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Honestly no idea what Martindale was thinking with that, tactics all over the place and only he knows what the plan was with that starting 11 and those dreadful subs


Sorry, habit 

Edited by LiviLion
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3 hours ago, LiviLion said:

Honestly no idea what Martindale was thinking with that, tactics all over the place and only he knows what the plan was with that starting 11 and those dreadful subs


Sorry, habit 

Initially read that as 'Sorry, hobbit' and assumed you were apologising to Martindale :D 

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53 minutes ago, Freedom Farter said:

If you're being bullied and frightened then that's a wee shame, Neil, but you're unlikely to get much sympathy. The sneering contempt you and your acolytes show towards Livi fans really rubs folk the wrong way.

Only seeing this because it's quoted but it's just reading like made up fantasy at this point :D 

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1 hour ago, LiviLion said:

Maybe you can point us in the right direction of where it's widely known?

He's the John Hughes of forum posters, why make one post getting to the actual point, when you can make 40 posts that get you nowhere.

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4 minutes ago, Roger the cabin boy said:

Interesting that BW law is being used by Ward.


surely he can afford much better counsel considering this was the lot that bungled Livi FC’s case against hogarth.

hopefully the club aren’t paying for his defence here. 

According to some posters on here LFC bungled their own case.

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12 minutes ago, Roger the cabin boy said:

I know that it gets you oh so flustered, so I chose not to word it in a way that lay any responsibility on our infallible club.

Oh the club is fucked. Without question. There's no-one involved who is infallible.

I'm a pedant though. 

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16 minutes ago, Roger the cabin boy said:

Back to what I said though about BW law. It is a bit strange no?

I can't say whether it's strange or not. I wouldn't touch them/him with a barge pole, especially not for a company matter (the use of them/him in that matter has NEVER made sense to me). Only Ward knows why he's used them/him. 

Edited by mozam76
Not for any GR issues, but I get the feeling BW Law is a one person shop. Happy to be corrected.
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Its funny; on Sunday I was waiting at West Calder railway station and a brown coloured van with Braidwood Motor Company in gold writing  drove in to the carpark and parked half on the disabled parking space and half in front of the platform exit. This was in spite of there being plenty of proper parking spaces less than 20 feet away.

The van sat there for 10 minutes with its engine running until another car chose to park right behind him. This seemed to irritate him and he did a ten point manoeuvre until he was able to drive straight out of the station carpark (I assume either his passenger had got out or he'd given up waiting). 

Whereas not actually a motoring offence it did seem to represent total disregard for anyone else and basic common decency.

Isn't Braidwood Motor company connected to someone in all this?

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24 minutes ago, JD and associates said:

From what I've been told Ward is up in court for a traffic offence. Nothing to do with Livi.


5 minutes ago, Durnford said:

Its funny; on Sunday I was waiting at West Calder railway station and a brown coloured van with Braidwood Motor Company in gold writing  drove in to the carpark and parked half on the disabled parking space and half in front of the platform exit. This was in spite of there being plenty of proper parking spaces less than 20 feet away.

The van sat there for 10 minutes with its engine running until another car chose to park right behind him. This seemed to irritate him and he did a ten point manoeuvre until he was able to drive straight out of the station carpark (I assume either his passenger had got out or he'd given up waiting). 

Whereas not actually a motoring offence it did seem to represent total disregard for anyone else and basic common decency.

Isn't Braidwood Motor company connected to someone in all this?

Did John Ward nick a Braidwood Motor Company van and park it on a disabled parking space without displaying a blue badge?

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As Mozam said, this is very well written Trumpty. You’re still skirting around the point and, indeed, the direct questions asked. All very school playground at the moment “I know something you don’t know”


Mocking Team Usa GIF by World Rugby

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1 hour ago, LiviLion said:

Decent effort, confirms you're just waffling shite though.

And here we have the first stage of grief, denial.

At the end of the day, your saviour Ward is in the criminal court for something non-trivial, that much can’t be denied.

“Pretty girls make graves” as Morrissey famously put


Edited by Roger the cabin boy
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40 minutes ago, Roger the cabin boy said:

And here we have the first stage of grief, denial.

What am I denying? It's what I'm actively trying to find out.

Straight answer please and none of the shitebaggery.

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I'll admit to being a lurker on this thread lately. I find the whole McIlvogue/Martindale/Ward/Sumner/Hogarth/Rankine feud grimly fascinating.

However, if these sock puppet accounts that variously pop up and are then ignored by others with both sides claiming to be ITK about it all are representative of the levels of debate and discourse that are going on behind the scenes then I'm afraid, for Livi fans, I fear your club is truly in deep deep trouble. And bear in mind this opinion comes from a Rangers fan with a not-so-long memory...

Both factions seem to think they are sitting on a pot of money that can be realised the moment they have rid the premises of their opponents. I suspect however the reality - probably arriving at the point where relegation is confirmed - is that this has already become a zero sum game for everyone involved. 

Bring on the denouement....

Edited by alta-pete
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With no disrespect to Trumpty, Roger, Livi or any other users that posts seem to solely focus on the basis of Court Cases, Adversity and the background running of the club. What is the point in coming on a forum, saying you have information that you can't divulge and leaving it at that? If you can't say nothing because of cases then don't say nothing at all. All I have seen for the past few months is court case this, court case that, I have information but I'm not telling you all I know! This is a Livi page on a football forum for Livi Fans, I come on here to read other peoples views of player/manager/staff performances, updates on the transfer goings on at the club and other stuff like that. Yes court cases are going on, and yes I'm sure there is a lot of stuff going to come out, I would like to know all about this too. This page was quiet for a good few days because of the international break then all of a sudden because of a court case in Hamilton it all fires up again. This is an anonymous forum, if you know all the information then please tell us what the accusations are! This mysterious background stuff that we have all been reading for the last few months on here is slowly making my Saturday's less and less enjoyable, as no one knows what is going on! And before any of the accounts that I have quoted get the hump, I'm not on here for an argument nor do I have the time, hence my low post count. Just want answers like most of the Livi fans do!

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Note to all - anyone wanting an argument I'm your man at the moment. Earlier I was looking at my phone which had a cracked screen and had managed to get a very small amount of  water ingress. The screen was like someone had done a Jackson Pollock on it with black streaks all over the place. it also registered some bogus key-strokes.

I started to think I heard some off clicks coming from the phone followed by some fizzing. Suddenly it got very hot and a flame; yes flame, appeared perpendicularly almost as if it came from a blow torch.

 Then the whole battery caught fire; heat was intense as I removed it from the house and threw it into the garden. With the smoke alarm going wild the fire burnt itself out fairly quickly considering the degree of heat it generated.

The smoke was reduced far quicker than my blood pressure.

On my second large whisky already - anyone wanting a towlsin?

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