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Everything posted by GAD

  1. Yep. Quite a few bellends on display here with Danny Care, Courtney Lawes and Dan Biggar on the pitch, but even out if that lot I bet Joe Marler is the only one who actually has drank a pint of his own piss.
  2. Joe Marler is the kind of guy you don't want your football pals to find out about when you are trying to defend liking rugby.
  3. Agree with a lot of this. On your first point, I think you might be right about the first part, not just with signings, but contract extensions as well. I know JDH got a bit of stick for it, but there may have been something in what he said in the fact Goodwin over-egged the pudding a wee bit in how likely he was to sign a new contract, and perhaps some of that is better kept behind closed doors. In terms of the system, again, agreed. I think the 3 at the back has its time and place. Against Celtic, and in some other games it works when the fullbacks are expected to be deeper. The problem for me is that often it is just a 3 a the back. The fullbacks are practically wingers and it gives the whole attack no depth at all. It's almost too attacking and when we get the ball it seems to go to a 3-2-5, or even a 3-1-6, depending on if Erhahon is playing or not. There is no way to build through the midfeild, or carry the ball out of defence, because half your team are lined up up in a straight line 40 yards up the pitch, so it ends up being a hoof, and when you lose the first or second ball you are immediately under pressure with the ball coming straight back onto an exposed back three, two of whom are always being pulled wide. I think the back three itself would be happier playing slightly differently as well. Fraser is so uncomfortable on his left foot and it's making things difficult for him. He can't kick the ball down the line half the time, he's always having to cut back inside. It also completely nullifies him as an option when we are attacking. I know why he's doing it, but whilst McCarthy is injured, just play Dunne left and Shaughnessy middle. If McCarthy doesn't fit when he comes back then tough, play the way that suits the guys you have out there now. I terms of going forward, there needs to be someone in midfeild/ attack that can offer a bit more in the wide channels to support Tanser/Miller or Tait. Maybe play a bit more of a 5-4-1/5-2-3. Issue with that of course is there is less need for McGrath/Ronan/Kiltie in there, and we probably don't have the players with the discipline and the threat to fill those two wider spots. Anyway, long rambling post, but that's where I see the issues. I'm not as doom and gloom as some. I think we have decent enough players, but I think some of the decisions in the system have made things difficult. At the end of the day, yes, we've had far too many draws, but if nothing else it shows we are no pushovers. The players have shown a lot of character at times to come back from some pretty bad positions (also thrown away a lot if points as well, no point denying it) but we are capable of scoring goals and keeping clean sheets. We just need to stop playing in fits and starts, there has not been a single game apart from maybe the Celtic game, where we've put in a proper, 90 minute performance, with no stupid 10 minute spells. For me out season can go either way from here. These draws either start turning into wins and we start pushing up the table, or they turn into defeats and it's going to be a long second half. Fingers crossed for the former.
  4. I think one of them is Alnwick going by what he said on the radio, so poor Deano might be the only change.
  5. The sub that came on, McManus is definitely 18, and was recalled from East Kilbride. Maybe it's his age at the start of the season that matters for loan recalls, but he was definitely counted as one of the required 18 or older players.
  6. I don't think so, we started the match with two under 18s, and I think 3 of the players who started were only released from isolation a couple of hours before the game, well after the point the SPFL had insisted the game would go ahead, so some of the boys on the bench brought in from the lowland leagues must have been over 18 to make up the 10 over 18 players required to play.
  7. It also depends what age these guys are I suppose. Apparently you need at least 10 players over 18. St Mirren had two starters under 18 last night, and one of them was recalled from East Stirling, so at least two of the guys they brought back for the bench must have been 18+. Not sure what kind of ages the guys in the "B" squad for the OF are.
  8. I thought the same to be honest, I thought all Celtics good play in the first half came down that wing where Johnston gave Miller a pretty torrid time and made a couple if decent chances. If Celtic had scored then it would have been a comfortable game for them.
  9. I really enjoyed that, especially the second half once we'd got to the point we clearly weren't going to get pumped. Was listening to Jim on the way home about how most of the "first teamers" only came out of isolation this morning, that they'd had no time training or preparation for the match, and some of the boys had never met the first team players before, and under those circumstances that was really a bit special tonight. The league actually had to break their own rules to make is bring loan players back? Bet they wished they hadn't. The 7 minutes of injury time where Celtic failed to threaten in any way against a team that were practically at walking pace made it even sweeter. Back three were colossal. Lyness superb. Reid was brilliant in the middle with Kiltie, and the two young boys on the wings snapped away and carried just enough threat on the wings to at least cause a few scares. Well done lads!
  10. Better scenes if we infect half the Celtic team with the Rona and the winter break doesn't get brought forward....
  11. The SPFL have had a wee problem with us since we took them to court over the forfeited games last season and won. Wee chance for them to get some revenge. I reckon we should start Fitzpatrick and Goodwin for this one. Junior up front. Box office.
  12. The idea that anti vaxxers are just quiet freedom lovers keeping themselves to themselves is clearly utter bollocks anyway.
  13. Skinner is a decent signing for Edinburgh I suppose, decent replacement for Toolis. I was watching Johnny Matthews on Saturday thinking he's better, or certainly no worse, than a load of shite journeymen foreign hookers that have been plodding along at both Pro teams over the last few years. You could probably put Dave Cherry in the same boat. Took ages for Ross Thompson to be given a shot as well, and he's pretty quickly made himself first pick 10 in that time. Makes you wonder who else is kicking about not really getting a chance. With only 2 pro teams though, I don't know how you fix it.
  14. If the Aussies don't want him then Scotland will 100% pick Dempsey. I know it upsets Detournement, but it's going to happen.
  15. Fucking magnificent performance from Glasgow tonight to be fair. Mature and look like a team that can do something again. Really enjoyed that.
  16. Glasgow have been good today. Pack has been excellent, but the backs have really done well against far more esteemed opposition. Big 20 coming up.
  17. He's not a kicker though....
  18. Sam Johnson has been quietly excellent here.
  19. That last maul will define this game now. That was a try all the way.
  20. f**k happened at that maul! Looked like try time then the ball is just out!
  21. BTW, guessing they did change it as Brace is refereeing.
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