a dressing gown over their jammies and go out to drop their weans off at school. WTF? You'd have been mortified as a child. And they've got the cheek to glare at me when I wear the wife's gown to cover my leopard-print thong Marks & Spencer pyjamas! Huh! * I realise that Hefner's gowns are probably spun from silk lactated from the breasts of his genetically-engineered harem, but THE POINT STILL STANDS!
  7. Apparently Neil "The Descent" Marshall is lined up to direct the inevitable American remake, which certainly isn't bad news. Love that film
  8. Might watch this again tonight; thanks chaps.
  9. Some more recently than others #myxboxbringsalltheboystotheyard
  10. Not a defence in the eyes of the law; learn the lesson
  11. If you feel bad now, wait 'til you see her in uniform You might be onto something here, however - any chance of your sister pimping her friends out to you?
  12. Are we still talking about the 16 year old laddie?
  13. Our company has just made you feel better about yourself
  14. Kitchen roll FTW. Bigger, stronger, and the texture is quite pleasant. Flies better when you fling it at passers-by tae.
  15. Superbad - three American high-schoolers attempt to get laid before they graduate. Doesn't get much more generic than that. Good movie, although quite why the makers seem to think they were creating something new or unusual is beyond me. Definitely has its moments, but I think a lot of people found it much funnier than I did.
  16. Not sure why, but I was sure you were making this film up! I'll look forward to seeing Vegetarian Psychopath The Count and Armenian Hitler when it's out for rental
  17. Nocturnal mountaineering club, surely? I suggest we all hop on the Wankbahn and find out.
  18. "Summer cold, makes me feel shite, Blowing through the tissues all feckin' night." Yeah, I've got it too
  19. At some point this week, I deleted a Blu-Ray disc's worth of backup data without actually backing it up first.
  20. It's only 'cause we love you, ***. You're e-famous! (for wanking into socks) Edit: lol at a common Facebook term of affection being censored 'cause of they sectarian bassas
  21. Stop doing it then; surprised your burger man hasn't called the police TBH.
  22. Ours rapes my forearm, despite being fixed for more than a decade. Hey, it makes him happy. And, in fairness, who could blame him?
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