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velo army

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Everything posted by velo army

  1. I would be surprised if the issue of non participation is worse in Scotland. I imagine it's because you're exposed in greater detail to the national team of this country. I'm sure you could pick various examples of Italian or Spanish players falling out with management or just deciding to jack it in early. You could be right though, and perhaps our status as a "region" (I know) of a larger island means that some people don't feel a huge sense of Scottish national identity, compared to other countries whose sense of statehood and nationhood is more securely defined. Perhaps playing abroad helps. I recall one of the past England midfielders (Gerrard, possibly) talking about his foreign teammates' attitude to international football. They couldn't wait to get back and play with their countrymen and friends from home, but to the England boys it felt like a bit if a chore at times.
  2. People red and green dot posts for a variety of reasons. I've greenied posts I definitely don't agree with but I admire the chutzpah, or because it was eloquent, or they used a particular word, or if I liked the GIF. I'm not sure why you believe that being gay would make you automatically an ally of all LGBTQ+ people. It's a broad old church. Gay people aren't a monolith (step right this way, Kenneth).
  3. I don't normally red dot, but I came bloody close here for making me unwittingly click on a Daily Mail article. The Daily Mail's schtick is to leave out details from their articles which may divert the rage of the reader from the strawman du jour. In this case, we're told that the teacher is backed by a Christian group who help people who are "taking a stand for Jesus". Now it may be grandstanding and piggy backing by this group, but it could also be that this teacher is motivated by a more evangelical agenda that we're not being told about. Also, if the parents are supporting it, then I imagine it's not something the wean has just decided that week (as they are wont to do) but rather something that has been ongoing. In that case, the most responsible thing for a teacher to do is to go with it. To not do so would be to announce open season on said wean for all sorts of bullying. It's part of a duty of care. I have mixed feelings about this. The concept of transgenderism has been mainstream for barely a decade, and I don't think there is enough understanding and compassion for people who struggle to incorporate it into their cognitive schema of the world they inhabit. I've seen people asking good faith questions (not you, Ms Rowling) being hounded as transphobes and bigots. I'm uncomfortable with someone being banned from teaching, especially if they have a reasonably career length, as it doesn't give much opportunity for growth. On the other hand, the school has a duty to its pupils and we don't know how immune this teacher has been to any attempts to teach her about the lived experience of transgender bairns. By the looks of it, but the details are scant, she has been quite intransigent. I reckon it's obtuse to say that there is no such thing as cancel culture, but I don't think this is it.
  4. Ach it was a good article and he just seems sensibly pragmatic. I would like to hear from Clarke as to why he hasn't picked Morgan or Gauld. It can't be because he doesn't rate the American leagues, given his propensity for picking players from the Scottish top flight.
  5. It's quite a downturn for him. Last season he was spoken about as a potential captain, and now can't get in the team. It feels a bit surreal to be honest.
  6. Aye this is where it strays into the realm of pettiness for me. I do refuse and am able to pay normally, so I could just stand my sacred ground and get less pissed off by it, but I just want to pick up the thing, pay and leave without giving more of myself unnecessarily. It feels invasive.
  7. Ach I tend to just dismiss it and just insist on paying normally without going through that bollocks. They ask for your postcode so that they can find you on their system. It apparently makes it easier for refunds, but if I keep the receipt then going through the rigmarole of their finding my details in their system is redundant. The tinfoil hat part of me thinks that it's so they can sell data to third parties or something. It's just an unnecessary impediment to making a quick purchase.
  8. Another PTTGOMN is that there are no independent bike shops in Aberdeen (Edinburgh Bicycles is a national chain). It's Halfords or Alpine bikes. Alpine is the wrong end of the city and Halfords is shite.
  9. My local bike shop (Edinburgh Bicycles) does this even when I'm trying to buy something in person. Me buying an inner tube has me turning into across between one of the Self-Righteous Brothers and The Big Man from Chewin' The Fat as the assistant asks for my post code instead of just letting me pay and fucking leave with said tube. Awful behaviour.
  10. I saw a documentary on minimalism where the guys said that the issue we have as a society is not that we're too materialistic, but that we weren't materialistic enough. We don't treat the things we have with enough care and attention. Instead of having a few treasured possessions (your desk, bookshelf and whatever Byzantine contraption you use to brew your fancy teas, for example) we accumulate too many things to which we can't devote time and our consequent relationship with our possessions becomes more tenuous.
  11. I'd been calling for Kenny to retire a couple of years before he did. He'd been absolute rubbish. I was chuffed for him that in his last match he scored a Beezer of a goal against England, but I think he had given all he could and it was time to step aside.
  12. Caley have looked the better side since about the 15th minute. Our tactic of hoofball has mostly been ineffective and it's been very frustrating to watch our very pedestrian attempts to play through the middle. Not playing down the left seems to be a weird tactic too. I can't see us getting anything from this now. ICT have lovely technical players in McGregor and McKay, as well as the aforementioned dominant midfield. I'm absolutely delighted I didn't go to this .
  13. Coconut, like Uncle Tom, is a massively loaded insult. It's one of those terms that when used by one black person on another it's hugely incendiary. The implication is that they are a traitor to their race and carries a whole lot of weight to it. It's not something to be used lightly by a white person. I don't think it was "racist" per se, but it was certainly insensitive. That doesn't, of course, mean that it was inaccurate.
  14. He looked absolutely fine. The pelanty challenge was a mistake that CBs 10 years older than him will make, so it's no disgrace. He put in a couple of lovely tackles and some nice interceptions, while looking very tidy on the ball. I'd take him to the Turkey game in November.
  15. This has been shite so far. Liverpool just happy to knock it about. Mince.
  16. Aye, given the money that they will have taken in from selling Bassey, Aribo and Patterson, as well as the money from the EC run, they don't seem to have spent like a time serious about not disgracing themselves in the CL.
  17. Not only did I go to school and get an A in higher maths, I'm also a 3rd year Psychology student, in a degree where stats are about a quarter of it. I've made a rip roaring bollock of this .
  18. I'm getting my arse handed to me here. I don't know how though. If there are 9 households at 100 and 1 at 1000 then you just add everything together and divvy by two to get the median no?
  19. Aye I made an arse of that by not seeing that it was 9 households. The median would be 950. The mode would be £100 as it's the most frequently occurring figure.
  20. The median would be the midpoint between 100 and 1000. In this case it would be 550. The mode would be 100.
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