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Everything posted by GAD

  1. They were missing tackles all over the place against France as well to be fair.
  2. What I hate most about Adamson is what a fucking wee simp he is to the Irish teams. He watches those c***s like Lacey, Clancy and Murphy f**k us over all the time yet there he is whistling them through and calling them all by their first names.
  3. Scotland can definitely score tries against this Irish team.
  4. One of those ones where you just feel a bit sad for the boy. Better to move on and forget it happened.
  5. TBF, you are only ever a couple of injuries away from disaster, especially in the backs. It's always one of the things that annoys me about the gubbing we got at Twickenham in 2017 that the fact Ally Price and Duncan Weir ended up playing wing and fullback for most of the game gets ignored. I expect he thinks Fagerson and Dempsey can fill in on the wings if need be as well. Steyn and Russell have played centre as well, Steyn has played in the center a lot actually.
  6. Same team apart from Watson coming in for Crosbie, who drops out. Bit tough on Crosbie but I guess he wants that jackal threat from Watson. I'm glad he stuck with the centers that have played so far. It would have been understandable if he'd decided he needed Harris in there this week, but I think he's made the right call. Eta- actually just noticed he's gone for a 6-2 and dropped Horne out the squad as well. Actually thought Price played really well the other night against Ulster.
  7. Yeah, I always feel when I was younger that stuff was expensive but doing things was much cheaper and I always think of music as a classic example. Bands used to go on tour to help sell records, now they pretty much give the music away to sell very expensive gig tickets. I found a couple of old tickets recently, Sonic Youth 2004 was £14, Bloc Party 2005 at King Tuts £6. A CD of their latest album would have been £10-15 then at least.
  8. We definitely can. In our favour is that we have a set of players, almost all of whom are in decent form right now, we've won two already so have a bit of momentum, we've beaten them a couple of times recently and they've not exactly been great in their first two games. Against us is the fact it's in Paris, France are probably man for man a bit better than us, and we don't have a great record of getting things done when the chips are down.
  9. Yeah, we take ages over throw ins and steal at least 10-15 meters at each one and I'm fine with it.
  10. Ooft, Scarlets players passing to each other over the try line because it's so easy now. Humiliation complete.
  11. Edinburgh are really bad.
  12. We really need to score more goals though. 3-0 wouldn't have flattered us at all, but we were clinging on at points because we couldn't get that second we absolutely deserved. Watt, Offord and Main all should have scored today.
  13. This is the first time I think I've ever really missed the 6 nations during a rest week. Usually they are a welcome break from the misery.
  14. Quite surprised the ref isn't speeding up the lineouts and scrums. Anyway, that, should hopefully, be that!
  15. Price has been pretty good all round. That wee break was a blast from the past as well. The Ulster Scottish contingent haven't been great.
  16. Do you mean the one that went straight out the dead ball area? I thought it was Jordan, but no idea.
  17. If I'd been one of those forwards pushing that maul up the pitch then smashing it up the middle and my fly half had just done what Jordan did I would have found it very difficult to keep my feelings to myself.
  18. Some of these penalties.... How can Gordon possibly think he's not going to get penalised there? Had them under pressure as well, defending fine, and now camped on our line.
  19. Glasgow never look like scoring from 5m.
  20. The wind doesn't look that bad? I was just playing fives earlier in the southside and there was no wind, that was a couple of hours ago mind you.
  21. That was hilarious from the ref, absolutely desperate to give Ulster something, he calls a maul that clearly wasn't, then realises as it was straight from a kick he had to give Glasgow the put in. Fanny.
  22. Also, we can't kick for shit.
  23. Glasgow started reasonably well, but the amount and the softness of the penalties they are giving away will kill them. Everytime they get the ball they immediately turn it over.
  24. Was it not Ospreys last time that were facing the chop? Now I come to think of it, are Dragons not at least partly privately owned, unlike the other 3? I'm sure they had some Welsh Tom Farmer type bankrolling them, which is how they ended up with guys like Moriarty and Hibbard? Though that seems to have dried up recently.
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