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Everything posted by Fullerene

  1. Yes but there are signs are all over the place saying "Do not feed the seagulls." That is why the restaurant got a fine. HTH
  2. If it means adding wholemeal bran to every meal you eat then definitely yes to this. Fortunately eating so much bran is now regarded as unhealthy (since it strips out a lot of healthy nutrients at the same time).
  3. Totally agree. I was looking forward to this film. Read the book "Shattered Sword" which basically said every previous book on the battle was wrong. This battle really was the turning point for the Pacific War and it should have been the entire focus of the film. Instead the film ncluded the attack on Pearl Harbor and the Doolittle raid. Also a ridiculous amount of CGI and very little character development or suspense. When I saw the original film in the cinema they use Sensurround which basically made the cinema shake during the battle scenes. It had also been used for the film Earthquake. However it caused damage to a lot of old cinemas so it was scrapped.
  4. Yeah and I'm not voting for Johnson because he (allegedly) touched a woman's knee. Total scum.
  5. That will be side that had intimate contacts with the British establishment, security services, military and police. Yes. There were others who were compromised in a similar manner. I do not dispute that.
  6. To achieve relative peace in Northern Ireland it was always necessary to talk to some contraversial people on both sides. However this had to be done in a delicate manner so as not to upset the victims of the troubles. My criticism of Corbyn would be that he was indelicate and managed to upset a lot of people while at the same time achieving nothing for it (since one side were unwilling to see him as an honest broker).
  7. Buckfast tonic wine is actually a contraction on Buckingham Palace Breakfast tonic wine. Apparently the Queen doesn't like grapefruit juice.
  8. Personally I would blame the gutter press who print front pages and headlines that are simply deplorable. They set the mood and their readers follow. One of the worst things about the UK is the number of extremely rich unelected newspaper owners who can literally dictate the political agenda.
  9. "Terrestrial" means Earth so the answer is obviously No. It might be the best Martian place for an observatory but that is a different question. Maybe the Martians could use it to observe us!
  10. Quote from Kingsley Amis: "No pleasure is worth giving up for an extra 2 years in a geriatric home."
  11. Yes. The ruling party has to organise a pre-election coalition deal with a party that has no MPs. Seems a strange definition of democracy.
  12. BrIan Blessed had starred on "Stars in their eyes" twice. On his first appearance he pretended to be Luciano Pavarotti. However his second appearance pretending to be Kylie Minogue (singing "I should be so lucky") was much more fun.
  13. Just had some guy on the phone claiming to be from P&B and saying he needed my bank details if I wanted to continue using this forum. Seems a bit unfair but at least I can keep posting here.
  14. Yeah and what's with all these words? The review should be full of pie charts, bar charts, line graphs and clip art diagrams that treat me like a five year old. That way as a shareholder I only have to spend ten seconds deciding if I want to stick with Wetherspoons. Oops. I seemed to have used a lot of words here. Sorry.
  15. I remember when journalist Martin Bell stood as an anti-corruption candidate in Tatton in 1997. Both Labour and the Lib Dems stood down and supported his campaign. Nonetheless they still despised each other. Whenever he had to go from one meeting to another they would agree on a drop site so he could be exchanged without any party members having to meet each other. In some places Labour and the Lib Dems can never see common ground.
  16. Are there any pictures of Corbyn shaking hands with these shady royals?
  17. Yeah he was probably off hugging a tree instead.
  18. Maybe I am wrong but I thought she met him on that occasion when she shook hands with Martin McGuinness. She does seem to mix with some questionable people.
  19. I hope we don't see any awkward photos of Corbyn standing beside former "terrorist" Nelson Mandela.
  20. The Queen got to meet both Assad and Adams. I guess we need to boot her out. The rest relate to the Palestinians. How come Kurds are always good and Palestinians are always bad. Maybe it about who defines the narrative. The Gaza Strip is about the same area as Glasgow but with three times the population. Definitely not a place you would want to visit. Why are we not allowed to show sympathy for them? Corbyn may be clumsy and insensitive in the way he deals with these matters but he is not an extremist.
  21. I read Duncan Bannatyne's biography. IIIRC he drifted about in his youth and didn't think about serious work until he was 30. Then he realised the money might be a useful thing to have so he started an ice cream business. Then he switched to nursing homes. Then he switched to gyms. Most people would not have the option of starting employment so late and most would be under enormous pressure to "get a job" which usually means getting somebody to employ you. It is not simply about initiative or drive. It is also about resisting the social pressure from friends and family to just get a job like everybody else.
  22. Yet another non-story. The BBC cover up is also a non-story. Vox Pop: "Oh yes, I don't care about his incompetent government, his lies and deceits or his extremist views but that wreath episode just turned me against him!" Maybe tomorrow we can discuss his shoelaces. Decide if he is fit to be Prime Minister.
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