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10 minutes ago, G_Man1985 said:

Still on going. Right now been reduced by 10 hours to 22.75 hours. Got to wait to see if someone on my department takes voluntary redundancy, if he does I will get an extra day so that takes me up to about 27/28 so sorta gets me back to where I was originally.
However days that I have off is rubbish

They have fair messed you about mate. Is there a an outcome after all of this that you could be happy with? 

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Guest Moomintroll
Still on going. Right now been reduced by 10 hours to 22.75 hours. Got to wait to see if someone on my department takes voluntary redundancy, if he does I will get an extra day so that takes me up to about 27/28 so sorta gets me back to where I was originally.
However days that I have off is rubbish
Utterly disgusting, shit company to be with, especially given the rise in profits they should not be shafting good people like this.
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2 minutes ago, throbber said:

Has anyone here got a washer/dryer and would you recommend?

Had one before and the dryer was rubbish, could only cope with a tiny load. Much better getting separate machines.

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Had one before and the dryer was rubbish, could only cope with a tiny load. Much better getting separate machines.

The guy at curry’s yesterday said the main complaint about them is that they don’t dry as much as they wash but it’s clearly stated that they have a wash capacity of 9kg and a dry capacity of 6 kg or similar. They cost about the same as a washing machine anyway.
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52 minutes ago, Shandon Par said:

Have your joggers got so spunk-encrusted you’ve finally decided to wash them? 

Think the clue was that when he goes to bed he doesn't fold them over the back of a chair, he leans them against the wall.

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1 hour ago, throbber said:


The guy at curry’s yesterday said the main complaint about them is that they don’t dry as much as they wash but it’s clearly stated that they have a wash capacity of 9kg and a dry capacity of 6 kg or similar. They cost about the same as a washing machine anyway.


Even with half a load it takes much longer than a standalone machine to dry. You'll regret it, they're really shite.



Brand after brand has tried to make all-in-one laundry happen, yet decades later, the machines are still not popular. The washing aspect works fine, but drying takes a couple hours longer than a separate machine would, and that’s if you’ve loaded the machine to only half capacity. You can’t wash new loads while you wait for the dryer, either, so laundry day slows to a crawl. All-in-ones also have high repair rates and aren’t much cheaper to buy than separate machines, so they’ll almost always cost you more in the long run.

Steve Sheinkopf, owner and CEO of Yale Appliance + Lighting in Boston and one of the industry’s most prolific bloggers put it bluntly: “I hate these things,” he told us. “It’s really a product that should not be on the market. We do everything in our power not to sell them.”

The problem, Sheinkopf said, is that the repair rate is sky high—over 70 percent within the first year, according to his service department’s records. “They seem to be the most repair-prone products we sell.”


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Thanks for this guys, think I’ll give
It a miss. Will have a garden anyway so will be able to use a washing line.

I’m going to have to disagree to some extent. I have a washer/dryer and I have to say it’s been pretty bloody good since we got it a few years ago. The dryer function only really gets used maybe three months of the year when it’s freezing or pissing down. Ideally I’d have a separate washing machine and dryer but don’t have the space. Well, actually I do but it’d mean having to get the kitchen done up again and f**k that.

Here she is in all her glory:
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I bought my flat a few years ago and it came with a dryer I've used once to see if it actually works. If anyone wants it, and if you can be arsed carting it down 3 flights of stairs, it's yours. 

Edited by Cardinal Richelieu
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I bought my flat a few years ago and it came with a dryer I've used once to see if it actually works. If anyone wants it, and if you can be arsed carting it down 3 flights of stairs, it's yours. 

I was getting rid of an old couch and was hoping to get a few quid for it on gumtree before just saying on that it was free for anyone who would take it off my hands after there were no takers. The amount of c***s who messaged me asking me if I would deliver it was absolutely infuriating, some people have a right fucking brass neck!
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30 minutes ago, Jacksgranda said:

I'm sure there's a poster whose assistant could tuck it under his arm and slide down the banister...

That's actually almost possible with a dryer, they're really light. He would have a sofa under the other arm though.

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33 minutes ago, throbber said:

I was getting rid of an old couch and was hoping to get a few quid for it on gumtree before just saying on that it was free for anyone who would take it off my hands after there were no takers. The amount of c***s who messaged me asking me if I would deliver it was absolutely infuriating, some people have a right fucking brass neck!


Seriously?!?! I might fire it up on Gumtree just to see if that happens. FFS. This country etc. 

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Seriously?!?! I might fire it up on Gumtree just to see if that happens. FFS. This country etc. 

You’ll definitely get people asking if you will deliver it, even if you state in bold font that it is pick up only and that they have to take it down 4 flights of stairs, people won’t read it properly or just try their luck.
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Throbber's not the first person on here to say that they've been inundated with delivery requests for free Gumtree items. The entitlement of some people is incredible.

Just put a solid marble coffee table up online recently; I can only lift the thing in sections, and even then, they weigh a ton. Marked clearly as 'pickup only'. Going on past experience, I'm fully expecting the buyer to request delivery to Papua New Guinea, and to lose their shit when it's pointed out how much it would cost  :rolleyes:

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6 hours ago, throbber said:

Thanks for this guys, think I’ll give
It a miss. Will have a garden anyway so will be able to use a washing line.

It seems you can still buy pulleys, just like granny used to use, for the 9 months when the weather's too shite to hang the washing out. 


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