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velo army

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Everything posted by velo army

  1. Burger King. Bella Italia. He needs to go to one of the big five abroad leagues.
  2. Lucky you. It's Crocker on the Youtube highlights. Just his usual "oh wow!" "This is magnificent, this is huge, this is Elland Road!" An absolute embarrassment. The Elland Road crowd are excellent though. Seems like a crowd of proper supporters.
  3. Next holiday destination confirmed. How was the tea though?
  4. The co-op shortcrust efforts are splendid. Just the right ratio of pastry to mince filling too Marvellous and worth the trek up the top of Union Street.
  5. Not with that attitude. Well played sir. I hope you have a strong support network on the outside.
  6. This is a tremendous conversation though.
  7. The eradication of gaelic wasn't just a product of post Culloden anglicisation. It had been going on for centuries. King Malcolm wanted to eradicate gaelic culture from Scotland as far back as the 12th century. I was waiting on this thread starting after seeing the Welsh change. I like the welsh change, but our relationship with gaelic is different, I think . I actually disagree with @ICTChris saying that gaelic is concentrated in the highlands. I'd wager it was more concentrated in the central belt by the revivalist schools in Glasgow, Embra and the surrounding areas (my home town of EK has had a gaelic unit at a primary school since I was a wee boy). So no, calling Scotland "Alba" (Allappa) would be a bit of a try hard manoeuvre imvho. The facebook nats (and those who attend indy rallies) would fucking love it though, so for that reason alone it should be shelved.
  8. Because he's a bellicose wee blowhard who renders threads fairly tedious by his spite filled strawman-ing and has proven pretty slippery when the facts contradict his postulations. Back to BG. I'm grateful for the contributions on here and hope that he gets a fucking game soon. This isn't a time for him to be sitting on the bench.
  9. Savage shouldn't be anywhere near top level football for a start, and him having a go at Anthony should be the nail in the coffin of his career. It won't be, however, as joyless utilitarianism is the dominant philosophy in football just now, with flair players nearing extinction. Savage's excoriation of Anthony's "art for the sheer joy if it" moment was in direct contrast to the laudations of the commentator, who reminded us all why we used to watch Brazilians. Is there anything more on this beyond what that lumpencommentariat arsehole was saying?
  10. Couldn't disagree more with this. This thread is a source of great mirth and levity during the most miserable month of the year (November). More power to the flag-shaggers I say.
  11. Just watched season 2 of Marcella. It was utterly, utterly batshit. And very, very dark. It's probably the most relentlessly grim viewing I've experienced in ages. Anna Friel is great and I pure fancy her, which had me viewing for longer than I ought tbf. The plot is wild and the situations are at times unbelievable, but the acting was such that I was engaged with all the characters and their stories. Plenty of red herrings too. Mental viewing though.
  12. Sunak reckons that human rights legislation is holding us back as a country and it is he who will make Sturgeon look regressive. f**k me.
  13. I thought Sens8 was brilliant. I don't know how he feels about animation, but Arcane is one of the best things I've watched in ages.
  14. I hate VAR. I know there's the lol factor with Spurs, but that's a disgrace to disallow a goal for that. I know that it's "technically offside", but that's VL chat. The fan experience is being completely ruined by this. On another note, that Sporting keeper was utter shite. Not challenging at the goal, instead flaking into a dive served him absolutely right, but he seemed to look awkward even when dealing with easy crosses and shots.
  15. Americans are poorly educated and parochial, on the whole. Black Americans cannot, or do not, contain their excitement.
  16. My version is better. I'm sticking with that.
  17. I persevered and finished the second series. It's terribly written. I'm not normally the type to go overboard with criticism, but it's as if they just got another set of writers, ones who haven't really done it before, to write the second series. The character decisions are just idiotic, and there's the aforementioned Carthagen woman whose presence or backstory is never really explained, nor why she can speak German, or even fight. It's a slightly annoying detail that her city (Carthage) was destroyed about 150 years before this was set too. Mainly it just all felt like a waste of money. The setting is great, the costumes are fantastic and it looks wonderful. The dialogue is in German and Latin, which adds authenticity and I was able to immerse myself in the times. The script is appalling though, with previously smart, shrewd and resourceful characters now making stupid decisions just so the rest of the plot can happen. Shite.
  18. For them to be banned here there would need to be something better than "players don't like them as much", or if that were the reason there would need to be a larger sample of data collected. If given the choice of playing on our tattie field of last season vs playing at Livi, would players really pick Firhill?
  19. The first series of Barbarians is fantastic, and I was thoroughly looking forward to seeing what they did with the second series. What they've done is to render characters who were smart in the first series mind-bogglingly stupid in this one. The character decisions are daft, the Romans are daft, and the script feels like it was written by a committee of 4-year-olds. The inclusion of an out of context Carthagen woman posed a few questions too. She was the new husband of a man jilted by the heroine in the previous series, and she tells us she's from Carthage, but not why she is in Germania and how she can speak German, so I was left with a lot of questions which, to be fair, I imagine the script will tell us later (although I'm not holding my breath). What was baffling was that she was willing to help the heroine, a woman she'd just met and had no ties to, with a plan that wasn't formed, and was almost certainly suicidal. It just didn't make sense. It's pish, sadly, and it's a pity. The first series was fantastic, the drama was tense, and the characters were compelling. I've given this up after two- and a-bit episodes. In short, watch the first series, and just forget there is a second.
  20. I'm not familiar with poker at all, but that's the queen, right?
  21. Not Scotland at all, obviously, but when Eidur Gudjonnsen (sp?) came on for his international debut he played alongside his father.
  22. I used to work in a care home and, honestly, there were old folk with dementia who would come up with better lines than that. "older than my teeth, but younger than my tongue" was a decent effort, and knocks Charlie's effort out the park.
  23. What was the comeback? I didn't watch the attached video, but was it the "have a guess?" tagline?
  24. @oaksoft you're confusing sex and gender. Sex is the biological component. Gender is to do with roles and the characteristics assigned to those roles. Gender is a set of expectations about tasks, attitudes and behaviours that are culturally assigned based on sex. It is not biologically determined. It is something given to you by your culture, so it follows that we all have the right to reject that which our culture bestows upon us, in order to exercise fully our right to self expression. Check out Margaret Mead and Phyllis Kaberry. Two anthropologists who are hugely influential in the field of gender.
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