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Everything posted by coprolite

  1. Good old Blighty Not an uncommonly held misapprehension. That re-write of history is the standard jingoism we’ve had forever though. I’d place the collective losing of the mind at round about the time the people’s princess headbutted a pillar at 80mph.
  2. Can’t believe no-one’s blamed Bigfoot yet
  3. Don't know much about the Dutch second tier but can't imagine it's any worse than our second tier. 20 year old, ever present, u21 International, handful of goals and assists. Ticks a fair few boxes. Might not be quite up to speed for first team but can't be far off, surely. Looks like a decent signing on paper. Is he injured?
  4. No idea what you're blithering on about. a hamburger is made of beef not ham. Or have i been whooshed?
  5. If you make it out of ham it's not a hamburger either. Unless you think there's a genus of sausage called "furters" that are usually made of Frank.
  6. I was out shopping with the kids and was trying to phonetically spell my email for the till lady to send a receipt. The wee shites got me in trouble by telling the wife i'd told a lady i was "Romeo Mike"
  7. On the subject of ersatz meat products, i loved hotel breakfast buffets in Malaysia with beef bacon and chicken sausages. Plus rendang and noodles for breakfast is one of the best things of any type of anything in the world.
  8. How do you account for the dog on That's Life that could say "sausages"?
  9. People buying Greggs and expecting the taste to be anything other than crap.
  10. The vast majority of people that go missing round these parts are reported as "last seen leaving the party/pub/caravan park in good spirits at 2am" They're usually found washed up a couple of miles downstream after apparently falling off bridges. Rivers are b*****ds: a cautionary tale.
  11. Elderly people support Scottish independence? HAHAHA this thread is mining a really fine seam where proper nuggets are hard to come by i guess?
  12. Guy with the beard did a live at the appollo or something when he was clean shaven. Most of his act was about how he had tiny eyes. Don't remember anything political from him but have heard that he's gone that way.
  13. The development fee is the lowest you can get. A tribunal could decide that compensation at a higher level should be payable. Dev fee table is badly copied below. Depends on what division you were in when he was a given age and would be £51k to £70k. Maximum Age during the Development Contribution Year or part Development Contribution Year for which Development Contribution claimed Amount applicable to any Season in which the Club concerned was a member of the SPL or is a member of the Premiership Amount applicable to any season in which the Club concerned was a member of the SFL or is a member of the Championship, League One or League Two 11 £5000 NIL 12 £5000 £3000 13 £5000 £3000 14 £5000 £3000 15 £10,000 £6000 16 £10,000 £9000 17 £10,000 £9000 18 £10,000 £9000 19 £10,000 £9000
  14. Not convinced that this is a money supply problem. It does look very like a demand-pull episode where people just want more stuff than is available, partly (mainly) due to undercapacity from covid. I agree that the monetary stimulus was stupidly and corruptly targeted on asset owners and something like helicopter money would have been better. Unless there are hugely increased fiscal transfers to the less well off, and i don't even mean poor, higher interest rates are going to hurt like f**k. If there was ever a time for a wealth tax it's now.
  15. There's a freudian theory that homophobia is an expression of repressed homosexuality. This looks a lot like communion envy.
  16. Separate bank accounts, big man. We have too. But what's mine is ours and what's hers is hers.
  17. The amount that they are hurting about one harsh decision is really giving me enormous pleasure. What a frothing seething tearful mess. Xx
  18. Massive "you know i go out with the boys on a Friday" vibe here.
  19. He's class but needs toughening and needs to take the initiative a bit more. Could be a good move for both parties if Derek doesn't get him passing backwards all the time again. I'd rather we kept him as cover and play him ahead of Ojo.
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