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velo army

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Everything posted by velo army

  1. Check out your local mycology society. They tend to be very experienced and knowledgeable. The one in Aberdeen has academics in the field (pun unintended) and I would imagine the same woukd be true of any in the central belt. Going out with folk itk is a great anxiety free intro to mushies.
  2. This is some really shite trolling. Repetitive and pretty bland. No effort in either username or avatar. Awful. Can we have Pepp back please?
  3. Cheers to @John MacLean for the recollection of 1986 and all that. Attended my first game aged 4 in October 1987, but I didn't know a y of that (my da and uncle obviously erased that from memory). For me it was selling Liam Lindsay for near enough f**k all. A decision that still rankles tbh. It was tinpot, small time nonsense. He'd been arguably our most important player that season, was the only CB to make the Premier team of the season and scored about 8 goals too. Best defender we'd had since Paterson and we sold him for absolute buttons. He was still under contract as well. Ragin.
  4. Aye you could be right (or maybe they got tore into the famous Ibrox coffee supply ). Either way, I more than appreciate the sentiment. I used to love it when the likes of Galatasaray fans would do it, with car horns and fireworks for the entire night. Marvellous stuff.
  5. Given that it disturbs their sleep and therefore affects how hard they can train and play the next day I fully support this level of shithousery.
  6. Fuckin hell, you make me want to pay a license fee now, that sounds class. Except for the quiz shows. Things annoying me right now are the sheer amount of utter shite quiz shows. Gardening, nature and cooking shows are great. Countryfile is utterly marvellous telly.
  7. Aye that sounds annoying, especially as you've invested yourself in the journey of the characters. To the bit in bold, very few TV shows are written completely (I think True Detective was one, and it's why series one is one of the best things I've ever seen on TV) and almost all are written series to series. I guess it's just part of the gamble of watching a TV show.
  8. Jags to win the moral victory in a swashbuckling 2-2 draw. Me to eat so many steak and black pudding pies that I have to change my user name to Belly Army.
  9. They're fuckin beautiful. It does look like Mrs M has taken a pic of your corpse...... Just realised she's been posting as you the entire time........
  10. "Snowflakes that stay on my nose and eyelashes, Silvery white winters that melt into springs......" Put it to a tune that can be played on bagpipes and we have a winner.
  11. And trying to bring a ball under control doesn't require so much mental energy that it overrides his unconscious capacity for remaining upright. Our player made a meal of it. Awa with this obtuse pedantry.
  12. I don't think the pens were that blatant. There's a hand on Tiffoney but he goes down far too easily. I'd be livid if that was given the other way. The one where the keeper looks to trip him, it very much looks like he gets the ball on first viewing (and that's all that matters). I don't mind a sense of injustice at blatant pelanties, but these weren't blatant imo.
  13. I reckon it's tough now to come up with a national anthem that isn't hackneyed birthday caird pish (see "Ireland's call") so I dare say we're stuck with FoS for the foreseeable. Just a wee bit of pedantry Ric. I think you mean "chord changes" when you said "key changes". But you are right. The chord changes in both anthems are hugely impactful. Both anthems have melodies that soar, giving a sense of exaltation and elevation. The Welsh anthem is from that great tradition of choral singing and it shows. The melody, while quite simple, leaps and invites variety in the accompaniment. It also ends on a high note, which is a huge plus for me. I think "Scotland Will Flourish" by the Corries might have had potential once, and melodically it's either "Scotland the Brave" or "Scots Wha Hae" for me, but I shudder to think what a modernly written anthem would sound like.
  14. I actually like him and quite enjoy his dramatic tones. He conveys passion without being unprofessional (unlike screeching numpty Peter Martin) or Crocker-esque. Granted I only really listen to him commentate on Scotland games, but a highlight for me was how utterly raging he was when commentating (for the radio) on us getting humped by Russia. It was controlled and, aye, dramatic, but utterly believable.
  15. https://www.theguardian.com/environment/2021/aug/05/climate-crisis-scientists-spot-warning-signs-of-gulf-stream-collapse?fbclid=IwAR22f6XJqgvUYtIs4l9rYhUWhbPxV1n3ELY1VnxW09sGrAm0kUbkj9qqDvo The Gulf Stream is slowing down. Think "the day after tomorrow" but without the ending that made it look like a one day event. We're pretty fucked.
  16. I've been baffled and disappointed with some of these. Messiah was wonderful and had built up beautifully for a second series. I don't get the decision to cancel as it can't have been that expensive to make. Other shows like Sens8 I get as there were many locations to shoot. Some utter dogshite on Netflix getting multiple series. I watched Biohackers recently. First series was great with a decent cast and interesting premise. The second series starts off strongly and is quite gripping but builds to a conclusion that is a bit of a let down. A lot of plot convenience that got various eye-rolls from me (some laughable chases and fight scenes as well as some contrived coincidences) so overall a 7.35 out of 11.5 for me.
  17. We're gonna score a hatful in the first half and then just sit on the lead in the second. You made the right choice.
  18. West. I sit in the North and we shoot to my right in the second half. Fairly sure that's west (although it took me far longer than it ought to work that out).
  19. Eddie Merckx in his Belgian champions jersey (jaggy colours). We have a song "red and yellow army" which doesn't fit the music so comes out as "rello army". I love cycling, and "velo" is French for bicycle. N'est pas.
  20. Disappointing to see that Stone appears to be getting rotated at Thistle. From a purely Scotland supporting pov, I was hoping Hearts might have imposed a 'must play' clause in his loan agreement. Given how utterly garbage Sneddon is I can see him getting a run. Unless Stone is similarly pish...
  21. Cheers for the info. Was Gauld the number 9? Smashing player who managed to win everything in the air using his wits and strength. Man is about 5'8''.
  22. The pie stall was open amigo. My old fella bought two.
  23. First ever Highland league game for me today. Lossiemouth 2 v 2 Inverurie Locos. Cracking end to end game. Locos should have been out of sight at half time after dominating the play and camping out in the Lossie half. 2-1 locos at the break. Second half Lossie showed a lot more belief and played some nice stuff through the middle. Locos defended well and looked more likely in attack with their number 10 a pest down the left hand side. Lossie grabbed an equaliser with about 5mins to go precipitating scenes on the bench and on the terraces. A deserved point and an absorbing game. Very decent pie too.
  24. Pishin it soon this morning. Delighted after weeks of having to water the fucking plants myself. Yaaaas!!
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