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The New Raith Rovers Thread

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15 minutes ago, Zen Archer said:

Airdrie is exactly the same.

'ye canny sit there son'

'why not?'

'there's segregation'

'not in the fucking pish house there's not'

Close the cubicle door please mate.

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They could easily have got another club outside the Championship for Vaughan, a few phone calls to say he was available on loan and he would have been snapped up very quickly indeed. They might not have got as good a deal as Dumbarton provided, but at least he couldn't do them any harm. It was a ridiculous deal without any need for hindsight. 

I dunno, I was quite happy about it. It's not like his parent club was intending on getting relegated or anything.

Oh, wait.... [emoji33]
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23 minutes ago, Stellaboz said:

I'll be stunned if it isn't Darren Young. He'd be a great appointment.

Young would be interesting. He's got a lot to prove after moving on from Albion Rovers, and at the same time he'll be testing himself at a club with a far bigger budget and expectations. If he comes, I'd be delighted if he brought Stark with him. His Queens' Park team ten years ago were fantastic. 

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i think a lot of people on here tonite should calm down and listen to the interview again and pay attention what AY is saying

there also seems to be a lot of people who seem to be in the know, but little or no evidence of their inside knowledge is forthcoming

lets have some names ? if some one has given you the nod let us all know don't keep it to yourself

Darren Young appears to have lots and lots of backers ?

Toni Calderon was seen buying a sandwich in M&S this afternoon, Paco was buying a bag of salt n vinegar

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I've never seen the guy before, but Alan Young seems a tad arrogant in that interview. The way he rolled his eyes at a couple of questions and the manner in which he spoke just amounted to what appears to be one stinking attitude for someone in his position.

Not only does he fail to apologise to the Raith fans, his opening sentence is one of self-pity.

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I don't think that was nearly as bad as the reaction on here would suggest. A lot of positives in there. The Locke decision is the main issue though and will live long at the club.


The players leaving if they want to go to a bigger club I think is one of those things that in reality he's right we can't afford to bench a player who doesn't want to be here but I think it should be one of those unspoken truths. Mind you I doubt the vultures are circling over our squad.

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The interview failed to do what it needed to do which was basically say 'sorry, we fucked up. We'll learn the lessons and we'll do everything in our power to bounce back" 

Agree about his arrogance about Brechin and the other teams. That'll bite us on the arse in the future. 

Saying the Locke appointment wasn't a mistake is moronic. But not as moronic as the stuff about Bates. It's basically an admission that anyone can f**k off for nothing if they down tools.

Most interesting of all was his hint that he'll consider his position. Setting himself up to be the fall guy while Drysdale sits tight? 

Edited to say Davie Hancock was superb interviewing. Didn't shirk from any question. If only the Board showed as much professionalism as Davie. 

Edited by roverthemoon
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Great interview by Davie and Raith TV, the whole service has Improved massively in the past couple of seasons. A big positive for the club, especially in these difficult times when communication between club and the fan base is vital. Keep up the good work!

On to the interview and I think there are a number of observations that give cause for concern. However one over whelming positive has to be that the board have clearly decided to not only protect the development team, but to further raise its importance. I'm fed up of the one season mercenary loanees coming into the club looking for a chance to raise their profile. I feel strongly that the need to impress their parent club adds pressure and also takes the focus off working together as a team with their new colleagues. See the Brechin games as a good example of our disjointed, but supposedly more skilled, individuals up against a well drilled team playing to their potential as a team. I'd rather have a couple of seasons down here, but blood the youngsters, than rely on over hyped loanees. Let's have a 5 year plan and stick to it rather than yo-yo-ing from one short term fix to another.

Credit to the chairman for doing the interview, but frankly he doesn't have the media savy to be in front of the camera. I'd question if indeed he has the right skills for the role of chair. He clearly admits on numerous occasion the board did not make their employees accountable for their actions. Most clearly with Locke's recruitment policy and Hughes bullying approach, but also in allowing Drysdale free reign to make numerous recruitment, governance and resource gaffs throughout the season. Perhaps as he says the time isn't right, but both chairman and CEO should be considering their positions regardless of how much love they have for the club. We are talking about failing in the most basic of duties. The lack of ability to own their mistakes/failure is concerning as well. Locke wasn't a mistake? Even with the benefit of hindsight? Come on! 

I disagree with some posters that we don't need the role of CEO as we are likely to be a hybrid of part and full time next season. Now, more than ever, we need strong leadership and someone who can grab all aspects of the day to day running of the club/business and organise them around a long term vision of sustainability and success. We need someone who is more akin to a start up business CEO than a middle manager. A jack of all trades, someone who can inspire and organise and bring back room, office and playing staff together. It's not going to be easy to find that person, but the right one is not only worth paying a salary to, but a good salary. They along with the first team manager need to be the most important leaders at the club and committed long term to what will be a challenging project. Drysdale clearly doesn't seem to be that person, although his commitment and passion for the club cannot be faulted. Time for change from the top down.

A final point is that the chairman should never be stating that players who decide to down tools will be allowed to leave the club. We should be stating the opposite, that our prize assets are not for sale and if a player wishes to play hard ball they can sit in the stand and watch their career go south as other exciting young prospects take their place. The Bates situation and now this statement show that we don't have a board that is capable of exploiting these young players we are spending so much time and money developing. Sure we, like most other clubs at this level, need to ultimately sell talent to survive, but that does not mean we need to be a charity for the old firm/Hearts/Hibs etc.

TLDR: very frustrating. It looks like a very long road ahead. 

Edited by Munter
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Interesting side note to the statement about controlling Locke's recruitment will be what that means to the new boss and bringing in his own players. Interfering in the manager's job is probably not the best route to go down - especially when you've yet to appoint one.

Awkward interview.

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Stay full time, get a manager who knows his onions and Raith will be back next season.

Qos, livvy and maybe Alloa have shown previously it's a piece of pish.

The diddies Dunfermline and Morton aren't the best examples but I'm sure you'll be fine, just don't pretend you are world beaters ala Qos and Dunfermline when you do come back, it is the diddy league....good luck

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Sorry guys I'm not very technical, just read a piece in the Scotsman that Vaughan is kind of telling us he wants away. Maybe I've read it wrong. Saying he wants to test himself in the Premiership or down South.

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Stay full time, get a manager who knows his onions and Raith will be back next season.
Qos, livvy and maybe Alloa have shown previously it's a piece of pish.
The diddies Dunfermline and Morton aren't the best examples but I'm sure you'll be fine, just don't pretend you are world beaters ala Qos and Dunfermline when you do come back, it is the diddy league....good luck

Morton bounced right back as well..
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Sorry guys I'm not very technical, just read a piece in the Scotsman that Vaughan is kind of telling us he wants away. Maybe I've read it wrong. Saying he wants to test himself in the Premiership or down South.

Reading the same article I would agree seems like he has itchy feet and dropping a division is hardly likely to make him stay if he knows a bigger team in a higher division is looking he may do the same as bates and force his leave, although his performance at Dumbarton suggests he may be more professional than that.
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There are stats somewhere that I read a few years ago that Raith have scored more goals at the railway end.

No reason to assume that stat has changed.

2016/17 season  missed sitter against Hearts. The goal that never was against QoS. Player of the year gives away 2 goals in play off.

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Stay full time, get a manager who knows his onions and Raith will be back next season.
Qos, livvy and maybe Alloa have shown previously it's a piece of pish.
The diddies Dunfermline and Morton aren't the best examples but I'm sure you'll be fine, just don't pretend you are world beaters ala Qos and Dunfermline when you do come back, it is the diddy league....good luck

I'd agree be with us being a terrible example - we're probably an example of what can happen if you don't appoint the right manager. However, Morton bounced straight back, when everyone in league one was spending the money that they got from Rangers being in the league the year before. For me, that's much more impressive than what Livingston have done this year.

Remember whoever goes down, has about double the budget of those already in the league, because of the way prize money is distributed. Raith and Ayr will be near the top of the league next season, and it wouldn't surprise me to see one win the league and the other come up through the play-offs.
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