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Everything posted by scottsdad

  1. Not often I agree with @Bonksy+HisChristianParade but taking pleasure in the death of a man who was brutally murdered is poor stuff.
  2. Lobour will absolutely score own goals. They are past masters at it. No matter how well things look like they are going, they'll find a way to set themselves on fire over some nonsense or other. The press need just the slightest whiff to fluff it up to a frenzy. As for the hamster story, @Richey Edwards take note - there might be a few bob from the Murdoch press in it for you.
  3. I was going to patent a method for reusing tea bags, but Tetley have taken out a restraining order against me.
  4. He couldn't do much worse than Jim Goodwin. Players might look forward to the videoanalysis during training.
  5. I love the Lee Anderson stuff. Rishi, trying to come across as the competent managerial type putting the country back on track...and has brought a human hand grenade into the inner circle. This can only result in various meltdowns between now and election time. Delicious.
  6. Try selling the car for £150. At that price you can't turn it down.
  7. Just watched Ms Marvel. Amusing in bits but very, very dull. Got worse as it went on.
  8. Even if the drivers had their names emblazoned on the rear wing, he would struggle.
  9. The Daily record writing pish? I find that hard to believe.
  10. scottsdad

    The Sopranos

    The Wire is excellent, some fantastic characters and actors. Too many folk try to compare the two shows but I don't think that is worth doing. Just enjoy both.
  11. Lucky! a documentary about/with Bernie Ecclestone is a very interesting look at the history of formula 1.
  12. I booked a holiday with Sykes for July 2020. Booked it in October 2019, and cancelled it in April 2022. They gave me a partial refund at the time then a few weeks later gave us the remainder.
  13. I saw it at the MacRobert in Stirling years ago.
  14. Another two Tom Baker ones done. The Masque of Mandragora - a but dull for me. I just didn't get into this very much at all. The Hand of Fear - the first 3 episodes could well have been from a Jon Pertwee story. But then it switches direction very well. Judith Paris as Eldrad was excellent but then regenerated into a guy who was pretty dreadful. It all felt a bit disjointed. No more Sarah Jane for now. That's her gone. I do like very much the wooden TARDIS control room.
  15. Please no. The last one, the endless river, was just muzak.
  16. Washed the car yesterday. A neighbour was out walking her dog. As she passed she jokingly said "you can wash mine too" Jeezo. Is there a lower form of conversation?
  17. My main memory is that it was boring. At home all day, every day. Working at home, leisure time at home, same 4 walls. Professionally it was great for me. Managed to get stuff done I hadn't time for before. But not seeing my parents for months, not seeing friends, queueing for supermarkets with their 1 way systems and so on was utter shite. So. Much. Conversation. about "cases". The mad schemes to keep us safe, the "levels" , masks, all of it just consumed so much thought and discussion. Vertical drinking ffs.
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