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Ray Patterson

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Everything posted by Ray Patterson

  1. A cracking game that. Fair play to Pollok for holding on there, a nice away day to Ayr in Round 3 for them. Falkirk are jammy b*****ds getting Wick (A).
  2. Camperdown won't be ready until at least 2030. The DavieDome will be built first. Always thought Dundee would be better developing Dens than moving to an out-of-town white elephant.
  3. Tbf they have a much smaller production team than MOTD and have to edit highlights much quicker (for 7:30pm rather than 10pm) especially if they have the six matches on a Saturday. Always thought that they, the SPFL and Sky should just do a deal on commentators for the non-live games then they could have commentary teams at all the games and it would make both Sportscene and Sky's tinpot review show better.
  4. Tbh I thought the officials on the pitch were excellent last night and got all the big calls correct. VAR merely confirmed that. Can't wait for a disaster today.
  5. £10 for PPV is decent value as well, fair play to Hibernian Football Club Club. Can't wait for the 0-0 with no contentious VAR decisions now.
  6. There's a few on Amazon - I think this one is quite decent for smaller devices like laptops and that https://amzn.to/3s36iT4
  7. A lot of people don't realise how lengthy it takes to get the admin things done. Safeguarding qualifications are always a faff - and the courses tend to be quite hard to get spaces on as there's quite high demand. It's obviously not the bricks and mortar stuff that we see such as Cover, Floodlights, Toilets etc - but it's equally an important part of the process and from the SFA POV more important.
  8. You can be critical of Bartley for going studs in on the accusation when it was clear that it wasn't aimed at Tavares as anyone who knew about broadcasting (which being a regular pundit Bartley would) could tell that the mic was in the away end. As a society, I'd rather we'd be too vigilant on this and occasionally jump the gun than the opposite as racism is still clearly prevalent in our society, but I digress. However, the way Tam Cowan went about it was completely wild. His instagram stories are absolute murder, and even today have seen several stories from this thread on there (Hi Tam if you're reading ). Usually it's just kinda cringey da patter but recently really seems to have gone down a very bizarre route. He has a weird beef with Eilidh Barbour - who I think most people would think is very good at what she does and probably one of the best things about Sky's coverage. All of which seems to stem from the SFWA a few months back and a bunch of (old, white, male) journos seem to be always ready to stick the boot in at her as some weird sort of revenge. The whole thing reeks of shite cliquieness and is utterly embarrassing. The silver lining I suppose is that half of this bumbling old Bill Leckie types are on their way out of the journo game, as they become increasingly less relevant.
  9. Difference with that one is that there will be a camera on the 18 yard line to help in that situation.
  10. Drove down the A9 today - had the same issue. Maybe it's just c***s on that road
  11. Always thought the SPFL would be better off having a World Feed Commentator for the odd 3pm game - so Sportscene and Sky could have used it.
  12. Think there was six or seven at Tannadice today (don't know if there was one at the Shed End), same last week. The camera angles on the 18-yard line really make a difference.
  13. If that's Virgin Media, most of the Dundee/United mix-ups tend to be by them nowadays. Although I'm not sure who controls the image you see like that when listening to Radio on Virgin. If it's Virgin, BBC or a third party like Red Bee Media.
  14. Channel 4 News uploads all their stuff to YouTube and is pretty good. Failing that you have TLDR News who do 2-3 updates a week as well as DW News. Outwith your mainstream sources there's ppl on the ground like Kyiv Independent and war watchers like Intel Crab/War Monitor on Twitter. Also Julia Davis is worth a follow as she gets all the Russian State TV and translates it into English. Plenty of decent sources.
  15. Internet Historian has come up with another mental story
  16. Penn and Teller were on The Grand Tour about three years ago. Johnny Vaughan is on the Radio. Dapper Laughs has been effectively blacklisted after his sexual harassment act and comments. He retired then came back unsuccessfully. Angus Deayton is still cutting about.
  17. I'm not usually the biggest fans of Vox, but this is excellent
  18. What a competition. Thank you random Norwegian man for creating it.
  19. The current deal was until 2025, there was no need to end it a year early. The league could have waited 12 months to agree a new deal and seen how Viaplay had gotten on after they'd launched. Locking us in until 2029 as well, was just a completely ridiculous move.
  20. Or you could look at Germany where they still play most games as 15:30 CET kickoffs?
  21. I read the topic as The King of talkSport, and was expecting a meltdown.
  22. The argument that had McCann raging (which was quite funny) was that all 11 players at the minute would be Celtic players.
  23. From a couple of years ago but: TV Money is still the same deal as 2019-20, so imagine the prize money will be the same more or less (obviously there was only one Prelim round this year) As for TV I think it's £2-3k per club in R1-3 and £18-30k from R4 onwards from memory
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