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3 hours ago, Derry Alli said:

I know two boys who do it. One does kitchens. One does cars. 

The kitchen boy makes a decent enough living. The car wrap boy makes a fucking stupid amount of money. 

Definitely money to be made selling wraps.

I’m going to have to get VAT registered this year. Pain in the arse but suppose it’s good progress having started from scratch less than three years ago.

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10 minutes ago, Shandon Par said:

Definitely money to be made selling wraps.

I’m going to have to get VAT registered this year. Pain in the arse but suppose it’s good progress having started from scratch less than three years ago.

I always figured I could consider myself successful if I needed to register for VAT, so well done!

Bit of a simplistic mindset considering you can be VAT registered and lose money, but generally it's a decent target considering the threshold is £85,000 turnover now (I think it was about £50,000 back when I was self-employed).

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@Bairnardo  from my experience of having worked for myself for 20 years now:

1: price yourself properly. Your take home will net to about 1/3 of whatever you invoice. 
2: you love your customers but without the money you are wasting your time. And they’ll be delighted to let you do that. Be clear with them from the outset - you’re here to get paid. 
3: be upfront about 1&2 above. Don’t be fooled into ‘Och we’ll sort it once it’s done’ and deliver a nasty surprise after you’ve done the work. 
4: get a proper brand/easily accessible web presence (that is not Facebook). No need to try and be Coca-Cola but do get a proper web page, email address and become a wee bit remote from the random enquiries. @Div is a genius at setting this up for you. 
5: the general public are c***s. If in any doubt, see 3 above and bill/get paid your time in advance. 
6: it will be both the best and worst thing you will ever do all rolled into the one. If you know what you are doing you won’t need it from me but I wish you the very best of success! 

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I'll preface this by saying perhaps it's just me, but I'm going to assume it's fairly common.

Why do you get drunk much quicker, and more drunk, when you drink alone compared to drinking with friends/in a group (or even alone around others)? Is it adrenaline or something some sort of hormone release?

I thought that it could be that when you're with company you're speaking more so not drinking as quick, bit I've tried such pacing at home and still feel I get drunk quicker drinking less. Even after being with friends at the football and then having some beets on the train (which, thinking about, I tend to drink quicker) I don't get as drunk as quick as I would at home, despite having had some pints with said friend before.

Even stranger, I went up to Inverness by myself earlier this season. Had a few pints when I got there before the match, had a couple after and had a few on the train, but was strangely OK compared to if I'd had the same amount over the same time at home. Whilst I went to the game alone, I was always around folk when having a beer.

Was at a beer festival earlier in the year with my older brother and had a significant amount (actually too much) overall 5 hour spell and was pished, but not too badly and had I drank that much at home by myself I'd be in bits most likely. Not related but we both won prizes (beers) in the raffle that night, much to the confusion of the guy drawing it.

Edited by DA Baracus
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1 hour ago, DA Baracus said:

I'll preface this by saying perhaps it's just me, but I'm going to assume it's fairly common.

Why do you get drunk much quicker, and more drunk, when you drink alone compared to drinking with friends/in a group (or even alone around others)? Is it adrenaline or something some sort of hormone release?

I thought that it could be that when you're with company you're speaking more so not drinking as quick, bit I've tried such pacing at home and still feel I get drunk quicker drinking less. Even after being with friends at the football and then having some beets on the train (which, thinking about, I tend to drink quicker) I don't get as drunk as quick as I would at home, despite having had some pints with said friend before.

Even stranger, I went up to Inverness by myself earlier this season. Had a few pints when I got there before the match, had a couple after and had a few on the train, but was strangely OK compared to if I'd had the same amount over the same time at home. Whilst I went to the game alone, I was always around folk when having a beer.

Was at a beer festival earlier in the year with my older brother and had a significant amount (actually too much) overall 5 hour spell and was pished, but not too badly and had I drank that much at home by myself I'd be in bits most likely. Not related but we both won prizes (beers) in the raffle that night, much to the confusion of the guy drawing it.

You put less lemonade in your shandies than they do in the pub.

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1 hour ago, DA Baracus said:

I'll preface this by saying perhaps it's just me, but I'm going to assume it's fairly common.

Why do you get drunk much quicker, and more drunk, when you drink alone compared to drinking with friends/in a group (or even alone around others)? Is it adrenaline or something some sort of hormone release?

I thought that it could be that when you're with company you're speaking more so not drinking as quick, bit I've tried such pacing at home and still feel I get drunk quicker drinking less. Even after being with friends at the football and then having some beets on the train (which, thinking about, I tend to drink quicker) I don't get as drunk as quick as I would at home, despite having had some pints with said friend before.

Even stranger, I went up to Inverness by myself earlier this season. Had a few pints when I got there before the match, had a couple after and had a few on the train, but was strangely OK compared to if I'd had the same amount over the same time at home. Whilst I went to the game alone, I was always around folk when having a beer.

Was at a beer festival earlier in the year with my older brother and had a significant amount (actually too much) overall 5 hour spell and was pished, but not too badly and had I drank that much at home by myself I'd be in bits most likely. Not related but we both won prizes (beers) in the raffle that night, much to the confusion of the guy drawing it.

Do you just stick to beers, or progress on to 'hoose half's' as the night goes on?

Generally speaking, I find these start out large to begin with then just keep getting bigger each time you pour, resulting in being a shambling wreck by the end of the night and a shell of a man the following day. 

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13 minutes ago, BFTD said:

You put less lemonade in your shandies than they do in the pub.

Shandies make me boak. If I wanted a lemonade or other fizzy drink I'd just get that rather than have it in a beer. In actuality I'd just get a water.

Just now, 'WellDel said:

Do you just stick to beers, or progress on to 'hoose half's' as the night goes on?

Generally speaking, I find these start out large to begin with then just keep getting bigger each time you pour, resulting in being a shambling wreck by the end of the night and a shell of a man the following day. 

I have no idea what 'hoose halves' are. I just stick to cans of beet (either 440ml or 330ml).

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2 minutes ago, DA Baracus said:

I have no idea what 'hoose halves' are.

Instead of a measured spirit such as from an optic in a pub, you just splash your spirit in the glass which will be considerably larger than an optic measure.

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9 minutes ago, Zen Archer (Raconteur) said:

Instead of a measured spirit such as from an optic in a pub, you just splash your spirit in the glass which will be considerably larger than an optic measure.

Ah, I see! I never drink spirits in the flat and very rarely drink them in a pub.

Can see how that would be a reason for folk getting more pished when drinking at home though.

Edited by DA Baracus
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9 hours ago, DA Baracus said:

I'll preface this by saying perhaps it's just me, but I'm going to assume it's fairly common.

Why do you get drunk much quicker, and more drunk, when you drink alone compared to drinking with friends/in a group (or even alone around others)? Is it adrenaline or something some sort of hormone release?

There are actually studies that show that strong emotions enhance our response/reaction to alcohol. Anger, fear and loneliness were the most studied emotions in this, and all contributed to a more rapid impairment, possibly also impacted by expectations (the placebo effect). Lack of sleep also increases impairment effects, and is somewhat common on solo drinkers who might be drinking to get to sleep.

Its funny you should mention hormones, because women get a mention as having higher BAC’s if premenstrual or on birth control pills versus control results.

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22 hours ago, DA Baracus said:

I'll preface this by saying perhaps it's just me, but I'm going to assume it's fairly common.

Why do you get drunk much quicker, and more drunk, when you drink alone compared to drinking with friends/in a group (or even alone around others)? Is it adrenaline or something some sort of hormone release?

I thought that it could be that when you're with company you're speaking more so not drinking as quick, bit I've tried such pacing at home and still feel I get drunk quicker drinking less. Even after being with friends at the football and then having some beets on the train (which, thinking about, I tend to drink quicker) I don't get as drunk as quick as I would at home, despite having had some pints with said friend before.

Even stranger, I went up to Inverness by myself earlier this season. Had a few pints when I got there before the match, had a couple after and had a few on the train, but was strangely OK compared to if I'd had the same amount over the same time at home. Whilst I went to the game alone, I was always around folk when having a beer.

Was at a beer festival earlier in the year with my older brother and had a significant amount (actually too much) overall 5 hour spell and was pished, but not too badly and had I drank that much at home by myself I'd be in bits most likely. Not related but we both won prizes (beers) in the raffle that night, much to the confusion of the guy drawing it.

I got used to drinking at home during Covid and never realised I'd overdone it until waking up with a nightmare hangover. First time I had a proper night out I couldn't understand why I kept falling over on the way home.

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57 minutes ago, Jacksgranda said:

This has probably been asked before, but why are women so even more crabbit than normal first thing in the morning?

Yep...that golden time between waking up and getting up (30 minutes in my case) is totally ruined by the wife niggling at our son.  And, it's the same niggles every day so you'd think she'd get the message that he's not going to get the message.  

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