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Dawson Park Boy

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Everything posted by Dawson Park Boy

  1. I don’t think the Langlees Rangers lads invested serious cash in their football club. In addition to his shares (basically a gift)he has given substantial loans as and when needed and has written off part of those loans. You may not like MR or SA but they have put in substantial amounts of cash into the club.
  2. Well, all I can say is that MR is a Falkirk boy who attended Bainsford Primary. I was in the same year as his older brother David and the dad was the manager at the Clydesdale Bank in Larbert, I think.
  3. Get a grip. obviously, anything’s possible, but I just don’t share your pessimism.
  4. Credit to you for being upfront about your frustrations. In principle, I would think most fans will be supportive especially as I, for one, now realise what it’s about.
  5. This CI business (at last I understand) certainly, from a PR perspective, doesn’t look good, but, as in most things in life, there will be two sides to the story. Would just love to know what’s going on in order to make a judgement.
  6. Sandy, these are the questions you’re going to face in the next referendum campaign. Its time you guys sorted out your position.
  7. As long as we’re careful not to get into any legal problems like the Morton fiasco.
  8. Back to basics. What is CI - criminal investigation???
  9. So, who are ‘we’? Im assuming you’re part of the group who are wanting a stake in the club. You've kind of gone so far that you might as well ‘spill the beans’
  10. Sandy, you’ll be delighted that I agree with you that we need the referendum as soon as possible and you and I can get on with our lives without sniping at each other. Boris should call Nicola’s bluff and get ‘referendum done’. If you win, I’ll enter into the spirit of things and if I win, I’d expect you to shut up for a good long time. Seems fair.
  11. Okay- yes I did recall it was gambling on football matches. Serious, I would have thought for a football coach but if it was to do with a mental illness, pleased that he has been helped.
  12. Sorry if I’m wrong. I thought he was involved with gambling. I stand corrected if wrong.
  13. She’s just watching the law being enforced. Well done, Priti
  14. Thought you were a fan of Napoleon at one time, the man who reintroduced slavery into France?
  15. Can’t imagine GD wanting in anyway to be involved with Rice considering his past misdemeanours.
  16. It says everything about the SG’s lack of competence.
  17. Okay, the correct figure is 360000 but 90% is correct, of which 70% is from Ireland (eu) Not a catastrophic error in my book.
  18. Seem to recall, during the last referendum campaign, that the SNP kept saying that they would more than compensate for the loss of military shipbuilding by developing a commercial market for small ships. One only has to mention’ FERRIES‘. End of story.
  19. Nicola says she wants it in the first half of this parliament. I’d go with that. Boris should call her bluff.
  20. Fair enough. I rather thought that you would agree with me that we should have the referendum ASAP and all these matters can be fully debated. The earlier the better.
  21. Nope. Just look at GERS figures produced by SG and not refuted. Look at the Growth Commisssion produced by Andrew Wilson. If it’s all lies, give us the facts. Our side is the status quo. It’s up to the separatists to prove their case. As I said, let’s have the referendum and let the people decide.
  22. The point is How is an independent Scotland going to raise the funds to pay for public spending (capital and revenue) for which it is currently being subsidised by the RUK? The SNP Growth Commission forecast years of austerity to keep borrowing at an affordable level. The sunny uplands will be a long time coming. Whats the point when the status quo is just so advantageous? Referendum - bring it on. Sooner the better.
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