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The New Raith Rovers Thread

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Really interested to see how this works out at Raith. I’m sure pretty much every Airdrie fan would say Murray’s recruiment when we  had Stuart Millar as director of football was a mixed bag at best, yet it was generally great on his own. I suppose John Potter, if that is the kind of role he’s in, probably won’t be lumbering him with Thomas Robert and Harlain Mbayo though.

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Just now, Brashy's Boots said:

One of the two of you is an idiot, that's for sure.

He's a millionaire, lives in a hot foreign climate and can do as he pleases on just about any matter he chooses.

You, on the other hand.....

He's a guy with very dodgy background whose money extends no further than bankrolling a league 2 win. 

There's absolutely nothing he or his two townie pals have that can benefit us.

I would rather have Dellios than these guys. Sim should be ashamed of himself. 


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In all seriousness where do they shoe horn in Barrowman and Potter? It's s not like we're Real Madrid and need a cast of thousands behind the scenes. 

From the interview today Murray sounds like he's planning for next season and is already making a shopping list.  

Guessing general manager/CEO role which is fair enough although where does that leave Scott Boyd, is he solely looking after the stadium. 

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1 minute ago, Dalziel8 said:

The team 8th in league 1… they were playing in the juniors a few years ago. Have a word with yourself.

Amazing what you can achieve by chucking a f**k tonne more money about than your competitors. A modern day miracle. 

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Just now, Raith Against The Machine said:

Listen, the conservatory business is as respectable as it is lucrative. 

Concerned the cost of living crisis might result in demand nosediving. Diversification needed IMO. 

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3 minutes ago, Dalziel8 said:

The team 8th in league 1… they were playing in the juniors a few years ago. Have a word with yourself.

Yes, I forgot that was achieved through good honest graft and not splurging the cash until they got to a point where they realised that didn't work anymore. 

You're the one that needs to have a word with yourself. 

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1 minute ago, Dalziel8 said:

The team 8th in league 1… they were playing in the juniors a few years ago. Have a word with yourself.

Exactly some folk will never be happy. If Val, Penman or even Smart were interested they would have come forward with an offer. I'm sure if Dellios was involved the same fans would be up in arms. We may be getting people on board that have made a success of a very small club, made them have a revenue off field with kids playing day in day out at their ground that some clubs including ours will be jealous of. IM also stated in his interview he has met with them, planning for next season so very much doubt that Potter will be first team manager.

Anyway at least tonight we know we will definitely be a Championship club next season.

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Something might be happening that's vaguely related to Raith Rovers? Let's cross to our Negative Over-Reaction Correspondent for the latest:

24 minutes ago, Ro Sham Bo said:

What a shambles. Recruiting the 'brains' behind the team 8th in league 1.

Sim is an absolute idiot. 


8 minutes ago, Ro Sham Bo said:

He's a guy with very dodgy background whose money extends no further than bankrolling a league 2 win. 

There's absolutely nothing he or his two townie pals have that can benefit us.

I would rather have Dellios than these guys. Sim should be ashamed of himself. 


2 minutes ago, Ro Sham Bo said:

Yes, I forgot that was achieved through good honest graft and not splurging the cash until they got to a point where they realised that didn't work anymore. 

You're the one that needs to have a word with yourself. 

Thanks Ro Sham Bo. Now, back to the studio.

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For what it's worth, I do have some fairly significant reservations about this latest development. I'm skeptical of anyone who wants to get involved in football at this level. It's a fucking stupid idea, and no half-sane person would ever consider it. 

Say what you like about John Sim (I certainly have), but at least his motives are pretty clear. He's been willing to lose money to safeguard what he sees as a community asset. Now, depending on what this latest investment looks like, maybe he will make some money after all, but I doubt it. Going by his interview last week, these guys are getting involved alongside Sim, and it's more about what money they can put towards running the club, as opposed to buying him out. 

What's not clear is why they're doing so. Hopefully, if there is an announcement of their involvement, there's a full and frank explanation of why. In terms of McKenzie, it seems like an odd thing to do, bankroll a club up to a certain level and then switch to another one. What's the story? Ambition? To... take a club to the Premiership regardless of what club it is? To look after a Fife town's football club, but not really be too bothered about which town? Does he think he's done enough to leave Kelty as sustainable in League One, and now he's going to 'save' the Rovers and take us to a point of sustainability too? It's hard to fathom. 

Bannerman and Potter are presumably coming onboard with their wages paid (indirectly if not otherwise) by McKenzie, to offer their expertise. Bannerman in particular certainly has a case to make on that basis, given his involvement at Kelty and (I believe) Joma beforehand. He's got a level of commercial football background that I'm not sure anyone currently at the club has. Could John Potter be the head of a new academy? It's not impossible. 

Currently, in the vacuum of no information, you can really read what you like into it. I'm not expecting a doomsday scenario, mostly because I just can't see the how or the why. Dellios is obviously a fantasist, but his whole bag was pretty clearly dragging players out of his academy and from elsewhere, to showcase and sell on. It wouldn't have worked, even remotely, but you can see the motive. Daft as it is, it at least has some flawed logic to it. I can't see another way for someone to make a quick buck. The amount of money it would take to buy out Sim, to then try and sell Stark's, just isn't worth it. And what is there to asset strip beyond that? You could maybe sell The Titan to Wullie Gray, but you're not making back your gate money, let alone turning a profit.

It's a real wait and see. I'll have much stronger thoughts once we see the initial communication around this new investment, if and when it materialises, but right now, if I had to guess... I'd say in three years time, things will feel more or less the same as they do now. Maybe slightly better, maybe slightly worse, but ultimately not a dramatic shift. 

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24 minutes ago, Ro Sham Bo said:

He's a guy with very dodgy background whose money extends no further than bankrolling a league 2 win. 

There's absolutely nothing he or his two townie pals have that can benefit us.

I would rather have Dellios than these guys. Sim should be ashamed of himself. 


Is there literally nothing that you won't wet the bed over. How do you know how much money the guy has? You've literally not got a scooby-doo. 

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We begged for change and it’s happened / happening , These guys transformed Kelty and yes you can only go so far , We are a bigger club , bigger profile , Bigger stadium so why can’t these guys do with us like what they did with kelty but on a larger scale? There isn’t a Q of potential buyers out there so at least wait until we see the plan , But to say you would rather see Mike Delios takeover your off your head the boys a Walter Mitty character , John sim could have easily just sold the club and ran off in the sunset but he hasn’t because I believe he does have the best interests of the rovers at heart , Sim has done a lot of good at the club but tarnished this with one monumental bad decision but I believe this could be exciting times ahead with different people , different ideas 

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