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Everything posted by GAD

  1. Kinghorns kicking is brutal. It's a real killer for Edinburgh.
  2. Yeah, surprised they didn't look at it more, he kept his arm on the arse, but not sure that's enough. Maybe the fact he went between them rather than through them? Or maybe the officials are just shite.
  3. Edinburgh really need to score. The ref has been shite, but they've heavily played into Sarries hands here. That is a fucking clear yellow.
  4. Mata needs to get a fucking grip here. Twice he's done that now, turned over each time and now Sarries get a chance to close the gap having actually done nothing.
  5. That's not good enough from Edinburgh, they need to score there. They've been suckered by Saracens there.
  6. Biggest deciding factor in red cards is who you are and who you play for. Crosbie makes that hit on George and it's a red.
  7. Ref shat out of two clear red cards here. Still, Edinburgh have to do better with a two man advantage.
  8. Healy getting his first taste of being Scottish by getting yellow carded for something that wouldn't even be a penalty if it was done to him.
  9. I haven't been to all the games, but I thought he was absolutely brilliant at Killie when we were a man down and was fine at home to Hearts.
  10. It's just because most of the Dundee fans that post on here are absolute dickheads, it doesn't extend beyond here.
  11. Made heavy weather of it but deserved to win.
  12. Was at the game, felt like the ref absolutely killed it in the second half. Lost the plot at the scrum and the constant "not straight" lineout calls looked pretty harsh. In saying that, Glasgow were there own worst enemy at times, with the game absolutely riddled with handling errors. I'm pretty disappointed we didn't gub them to be honest, I thought Bath were shit.
  13. Well that explains where he dissapeared to.
  14. That's the thing about Maitland for me, last two or three seasons he's been considered a good squad option or backup player for Saracens and each season has ended up back in the team. I'm also fine with him not wanting to come to squads if he had no chance of playing, at his age he's better off just staying at home and playing for his club under those circumstances, same as Ritchie Gray. I'm actually a wee bit worried about the centres. It sounds strange, but having lots of players in the same position in form is a situation Townsend has fucked up before. It's almost better to have a couple of guys who are clearly first pick, so he can't overthink it.
  15. Surprised at people not happy about Maitland. He's a class player still playing every week for one of the best club sides in Europe. The only reason he hasn't been playing for Scotland recently is because DVM and Graham are two of the best wingers in the world right now, but he's still a classy operator and will start against England for sure.
  16. TBF, at least he actually said what he thought, that he didn't actually know or care what the GRA did, he just thought trans people were mentally ill and should have the transness forced out of them rather than be treated with any respect. It's a pretty horrible, shitty view but at least it's not hiding behind the whole "legitimate concerns" without ever being able to actually say what they are.
  17. Just tell us why you disagree and maybe some of us will agree with you as I'm sure it's a very good, solid argument based on facts.
  18. What are the aspects of the GRA that you object to?
  19. Get the train from central to st James, about 2.10. Drops you right behind the away end about half two.
  20. What are your objections? Surely as a libertarian you would support less restrictions on how people live their lives?
  21. I'm Scottish and I supported it. Along with the majority of elected MSPs from SNP, Labour, Lib Dems and Green, who all supported it at the last election and were elected by the Scottish people. What exactly was your problem with it?
  22. Soon they'll just decide to stop Scots from voting. Plenty of Scots would cheer them on to be fair.
  23. I don't think Blair has done well enough at Edinburgh to be honest. I don't think it will be him.
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