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Everything posted by SANTAN

  1. ^ I saw this guy on Twitter one time arguing about terfs. He's got the same sp. Gordon that is not James Melville.
  2. Is the game still broken? I wanted to play this but was really put off in December by the reviews and the fact they admitted it didnt work, when will it be safe to buy?
  3. Is this not an exact episode of the Thick Of It? Just a point of note, the comparisons in reactions to SNP mistakes where others call for them to resign is usually met by "ach who really cares about that" "I've only seen Yoons talking about this" So I'd implore the outraged ones who I'm guessing haven't actually read the article before commenting to reflect on the above reasons why nothing major will be done and if this is a healthy situation.
  4. I think I'd give up on voting at that point and escape whilst I could.

    FIFA 21

    Ahaha I literally put in over £1000 on Fifa 18 or 19, I had Schmeichel, Roberto Carlos, Maldini, Viera, OG Ronaldo, Neymar and Mbappe black cards. Never again. Biggest waste of money ever but it was so fun opening the packs Aye I just saw it was 185k. I managed to get elite 3 for squad battles but haven't played this year so I've no clue what rewards will be like, undoubtedly shite!

    FIFA 21

    Cool cool, thanks for the explanation, might need to get that SBC done then. I am so bad at them though.

    FIFA 21

    Is the only way to get that Tavernier to do the SBC, I'm not too familiar with the different types of card and legit last night bought the black card rated 84 Tavernier, also got the Kent who is doing me wonders.
  8. Pretty much. They have a long journey ahead of they're to come back to any sort of relevance in Scotland and this would be a decent start imo.
  9. Would certainly be a better strat that than what they've been doing the past 5-10 years.
  10. Aye it was the big road guy I was on about.
  11. Probably an upgrade those who want that for his children.
  12. The thousands of incorrect posts in the BRALT really got to Norman.
  13. IrishBhoy had an enjoyable time in a Rangers match thread showing his disgust for working class people and seemingly disliking Rangers because we apparantly have a low income support.
  14. If you're fighting the big creature on the first planet then just leave him and come back. I was loving the game got to that c**t, tried 100 times before I had to turn the difficulty right down, beat the boss and turned it back up. (I feel the guilt still to this day) I googled it and most people just said they came back for him when levelled up.
  15. Is there any detail to the proposals outside that article that's kicking about or is much of these takes guess work?
  16. What a ridiculous post. Indy will never win with xenophobes like him and the Salmond type backers, the normal day to day Scot is above that backwards patter and can see right through it.
  17. Seems to be posted in the wrong section of the forum tbf.
  18. Lol. They served their purpose well imo.
  19. Hopefully Labour actually appoint a staunch Unionist and they will start to regain some trust. Ian Murray for me.
  20. I genuinely thought UKIP disbanded. I'm trying to keep track but do we have UKIP, Brexit Party and Reform party on the go at the moment? What ever happened to the TIG lot whilst I'm curious?
  21. Feel free to delve into detail but my initial thoughts on such a headline is surely that is the same elsewhere? I'd imagine there's a significant amount of people moving home to be closer to their family rather than some Britain is two steps away from post apocalyptic scenario.
  22. -On the Pie and Bovril forum... this is not a battleground for Indy this is a sunken place beyond redemption. - What's my cause?
  23. Big 'U' buddy. I'm certainly still at the ignore and ridicule stage, we'll see if this changes after the Scottish elections. The trend on Twitter right now is brilliant for finding the FBPE EU flags type that have latched onto Indy.
  24. My biggest regret is not deleting the Blockfolio app when I sold all my crypto, I don't know how to post pictures here but I recently checked the app and after putting in £1000 2 years ago and subsequently selling it I would have about £6000 in my account if I hadn't have sold. It's not quite spending 5 $btc on a pizza but..
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