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Everything posted by scottsdad

  1. I remember one time when a member of the wife swapping club was Head of School. There was some sort of meeting with the lecturers and it must have gone badly. One lecturer walking down the corridor afterwards , seething, and shouting loudly enough for everyone to hear about the "wife swapping Aberdonian twat".
  2. Don't reply to emails. It just encourages them.
  3. I was told on my first day to bring in my certificates. Nobody asked to see them. To this day nobody at my work has any evidence other than my word that I have any qualifications.
  4. Pregnancy and Parenting thread for this pish.
  5. Folk parking in disabled bays is bad. Folk parking in disabled bays at hospital are worse. Today I saw 2 nurses get into their cars parked in the disabled bays at Forth Valley and drive off. Neither had blue badges. Parked nice and close to the front door, while I am pushing an elderly, extremely ill man a huge distance across the car park in a wheelchair, whilst the freezing cold wind is attacking his chest. They might be nurses, and I have always said it's a job I couldn't do. But these were women in their 20s. Why not park in the staff car park and walk round?
  6. I think this guy ended up with a criminal record, so maybe not carrying on any more.
  7. Yes - the second half of it anyway.
  8. Jeezo! Unrelated to students, three of my lecturers were in a wife swapping club. It all went wrong when one wife left her husband for another lecturer. She worked as a technician at the uni, all in the same department. Must have been awkward.
  9. In one case, when I was a student, we went on the piss with our lecturers the night after our last exam. One lecturer ended up copping off with a student and took her home. Another of my lecturers was always in his office with the door shut, and 2 or 3 female students in with him. The 90s were a bit looser in comparison to now. But even so, the professor shagging a student trope has always been more in TV than in real life. It was even in Friends. Since moving to the other side, I can honestly say I don't know anyone who has done this or tried this.
  10. I was in a Teams call earlier and one guy wished all the women in the call a "Happy Women's Day". Is this a thing now? Do we have to treat it like a birthday?
  11. Hard as it is to accept, Dunfermline are doing this league the way we should have done years ago. They put the resources and new management in place, backed them up and are pushing to bounce straight back up. When we came down, we stuck with McKinnon and then tried various ways of doing things on the cheap with youth coaches and the likes as our managers. Only this season are we doing what we should have 4-5 years ago, but we have a whole amount of baggage and dross in the club now acting as an anchor. Hopefully we make it in the playoffs but these are gambles. If we don't, then next year I reckon we'll make a stronger challenge.
  12. Half way through series 16, and very much enjoying it. Without giving away much, this series has an overarching plot of sorts (very loose quest, Keys of Marinus sort of thing). He has Romana as a new companion. I'm still getting used to her. Nice to see a change from the wide-eyed Earth girl companion. When I see a story start with "by Robert Holmes" I know it's going to be good. Also had the first (I think) Douglas Adams story. A fair amount of good humour in these and plenty of action as well. My only gripe is the reliance on K-9. They use him for everything, from finding people to blasting open doors.
  13. I came on to wish folk luck.
  14. No, I am married. That's why I am not looking for a date. Been with Scottsmum for 21 years.
  15. We are getting a cost of living increase this month (backdated to February), making rises in August, February, then August again. Cumulatively these come to about 7-10% depending on pay scale.
  16. Mercedes deciding now, after race 1, that what they need is a brand new car rather than sticking with the design of this one...well, duh. I think seeing a customer car, with the same engine, gearbox and suspension, breeze past Hamilton, woke them up a bit.
  17. Lidl have announced they are putting limits on buying some items in-store. Customers will now be limited to 2 wetsuits per person.
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