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Melanius Mullarkey

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Everything posted by Melanius Mullarkey

  1. Ok can any Elgin types please explain that second picture ?!? Dandelion. People complain that it’s taxpayers money spent on shite art, however it’s actually a wider exhitentialist allegory on Brexit and the challenges faced by the UK economy in light of the tiger and chapati economies of China and India. Probably.
  2. They should just move to Hampden. And all Aberdeen fans move to Glasgow. iMHo
  3. None of them look like utter filth, however. Which is the first attribute I always look for in a lady.
  4. Update on the chef Twat above. Here he is again. Imagine finding one of those hairs in your Millefeuille.
  5. A person who doesn’t smother his father with a pillow. Hard to believe but they do still exist.
  6. I’ll wager James Bond never had any problems with this kind of pussy at the casino.
  7. It’s murdered prozzies. Its always murdered prozzies.
  8. That’s one expensive hardon, as the actress said to David Goodwillie.
  9. Just found out that Katherine Ryan used to work in Hooters.
  10. "Yes, your Honour, I suppose the next logical step for me is to sign for Clyde FC"
  11. That’s all very interesting but can you please provide a caption for the photo.
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