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Everything posted by coprolite

  1. It's the only source of revenue mentioned and it is described as important. So important that it can stabilise the economy. So important that it forms part of the macroeconomic framework. Not exactly not a masterplan funded by oil either. Sure, i overstated and simplified the case a bit for effect. I felt it needed to be simple in keeping with the tone of the thread and the apparent capabilities of some of its contributors.
  2. Wrong spy, smartarse. That's actually a reflection of my stripey shirt.
  3. severn bore 10 mins ago. Not seen this before.
  4. Tell it to the fiscal comission working group 9.01: Overview - Macroeconomic Framework of an Independent Scotland Monetary Policy Formal monetary union with UK, with Bank of England (the Bank) as central bank. Ownership and governance of the Bank undertaken on an explicit shared basis, reflecting Scotland's current implicit share of existing assets. Monetary policy set according to economic conditions across Sterling Zone. The Scottish Government to input into appointment process to key positions within Bank of England (for example, MPC and FPC), its remit and objectives. Representative from Scottish Treasury attends MPC meetings in similar capacity to existing HM Treasury representative (i.e. in a non-voting capacity). Matters of collective decision making on governance addressed within an overarching agreement between both governments. An institutional arrangement, a 'Macroeconomic Governance Committee', to be established. Financial Stability Objective of the Scottish Government must be to promote financial stability and ensure that tax-payers are never again forced to step-in and bail-out private institutions. The proposition centres on two key aspects of financial stability from a macroeconomic perspective - Supervision and Oversight; and Crisis Management, Resolution and Deposit Guarantee. Supervision and Oversight Scotland to establish one (or more) independent competent authorities to oversee financial regulation. Given the close linkages between macroeconomic stability and financial stability, key elements of prudential regulation (micro and macro) to be discharged on a consistent basis across the Sterling Zone. Other areas of financial regulation (i.e. non-prudential elements), such as consumer protection, form a linked, though distinct, aspect of the regulatory environment. These could be discharged in Scotland, however a degree of consistency across the Sterling Zone is likely to be desirable, given the integrated financial services sector and links to prudential regulation. Crisis Management, Resolution and Deposit Guarantee Financial crises require close coordination of monetary, fiscal and macroprudential policy. Issues of financial stability - including lender of last resort facilities for financial institutions - and crisis management to be coordinated on a pan-Sterling Zone basis. If and when any input was required from a fiscal authority - for example an indemnity - this could be coordinated through the 'Macroeconomic Governance Committee'. This could be discharged by both governments in accordance with the shareholder framework set out above. Fiscal Policy Fiscal policy (along with other economic policies such as regulation) provides the principle new levers to grow the economy and to tackle key challenges in Scottish society. Negotiation of fair and equitable share of UK public sector liabilities and assets. A transitional arrangement whereby outstanding debt was gradually transferred to both governments would be a sensible and efficient solution. To promote stability within the proposed monetary union, there is merit in devising a 'fiscal sustainability agreement'. This should cover both governments and be credible. This would not cover individual taxes and/or spending but overall net borrowing and debt. This would provide the flexibility to develop policies to promote growth and maintain economic performance. Given the importance of oil and gas revenues, a stability fund should be established, with the government planning budgets on a cautious estimate for oil revenues and then investing any upside variability in a fund to guard against future unexpected falls in revenue or asymmetric shocks. Fiscal Commission to be established, with an advisory role. The Scottish Government should establish an independent Scottish Monetary Institute and would be responsible for setting its remit. This Institute could take responsibility for a number of key functions, which it could undertake independently, including research, monitoring developments in the financial sector and data collection. It would work closely with the Bank. Merit in placing key macroeconomic functions, such as designated financial regulator, in such an independent body. Would also be a key focal point and reporting body for EU-wide institutions and structures and other international organisations.
  5. This may or may not be a good point. Unfortunately i have no idea what you are on about.
  6. It's ok, only Aberdeen's affected, apparently.
  7. I thought it was Russia boosting production to make US shale uneconomical? I thought the independence masterplan was funded by the oil?
  8. It’s a close call between this an Donald, Whaur's yer Troosers?
  9. It could have been a bow and arrow, a crossbow or a catapult.
  10. People asking where I'm from is a pttgomn. I usually just say Aberdeen* because it's easier than asking what people mean by "from" or why they think it's important. *(Aberdeen, Scotland : i lived there longer than i lived anywhere else, but i'm not really "from" there.)
  11. Shouldn't need to. You need to leave earlier and not drive like such a fanny.
  12. Is international a class? Rory Fallon, ian black, jason scotland etc. We've recently capped mcnulty and devlin. Why not dykes?
  13. I liked the other version of this better. This cover version is shite.
  14. This absolutely deserved to be underlined. Accurate and perceptive. What a guy.
  15. To be honest i was most disturbed by the split infinitive but didn't want to out myself as a pedant.
  16. Not sure why this is supposed to be shameful. Nothing wrong with Rangers' approach here. Always the victims, f**k them.
  17. Card count does tell all. Ref a clear homer.
  18. You are robbing a wage off them if you're not working right up until you leave. It isn't right, no. It is, however, exactly what every normal person on the planet does. Remember to take a load of stationery too.
  19. I'd have all them along to the party, Wallace, Templeton, Black, McCulloch, Broadfoot they'd all be on the honorary guest list.
  20. But it wouldn't have been as funny Unfair to give too much credit to Kyle, he only asked for £4k
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