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13 hours ago, scottsdad said:

Managed to watch some of the egg chasing today.

Is it mandatory for rugby players to have awful haircuts?

Exhibit A


I put it down to the importation of a fashion to try and look like Aussie rules players. And me being less than fashionable myself I just shrugged it off, it’ll pass. 

That’s the trouble with fashions - they quickly go out of fashion. 

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Who was Hitler before Hitler?

Presumably before the Thirties there must have been some b*****d used as a(n almost) universal bogeyman. Genghis Khan? Jack the Ripper? Granny Danger?

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1 hour ago, BFTD said:

Who was Hitler before Hitler?

Presumably before the Thirties there must have been some b*****d used as a(n almost) universal bogeyman. Genghis Khan? Jack the Ripper? Granny Danger?

Some short French guy.

Name escapes me.

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2 minutes ago, Fullerene said:

Some short French guy.

Name escapes me.

I believe they have a long list of short French bogeymen in England.

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2 hours ago, BFTD said:

Who was Hitler before Hitler?

Presumably before the Thirties there must have been some b*****d used as a(n almost) universal bogeyman. Genghis Khan? Jack the Ripper? Granny Danger?


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3 hours ago, BFTD said:

Who was Hitler before Hitler?

Presumably before the Thirties there must have been some b*****d used as a(n almost) universal bogeyman. Genghis Khan? Jack the Ripper? Granny Danger?

Kaiser Bill wasn't popular during and after the First World War. 

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10 hours ago, tamthebam said:

Kaiser Bill wasn't popular during and after the First World War. 

Though his batman achieved chart success fifty years later.

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Anyone got much experience with civil service applications?!

I've been temping with them for ages but I'm now applying perm jobs. 

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Why is iced tea so expensive? Fancied some for the first time in years, so stopped by the shops to buy some on the way home and it's about 50% more expensive than fizzy pop, which is ludicrously pricey itself.

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2 hours ago, RH33 said:

Anyone got much experience with civil service applications?!

I've been temping with them for ages but I'm now applying perm jobs. 

I've spent 39 of my 45 working years toiling at the coal face in the service of Their Majesties. I'm beginning to think I might not find anything better.

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1 hour ago, Sergeant Wilson said:

I've spent 39 of my 45 working years toiling at the coal face in the service of Their Majesties. I'm beginning to think I might not find anything better.

The application process is driving me nuts.

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7 hours ago, RH33 said:

Anyone got much experience with civil service applications?!

I've been temping with them for ages but I'm now applying perm jobs. 

I passed one years ago, much to my regret and the State's downfall. 

If it's anything like my lot were you need to give examples of when you've served a customer, time management, that kind of shite. STAR method is usually the one that gets used. 

I've actually had to interview folk for jobs (imagine, me!!) and find the whole process quite crap as it doesn't find the right person* to my mind


*the right person. Ulla, go to work.. 



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I just get the impression that it's very formulaic and if you know how to write the right bullshit and talk talk at interview you'll get through.

I've done one interview, which they had tech difficulties with and left me having on a teams.call for 20min with no one there. It wasn't a disaster and I was only couple points away. But I've written thick end 2000 words today but none of it feels like it captures me.

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41 minutes ago, jimbaxters said:

Is there a way to search my own posts, maybe by using a key word? I'm sure I bet someone on the outcome of this season and want to find the post.

It was me. You bet me QoS would win League 1, I said you mad bro. You owe me a fiver. 

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