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My fridge is currently playing up, repeatedly ticking on/off/on/off. Anyone know if this is likely to be a problem with the fridge or the electrics? It's a Samsung, and everything else that's plugged in works fine

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My fridge is currently playing up, repeatedly ticking on/off/on/off. Anyone know if this is likely to be a problem with the fridge or the electrics? It's a Samsung, and everything else that's plugged in works fine

That's sounds normal to me, cooler turns on reaches required temperature, turns off.

Buy a fridge thermometer to make sure it's 5 degrees or thereabouts.
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10 minutes ago, dayman said:

My fridge is currently playing up, repeatedly ticking on/off/on/off. Anyone know if this is likely to be a problem with the fridge or the electrics? It's a Samsung, and everything else that's plugged in works fine

My fridge started playing up a whileback so got a repairman in. He said the insides had all frosted up and the best fix was to just turn it off for a couple of days to let it all defrost. He basically charged me £35 just to tell me to switch it off then back on again! 

His "cure" never worked so yesterday took delivery of an American style fridge freezer. All plumbed in and the ice maker is now in full use.

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That's sounds normal to me, cooler turns on reaches required temperature, turns off.

Buy a fridge thermometer to make sure it's 5 degrees or thereabouts.

It's ticking though, not just adjusting the temperature. Repeatedly flashing when the door is open. There's a temperature on the front for fridge and freezer, which has gone off.
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4 hours ago, Hedgecutter said:

I know it's an old Jack Dee joke about having a really laid back approach to your illness, but unless folk are really penny pinching, why do they buy the lighter version of medicines rather than the (albeit slightly pricier) max strength varieties?

Because it makes absolutely no bloody difference.

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1 hour ago, dayman said:





It's ticking though, not just adjusting the temperature. Repeatedly flashing when the door is open. There's a temperature on the front for fridge and freezer, which has gone off.



Shut the fucking door then.

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On 19/11/2016 at 15:14, G_Man1985 said:

How long do you keep council tax papers for

Didn't you just ask the same thing about P60s?

I think the answer's always six years, to be safe. I tend to shred the oldest year's worth of paperwork in January. They can't be taking up that much room anyway, even if you're keeping weekly/monthly receipts for cash payments.

IIRC, there was a big furore around the referendum about councils possibly misusing the details of people who'd registered to vote for the first time in decades. They were supposedly going to use the information to claim unpaid council tax from as far back as the Poll Tax era. Turned out that the council can ask you for historic back payments all they want, but it's their duty to get the money from you within six years, by court judgement if necessary. I have a vague memory of an Aberdeenshire councillor getting absolutely owned by Eck on the radio over that issue, as the eejit had decided that his council were sitting on an unclaimed goldmine  :rolleyes:

(I'm sure someone will come to the rescue if I've got any of that wrong)

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1 hour ago, throbber said:

I know there is an E chat question thread but i am having some problems with my macbook, it keeps disconnecting from the internet and i keep having to log back in. Any idea why its doing this? I had a problem like this a year ago just after i had downloaded a new running programme but it hasn't done it since and its just started again without me downloading any sort of upgrade.

I think we all know what the problem is here and why you don't just put it into a shop to get fixed.

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On 24 October 2016 at 10:52, Honest Saints Fan said:

No it's fucking annoying and it's something the cold toast eater does.

Well now I have every excuse for this because she has ripped the holder off the toilet wall in what I can only assume was a head's gone fit of rage. 

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