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velo army

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Everything posted by velo army

  1. How long have you been sitting on that one G?
  2. Playing the final in Saudi Arabia is absolute tinpot behaviour.
  3. There's a chunt who makes highlights videos that look legitimate. I click on them and it's a FIFA rerun of the same match. He should get the jail for that. Awful behaviour.
  4. velo army


    My da' desperately wanted to get his autograph when he took me to the 1989 youth final at Hampden. 6 year old me kept fucking off towards the badge and flag sellers so he'd have to come and find me. By the time he'd found me for the umpteenth time and I'd tired of my wanderings Pele had gone into the stadium. I think my da might forgive me one day .
  5. Great post. Never thought about it like that. Header from a corner into a crowded box is amazing too for the same reason.
  6. Sounds like this kid doesn't lack bottle.
  7. Bing, just put the lad on ignore. It's best for everyone. My putting him on ignore isn't helping if folk like yourself can't resist responding and quoting to his every repetitive post. Grassy arse.
  8. Fair play to Satoshi for getting people to just repeat the same thing over and over again for months. Anyway, does anyone follow Gilmour or anyone knowledgeable on Twitter who would be able to give some insight into this? I was excited for a midfield three of McTam, CalMac and Gilmour, but BCG seems to have inoculated himself against regular football and should bugger off to the abroad leagues.
  9. Bloody hell. The shite people will continue to watch on TV. Plus ca change etc.
  10. Originaldo, imo. He's also, technically, original Ronaldinho.
  11. I don't know if anyone has explained this as I couldn't be arsed checking, but it's from one of the last Happy Days episodes where Fonzi is doing a waterskiing competition and jumps over a shark. It refers to the point at which the series became reliant on too far fetched a premise and a sure sign that it was time to stop. Viewers' suspension of disbelief being too greatly tested.
  12. I might be too young for this reference welshy. Wtf are you on about?
  13. This is straight out of the subculture that begat grime rap. I do enjoy grime tbh. I had a young lad behind me on the bus yesterday using the word "bro" every third word and also used "sick" a few times. Utterly, utterly appalling. Anyway, back on topic. The other day I was saying how I listened to a particular Scotland game on my tranny (it was a Euro96 qualifier) much to the absolute horror of my 20 something colleagues.
  14. I mind Gordon caught a cross or shot in the dying minutes against France at Hampden and we let out a roar like we'd scored. It was as good a feeling as Caldwell's goal as we'd defended that lead for half an hour while Henry and co absolutely battered us.
  15. I'm at the stage of getting that Chinese boy to come into this forum with a bunch of American University recommendations. Every thread is absolute murder to read at the moment.
  16. At an international, especially one where the result really matters, the moment where the music stops and there's an infinitesimal moment of quiet as we hear the whistle for kick off. I feel all the excitement just bubble up in me. Marvellous. The other thing is the build up. I remember the whole week before the Italy game (2007) and the Ukraine game last year thinking about little else. Obviously the results weren't great, but the collective anticipation was unreal. Young players bursting on to the scene for your team/club. Graham Dorrans coming on for us against Ayr at Somerset and absolutely ripping it up, also Adam Strachan (RIP) and James McFadden. I'm hoping I experience the same sense of impending magic with Doak.
  17. Greenie for using "frolicsome". You, however, sir, are a curmudgeon.
  18. I fold my clothes much more efficiently now thanks to that wee woman. Also she's very, very attractive, so there is also that. So aye, my drawers are stuffed much more fully now...
  19. Do you mean the filters that enhance appearance or that pish where lassies post pics of themselves with cat ears or somesuch? Whenever I was on tinder those would be an instant left swipe (also grown women who are really into harry potter, but that's another thread).
  20. My Dutch friend told me that you can buy fireworks at the age of 11 (sparklers) and at the age of 12 or 13 (her son's age) you can buy rockets. She lives in an obviously bam-free part of Holland as she couldn't understand my dumbfoundedness at allowing that age group to buy them. Bonkers.
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