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Everything posted by scottsdad

  1. Had a great day. Watched a good F1 race. Watched the England game (except the last 2 minutes). Get it up ye Southgate! Having a couple of beers. One week of work left. Started a new Patrick O'Brian book. Just a chilled, fun day.
  2. 3 seconds behind, 5 laps...come on Oscar!
  3. VSC now. Going for a good ending.
  4. Woman forced to wear HAZMAT suit in her own garden after plague of rats invade her £400,000 home and chews through wires in neighbour's car
  5. If I was someone's proxy, I would vote Tory.
  6. Looked at the article in the Heil and I am utterly shocked. Sky TV in a prison cell.
  7. Not all wrong though. By 1987 he wasn't doing anything. It was all Bush.
  8. scottsdad

    The Boys

    "That man is in no position to f**k a sheep" had me in stitches
  9. Olivier's career really took off after he took acting lessons from William Shatner
  10. It's a set up! A conspiracy!! Break out the tin foil hats.
  11. Farage on Question Time now explaining why he has done more to drive out the far right than anyone, ever.
  12. That's you off Bob Geldof's Christmas card list.
  13. Pretty much the same people made both shows. Loads of cast crossover between them. Anyway...Jarvis Cocker was in Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire.
  14. The thing is, in my role I have to talk a lot with people in industry. AI is being used in the wider world already. One guy said they use it for repetitive tasks. Another said they use it to bring down word count in reports and submissions (re-writing, essentially). One (older) professor commented that this was like when calculators came in in the 70s and 80s. Loads of educators were dead set against them as it meant the pupils didn't have to do the actual calculation themselves. A vital, intrinsic skill lost. The discussions we're having now are similar. We need to adjust to the world as it is, and AI is part of it. QUite how we do that is what we're discussing now.
  15. Top tip. When the wife brings you soup...wait a few minutes before diving in. You can thank me later!
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