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pub car king

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Everything posted by pub car king

  1. How about we just save everyone the bother. You've got the points by virtue of being on the fixture list. Besides I'm sure that pitch could do with a week off for when you have the playoff games.
  2. My 9 year old astra does this on long journeys. There is f**k all wrong with the amount of oil.
  3. Mrs Smith strikes me as a massive c**t. Will looks like he needs the free Britney treatment.
  4. It's just apathy now the seasons done. Those players that are going won't be changing their minds and potential a couple more might force moves the whole January saga was massively unsettling for everyone least of all the current t squad. I suspect this is the end of McGlynn and Smith and that was probably settled a while ago. Who do we get in? On the one hand it's probably a decent job championship club with ambition and some good players signed on long deals. That said a new manager will want backed because to start with they need a new defence as well as them having to manage someone else's team. Bring on the summer and let us all have a month off.
  5. How low can we realistically finish? Ayr and the pars are fighting it out for 8th. So under the assumption we don't win again I think we will finish 6th. If we don't pick up another point it'll be 7th. Where's that chart with the prize money.
  6. Just the relegation play off to be decided but that's the league done.
  7. He's a financial Joe Wickes trying to help people. He doesn't need to as he is rich as f**k after selling his website for about 80 million and could spend his days firing into his wife.
  8. Morton, if we give you a cake again like that time you won the league at starks park years ago will you chuck in about 4 own goals to give us a chance of a win(more likely a draw).
  9. The loss of Hendry and the subsequent poor recruitment followed by selling Tait in January for 7 pence (who would have thought we would do worse business that window) seriously fucked our team. Then along with Spencer being out for so long we struggle to compete. Stanton is an interesting one, he is a good player but he hasn't done much potentially because he has too much to do on his own.
  10. I think regardless of who is manager next season/over the close season we need to overhaul our fitness and conditioning setup. Year after year the team is fucked before the end of the season. We have constant injuries, sprains and strains keeping players out for weeks along with the massive things like ACLs. The team also look shattered at the end of games when other teams are pushing it til the very end.
  11. Sunday we were lucky to be level at half time. After we got the second Queens collapsed you could see they were done. However had they got a second our shite defence would likely have crumbled against a buoyant team. Our problem all season has been game management and organisation at the back. Even when we were winning we consistently let in late goals and turning wins into draws.
  12. I'm sorry Queens that's just utter ineptitude from us tonight.
  13. Well that's the season done now. Playoffs gone and in all honesty we'll be lucky to hold onto 5th. This has been one of the weirdest seasons watching the rovers and we are not a club thats short of ridiculous seasons. In all honesty I think I need a rest to try and make sense of it all. The sublime to the ridi ulous doesn't begin to do it justice.
  14. This absolute shower of self serving shitcunts thst is the UK government will sell it to one of their mates for f**k all. Then these shameless wankstains will buy shares in it for next to nothing. The old girl will be stripped bare, their HQ is a big buying in Central London so that will be cashed in. The fact even an uber torycunt like Kirstie Allsopp is balking at this tells you all you need to know.
  15. Zanatta caused problems the second he got on the park and did one of his trademark cut ins although the finish was poor. It also moved Ross more central and him along with Poplatnik running at them Queens couldn't cope. That said if it wasn't for the wood work we would have been dead and buried by half time but that's football for you.
  16. Zanatta and the shape change turned the game and 3 great goals from the rovers. But f**k me the defence is awful.
  17. Our defence yet again. They've been hopeless all match but queens have conspired to miss a fuckload of chances. We are playing fine everywhere apart from at the back. Mackie and Dick are fucking brutal defenders.
  18. If we finish with the same number of centre backs that start the game please.
  19. That's really shite news for a young man to go like that and miss out on so much. As for the heartless dead inside c**t that I am it's a relief to get off the mark after a frustrating start to the campaign. (I'm looking at you Betty White)
  20. Just to take the thread off track for a quick minute. Stirling Albion are rereleasing an old kit from the 90s made by spall who are also remaking the kit (I was amazed they were still going) Anyway it must be knocking on the door of 30 years since the unbeaten season with that great team who also wore a kit made by spall. Would be good if the club could get a few made like the recent copa cup final and europe ones. Here is Sinky looking resplendent in the afore mentioned design.
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