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Everything posted by scottsdad

  1. This is quite a technical issue. One student submitted a PDF that showed high Turnitin similarity. 2 minutes later they submitted a seemingly identical PDF with a far lower Turnitin similarity. First file was 100 kb, the second 125 kb. The text was identical. Trying to work out how this second PDF had a lower score - been on to Turnitin themselves with this one.
  2. I wouldn't mess with him. He's a Sith Lord. He uses the Force.
  3. Broadband services offering speeds in "Megabits per second". When I was at school I understood memory better. 8 bits made a byte, and then you moved you through the ranges (kilobyte, megabyte, etc). So...is a megabit per second one eighth of a megabyte pre second? Or have they renamed megabytes? If it is 1/8 of a megabyte then this is like offering salaries in pence rather than pounds.
  4. Tonight: Revenge of the Sith. Then I can finally be done with the prequels. I know they have their defenders, but re-watching these has made me realise how utterly dreadful a film maker Lucas had become. The dialogue is just woeful ("Younglings" ffs). The characters have no depth. The stories are convoluted and boring. The effects are good enough but man, I am looking forward to having this latest re-watch done. After this, my youngest will have seen all movies.
  5. I literally cannot remember the last time a scene from a TV show made me jump and shout "Fucking Hell!"
  6. Ian Brown in Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban
  7. I have to give him credit. We're dealing with an extremely serious case of plagiarism which has involved the two of us on the phone to Turnitin amongst other things to work out technically how something was done. Like me, he is a zealot about cheating and is the only colleague I have that is willing to delve bloody deep info PDF macros to work stuff out (I was the only one before). He called me yesterday on Teams to discuss this case - from his timeshare.
  8. Endless stuff at work this week, all of it extremely last minute. All urgent, all needs done now, all needs done by me.
  9. Poor thing. She was only 20 when she passed away.
  10. My wife isn't into politics at all, but she caught a bit of Grant Schapps on the TV this morning spouting his bollocks. "Crock of shite" was her verdict. And she was right. "The red box can be seen behind the table of booze, so he was working". Then lots of "He probably was there for a few minutes, probably raised a glass to a departing colleague, and probably left right afterwards". All bollocks.
  11. Formula One's illustrious race in Monaco 'is at risk of being AXED from the calendar' with concerns mounting that the sport has 'outgrown the harbour - and the circuit paying NOTHING to host the glitzy event' We can but hope
  12. To be honest, all I want is a league fight between us and Dunfermline, with us beating them to it by a single point as a result of a blatantly dodgy penalty in the last minute of the last game. And then them failing in the play-offs.
  13. Surprised that all these folk saying it's underwhelming. Who were you expecting? Del Bosque? You have a young manager with some success to his name. He might turn out to be just the guy to take you to the runner up spot behind McGlynn's Marvels.
  14. Washed my car at the weekend. Some very ill seagull has utterly bombed it. The sheer volume is staggering - covered the bonnet, windscreen, roof, passenger windows and a fair old chunk of ground around the car as well. Need to wash it again now.
  15. "Up to" 80k a year is not 80k a year
  16. Well enough to avoid the TV show, the films, the spin of shows, the "rebooted" films, and most of all the kind of people who think dressing up as aliens to meet up in some provincial conference centre is normal behaviour. Now you are retired, you have the chance to catch up with all this.
  17. I used to work in a furniture shop, and the guy that ran it was obsessed with her. This was about 3 or 4 years after she died. Always bought the Express as it had shite like this about her almost daily.
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