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The New Raith Rovers Thread

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6 hours ago, VincentGuerin said:

I don't think that's fair comment at all. It's possible to think DG shouldn't be employed in football but also to believe normal people shouldn't have to suffer as a result.

If you can't see that, then you can't see that.

"Goodwillie, absolute disgrace, shouldn't be allowed, morally reprehensible, hanging's too good for him...another pint before kick off Vince?


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Political posturing, pity she never opened her mouth when he signed for Clyde , but hey its never too late we need all the help in the world to get him out if our club

I doubt she even knew who he was until two days ago, which would be part of the reason why there was no mention when he signed for Clyde.
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The SPFL can't do anything to Raith when they clearly didn't have an issue with Clyde paying Goodwille a wage for 5 years. I'd lump the FM in with some other quarters (predominately non-football fans) who clearly forgot or was unaware David Goodwillie existed until he signed this deal. 

If Raith didn't release that embarrassing statement last night, you could maybe be persuaded to think that they'll look to loan him back to Clyde/ Terminate his deal or something else to immediately start rebuilding after this mess - but it looks like they ain't moving from their position on this.

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FM clearly doesn’t follow football so she’s not going to know or care that he played for Clyde.

That being said, as mentioned on the other thread there is absolutely nothing the SPFL can do, especially after allowing him to play for years for another member club.

Would hope there is a protest planned before Saturday’s match with Hamilton?

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8 minutes ago, Uncle Scan said:

She got asked the question 

Unlike Politicians these days she answered it

To be fair, had she not already got involved and commented on this situation prior to being asked about it today? 

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12 minutes ago, renton said:

Only the complete clear out of Goodwillie, the management team and the board would even start to defumigate the club.

Really feels like we've witnessed the (entirely self inflicted) destruction of Raith Rovers.

I concur. Just getting rid of the rapist isn't enough, wider changes are needed and everyone involved in the deal needs to be removed or walk from the club before I would consider myself a supporter again. 

For the first time in my life I actually found myself hoping the club lost last night. I want them to see absolutely no reward until this clearout is done. I'm hoping that Rovers Down South's "fighting fund" can take off enough to cause some real action. It's a strange predicament to be in not having a team to follow but still being invested in Scottish football, currently weighing up my options of finding a local team to support in Glasgow or becoming a nomad of the lower leagues and taking in random games.

On a positive note, see the JustGiving page for Rape Crisis Scotland is at over £9k, great effort from everyone who has contributed thus far.

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The issue has been covered by the guardian football weekly today put very well across by the panel but I just can’t get my head around this transfer nearly 48 hours after the event.

Seeing all these volunteers giving up helping out the club on twitter every couple of hours is heartbreaking, years and years of trust gone by going for a striker who (if he plays) who’ll probably get 4-5 goals in the league is madness.

My club aren’t innocent in all this with us bidding for him ( more than once) but I can only imagine the heart break some rovers fans are going through.

Stay strong and please just don’t go back because you win a few games.

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7 hours ago, R.R.FC said:

In terms of how we move forward as a club, terminating the contract of David Goodwillie (which seems unlikely to happen) is now only part of the issue. Even if that was to happen, we would still be left with a manager and a board of directors who choose this course of action. The board were well aware of the feelings of the fans and sponsors and pressed ahead regardless either not believing the strength of opposition or not caring.

Now John McGlynn is out of contract at the end of the season and may well walk away, he looked a broken man last night but for me he isn’t the biggest issue. And even if he was, he is by far the easiest to remove. John Sim and his stooges pushed through and approved the deal without a care, despite knowing the feelings of supporters, volunteers, sponsors and fellow directors when they are supposed to be custodians of the club and maintain and live by a club  concordat they helped put together.

From what I have heard about John Sim this seems exactly in line with what you would expect. He is extremely single minded and will generally do whatever he wants and unfortunately he has the power to do so at the club. He controls everything with regards to the club. There is no doubting he has done a lot of good for the club, until 48 hours ago, I had some concerns but was generally very happy with the job he had done.

However, that was all undone with the signing of Goodwillie. Naively, I had thought they had perhaps spoken to Val and other key stakeholders who had raised concerns as well as volunteers and staff around the club to gauge feelings and explain their reasons (obviously nothing they could say would really justify it). But it seems they didn’t and just pressed ahead any way because ‘he’s quite good at football.’

It’s fine for us, as supporters, to sit back and demand the resignations of the board, however, surely we all know deep down that isn’t going to happen. The resignations of those in opposition yesterday and the subsequent statement show they are doubling down.

I have never been convinced that fan ownership works for a team of our size but surely that is our only way out of this? I saw the Raith Trust statement yesterday and whilst it is to be commended and it is obviously less than 48 hours since Goodwillie was signed, we really need to move quickly with some action. I would love the trust or any other supporter organisation to do some work into the viability of fan ownership and start the fundraising as soon as possible. A model similar to Falkirk’s where you have 10-12 high value contributors supported by other fans making smaller monthly contributions seems the best option.

I don’t know if there is any real appetite for this or how viable it would be given Sim has the stadium as well as the club but I just feel sitting asking for resignations of board members won’t actually achieve anything, they are going nowhere and the longer things are left, the more the fans who are taking a stance just now will be lost forever. We are not a big enough club to afford to alienate and lose any section of our fan base.

Tl;dr version; the board who made this decision aren’t going anywhere unless we find a viable alternative and I would like to think some work will be started quickly to find this.

Fans could 'buy' the club in the short term (i.e. the controlling shares) and then try to shop it around to various investors. Long term fan ownership isn't viable at this level, but could be a stop gap.

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2 minutes ago, Ex Machina said:

I concur. Just getting rid of the rapist isn't enough, wider changes are needed and everyone involved in the deal needs to be removed or walk from the club before I would consider myself a supporter again. 

For the first time in my life I actually found myself hoping the club lost last night. I want them to see absolutely no reward until this clearout is done. I'm hoping that Rovers Down South's "fighting fund" can take off enough to cause some real action. It's a strange predicament to be in not having a team to follow but still being invested in Scottish football, currently weighing up my options of finding a local team to support in Glasgow or becoming a nomad of the lower leagues and taking in random games.

On a positive note, see the JustGiving page for Rape Crisis Scotland is at over £9k, great effort from everyone who has contributed thus far.

Great post. I didn’t manage to go cold turkey last night, I was quite angry about the whole situation so went to blow off some steam at the gym and found myself constantly checking in to see the score, but didn’t really know how to react, all very weird.

I am kind of heartened by the sympathy shown by fans of other clubs though. There will obviously be plenty of stick dished out for years to come as we will never be able to properly remove the stench but if we can get the decision makers out then hopefully there might be a club to go back to. I guess I would describe my support as ‘suspended’ right now rather than permanently revoked.

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