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Everything posted by Florentine_Pogen

  1. I refer you to The Torygraph, The Daily Heil, The Express. Bastions of impartiality and even-handedness. Trying too hard, Stormfront.
  2. BoJo is a liar. I am astonished. https://www.theguardian.com/politics/2021/may/04/boris-johnson-wrongly-cleared-over-covid-contracts-say-mps?CMP=Share_AndroidApp_Other
  3. And the contenders are :-https://www.theguardian.com/politics/2021/apr/29/the-likely-contenders-to-replace-arlene-foster-as-dup-leader?CMP=Share_AndroidApp_Other
  4. Unemployment Development Fund.? Idolising Rancid Acronyms.?
  5. https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2021/apr/28/arlene-foster-thrown-to-wolves-johnson-brexit-games-northern-ireland?CMP=Share_AndroidApp_Other Interesting piece on reasons for Big Arlene's downfall.
  6. Edwin Poots. Wasn't he a mate of Martin Chuzzlewit's ?
  7. Our cross-cut shredder (£26, Lidl) has been providing sterling service of late.
  8. Really? I'm sure the hundreds of businesses currently being fucked over by Brexit would love to hear from you, you absolute roaster.
  9. https://www.theguardian.com/politics/2021/apr/27/lord-david-brownlow-tory-donor-paid-no-10-refurbishment-boris-johnson?CMP=Share_AndroidApp_Other And the quid pro quo is.?............
  10. I'd like to see the gladiatorial scene from Spartacus re-enacted for real. Woody Strode and Kirk Douglas to be replaced by Dross and SpiffSpaff Johnson.
  11. Fuxake, does Michael Gove have his own brand of sectarianism now.?
  12. Get the funniest looks from, Every *** we meet.......
  13. ^^^No doubt modelled on yourself trying to escape Mrs. M and a 10" kitchen knife ?
  14. And here's me thinking you would have been sending your footman to Waitrose.........
  15. The Jenkins/Sturgeon interview was edited to make it appear that NS was on the ropes. 'Rinsing' ? Nope.
  16. https://www.theguardian.com/politics/2021/apr/19/boris-johnson-drops-plan-for-pre-election-visit-to-scotland?CMP=Share_AndroidApp_Other SpiffSpaff abandons plans to visit Scotland after Dross tells him he's a walking bag of toxicity.
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