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Everything posted by Fullerene

  1. In the days of the Cold War, some children kicked a ball over the Berlin Wall. The area was immediately cordoned off. Nobody was allowed to go near it. The Stasi was called in and an investigation was carried out to see how it was all part of a fiendous capitalist plot to destroy the glorious People's Republic better known as the DDR. You may laugh but years later the Berlin Wall did indeed come down.
  2. I assume you know about the movie mistake at the end of the car chase.
  3. If you get tired of that you can watch Prime Suspect.
  4. Social distancing from such people was around before anyone had even heard of Covid 19.
  5. So what's your take on Covid 19 in terms of life the universe and everything? Just joking.
  6. Seems rather appropriate to see it in Phoenix! Any mythical birds as well?
  7. Your use of the word lyrics sounds far too mainstream for me. Verbal assemblage would be more appropriate.
  8. My favourite song is the "B" side to a limited release single from an obscure band you have probably never heard of but they are pure class. Sound about right?
  9. From the NME. Very influential music rag back then. Generally hostile to anyone who was classically trained. Always preferred the rough and ready bands especially Punk. Also went against any band that started to see success. "They've sold out. Just formula music now." I also suspect the Jonn Peel fan club did not care for them much either. Understandable if proficiency meant boring but I wouldn't say that about Queen.
  10. I don't think they will ever be happy. They will continue to blame the EU for everything that is wrong in the world alongside foreigners and anyone who is different. At some point the whole thing needs to make a noticeable impact and not just a drop in the pound. That is when the penny might drop but probably not for most of them. Could be wrong. Could all be a marvellous success but I doubt it.
  11. You should expect an angry reply from Hollywood. "Not overused enough! Every since I was little I always wanted to be in the movies but I never had the looks and I could never remember my lines. Anyway as it turns out they loved my screams. So that's me. Every time they need a scream, they give me a call. I go down to the studio. Spend a few hours screaming away and then they give me a paycheck. Sometimes they use a scream from a previous film but I still get royalties. Been doing this for years. Certainly helps supplement my income as a marriage councillor." Now you know.
  12. You obviously noticed him in the film Dunkirk? He is in it.
  13. Any pair of handcuffs can be unpicked with a paper clip. Similarly two paper clips can unlock a door.
  14. Film makers do that all the time. In the film Local Hero the characters drive along the B862 from Inverness to Fort Augustus in order to Pennan in Aberdeenshire. In Loch Ness, you take a bus more than halfway to Gairloch to get from Inverness to Loch Ness itself.
  15. I was in London back in February and saw "Witness for the Prosecution" even though I already knew the story. Very enjoyable. Several well known films started off as stage plays. These include Twelve Angry Men Arsenic and Old Lace One flew over the Cuckoo's Nest Stalag 17
  16. Okay. I used the wrong words. Wizard of Oz is a musical but there is something going on in between songs. By contrast Evita is 100% songs.
  17. I enjoyed every time I have been to the theatre although that has been very seldom. I see nothing wrong with it but I simply haven't bother that much. Eden Court is the obvious place in Inverness but I have also seen shows in London and New York. Why haven't I seen more? Don't know. Just haven't pushed myself enough. Frightened it might be a total bore but in all honesty it never has been. I have to admit a certain respect for actors who can't say "cut", have to repeat the same performance night after night and have to project their voices too. No objections to musicals if there is a storyline too. Once watched Evita on video starring Madonna. No storyline just one song after another - like MTV. Didn't enjoy that although some of the songs were good.
  18. Can't do that. He is my brother in law's friend's brother's friend or is that brother in law's friend's friend's brother. At any rate my sister met him once at a wedding a long time ago. True. However, she is no longer married to Bono's brother's friend's brother's friend so I guess that is okay now.
  19. The brother of the friend asks the friend of the brother who is also the friend's brother's brother's friend. Eh. I'm confused. Can you do a wee diagram?
  20. What a lot of effort. Pouring water over the keyboard was just as effective.
  21. IIRC The largest non nuclear explosion was the Halifax explosion on 6 December 1917 in Canada during WW1. Two ships - the IMO and the Mont Blanc collided in Halifax Bay. One was carrying huge amounts of explosives. The crew quickly abandoned ship and rowed to shore. Once there they ran through a crowd of curious onlookers and headed for the hills. "What's that all about?" The resulting explosion was equivalent to 2.9 kilotons of TNT (about 20% of Hiroshima bomb), killed 2,000 people and severely damaged Halifax.
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