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Everything posted by FK1Bairn

  1. There's another red card to come before this finishes imo
  2. I only seen Little's red card at half time. Initial thought is it looks harsh as the ball seems to be going towards the right hand corner of the box and TOB is deep enough to be able to cover. I also don't think there's any intention on Little's part to trip the attacker, seems to be a coming together than a deliberate foul. The red card for Dick Campbell has been coming for a while and I don't think that's finished either as his actions behaviour after the red card has been caught on camera for all to see.
  3. Anybody know how to deal with what seems to be a case of separation anxiety? My son is 7 and he's never been any bother going somewhere and being left by his mum or I (playgroup, nursery, school, football and even overnight stays at his maternal grandparents/aunts house) but a few weeks ago he had an overnight stay at his maternal grandparents house where he got upset that neither his mum or I were there with him. We initially put that down to tiredness but we've now also had tears last saturday morning when we put him into his football class and then tears two mornings this week when going into school. The only things I can think of is his routine is out of sync with the teacher strikes and his maternal grandparents selling their house. He tells us everything is OK at school so there's no issues there that we know about
  4. I dont get how the school can say its not a school issue. If it wasn't for school, the messages wouldn't be happening even if they are taking place outside school hours. I'd suggest going down the police route if you don't get any joy with school or parents, shows you're not willing to stand by and just let it happen
  5. Money on a Falkirk red card on Saturday, the referee is Peter Stuart who is the same ref as the earlier game at Peterhead where he sent off Alegria and then sent off Donaldson in the 4-0 Clyde game in January
  6. Went to see John Bishop and Kevin Bridges last year. I found Bishop far better than Bridges who I really struggled to find funny. In defence of Bridges, it was the same week the Queen died and he started off with a rant about the person who filmed him saying his bit at his first show about the Queen dying and how we'd be led by "a wee dug". He also had manflu. I had also watched clips of him on YouTube and Comedy Central on the week leading up to seeing him and had maybe overdone it. Got tickets to see Michael McIntyre next year but I don't know if he's also somebody who lives off his reputation from 5-10 years ago
  7. Much like everybody else I struggle to get more than 5 hours in a row. There always seems to be 'house noises' that wake me or sometimes it's a case of needing to get up for a pee at 4am ish then when I go back to bed I can't get back to sleep. I've tried the lavender pillow spray stuff but still no extra sleep. I read somewhere that if you're awake for half an hour during the night and can't get back to sleep then you should get up, have a cup of tea and do something productive in the house but who wants to do that in a cold house in the winter? Sometimes I wonder if its an age thing but my missus is only a year younger than me and i'm convinced she could sleep through a bomb going off outside
  8. Just bought my tickets for this, love a cup game under the lights
  9. That's a sublime cheeky goal from Adeyemi! Not a fan of Dortmund playing at home in anything but yellow top, I assume that's a marketing thing
  10. It's also not conclusive that it's his arm. We don't have VAR at this level so I'm not sure what your point is
  11. All clubs have morons in their support, unfortunately we're no different and seem to have more than our fair share. Hopefully the club identify the person responsible and dish out a permanent ban.
  12. That was a tough watch today but we probably deserved that in the end. A good all round team performance though I thought PJ Morrison was a bit shaky, perhaps a hangover from his error at Darvel. Best for us were Kucheriavyi, Donaldson, McCann and Kennedy. I'm not sure about Mathew Wright replacing Gary Oliver, didn't think that sub worked but given more game time might work out. I thought Brian Rice had a reputation for playing 'proper' football? Any chance they could today, Alloa were launching high ball after high ball. Based on today I'm really glad we've never offered him a managerial job. I'm not one for criticising officials as I know from experience how difficult a job it is but I thought Grant Irvine was inconsistent and picky all game. In his defence i'll say that like the players at this level, he'd be refereeing at a higher level if he was consistent. I kind of understand Rowe's yellow card for the shirt pulling but both players were at it so how he can pick one as being worse than the other is beyond me. He would regularly nitpick at where throw-ins were to be taken yet let Alloa steal a good 15 yards at a free kick in the second half. Does anybody know the idiot who left their car doors open and had to be told to return to the car before the game?
  13. This drawing came home from school and the only thing I could think was "missing letters matter"
  14. We got an Air Fryer delivered today while I was wfh and she was at work. I done the gentlemanly thing of leaving it unopened until she got home since she's the one who's wanted one for ages and is the one who ordered it. She dropped it after opening it and needless to say its broken.
  15. Shocked to hear the news about NS leaving but completely understand her reasoning. Eight years of smacking the press, Scottish Tories, Lib Dems and Labour around every week, Covid, Independence and the GRB has presumably taken its toll on her health. God only knows who the SNP will go for as the new leader, favourites obviously are Swinney, Yousaf and Forbes. Whoever gets the job has huge shoes to fill
  16. I was at The Helix in Falkirk earlier and noticed a young boy - no more than 2 year old - running towards the water. A man who I assumed to be his dad was chasing him from a distance but was clearly never getting him in time so I ran towards the kid from the opposite side to intercept him. Did the father utter a word when he finally got to his child? Did he hell!
  17. On the contrary, the BBC website have given MotM to Daryl Meggatt who was subbed after about an hour! I must have been watching a different game
  18. Was shocked to read McCall had been punted. Is it a simple case of he had taken you as far as he could or is there something happening behind the scenes? I don't see you getting a Jack Ross or Jim Goodwin at this stage but you definitely won't get Pressley (isn't he at an EPL academy side?)
  19. If we finish second, we'll play the 3rd placed team as the 4th placed team play the 9th placed Championship team
  20. You'll surely not promote from within again given that was how Hammell got the job? Would imagine you'll go on the usual managerial merry go round of Hughes, Goodwin, Ross etc
  21. James McPake is doing a really good job at Dunfermline this year, was a decent defender in his day so would get your defence sorted.
  22. Technology. I find I struggle with some technology now that 10 years ago I'd have thought was a scoosh. Also realising you've gone from being one of the youngest in your workplace to one of the oldest and you can't be bothered with the younger peoples chat but realising you were the same wee d*ck at the same age.
  23. A neighbour has recently started working as a private hire taxi driver. His taxi is parked in the shared car park and he's currently washing the wheels on a night when the temperatures are again to fall to -2/-3. What does he think is going to happen to the water left on the roadway? Same neighbour has 3 other cars - all his - parked in the car park. He's the only driver in his household
  24. Armstrong's an idiot, he has been a walking red card all game.
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