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The New Raith Rovers Thread

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Simmons isn't as good as Simmons and less tempermental.


I'm pretty happy with the players McGlynn's decided to keep. Obviously delighted with McGurn, Campbell, Ellis, Hill, Murray, Wilson, Walker and Tade. Weir hasn't had much of a chance this season and if he can stay injury free he could be an important player next season, same goes for Darren Smith. Williamson takes some stick but has scored some vital goals for us, if he can toughen up and put a wee bit more effort into games he would be a right good player. Mark Ferry had to stay, he'll never be a first team regular but he's showed that he is capable of playing well in either defence or midfield, a good player to have on the bench. Davo is another player who gets stick on here but I've always been a fan, really glad he's staying.

Glad to see the back of Sloan and Gathuessi, neither have shown that they are good enough for this level.

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Went to the Brechin vs Airdrie playoff game tonight to see how the lad Baird got on.

Started off pretty well, played some neat passes and a few neat touches. As the game got on however, he started playing deeper and deeper and was almost playing at right back! He certainly isnt the out and out striker we crave. Seems a bit poweder puff, and going on first impressions, I dont think he looks that much different that who we already have.

I shall reserve judgement until I have seen him in a Rovers shirt though!

I've seen Airdrie in all 6 games they have played us this season (incredible I know, I don't even get to loads of games!) and he has scored 3 goals against us. A good shot at the near post in the cup game at Starks and the 2 goals in our 3 zip drubbing. His first was close range from a corner, second he ran on to a through ball, rounded McGurn and slid it home. I think he will only improve in a Raith shirt next season if I'm honest. He has a decent touch, and a turn of pace which is quicker than Weir's. Maybe not the striker we hoped for, but He'll do more good than bad I think. If only we could get someone like John Sutton again to score the headers and the tap ins! He took his 2 goals well tonight!

If Weir does stay next season, hopefully he gets a right goor pre-season behind him, along with Ferry. Hire Sonic the Hedgehog to give them some speed training!

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Went to the Brechin vs Airdrie playoff game tonight to see how the lad Baird got on.

Started off pretty well, played some neat passes and a few neat touches. As the game got on however, he started playing deeper and deeper and was almost playing at right back! He certainly isnt the out and out striker we crave. Seems a bit poweder puff, and going on first impressions, I dont think he looks that much different that who we already have.

I shall reserve judgement until I have seen him in a Rovers shirt though!

Yeh, I wasn't very optimistic of him being a success in a Rovers shirt when I saw him play this season, even in the 3-0 defeat at Broomfield where he scored two goals IIRC. However, as we have seen from such cases as Gregory Tade and Dougie Hill, who knows how much McGlynn can get out of him?

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Yeh, I wasn't very optimistic of him being a success in a Rovers shirt when I saw him play this season, even in the 3-0 defeat at Broomfield where he scored two goals IIRC. However, as we have seen from such cases as Gregory Tade and Dougie Hill, who knows how much McGlynn can get out of him?

I think he will probably be used in a number of positions (out wide, up front). Personally , I dont think its what we need right now, but Mcglynn really proved us wrong with the signing of Tade, so I shall reserve judgement.

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I think he will probably be used in a number of positions (out wide, up front). Personally , I dont think its what we need right now

Yeh, that's where I tend to agree as well. Rovers don't need someone who is going to run around a lot and has the option of being punted onto the wings whenever needed (like Johnny Russell), we need someone who can hold the ball up and get into positions where he can find the net regularly, like what Kris Boyd does and what Kevin Smith did.

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Yeh, that's where I tend to agree as well. Rovers don't need someone who is going to run around a lot and has the option of being punted onto the wings whenever needed (like Johnny Russell), we need someone who can hold the ball up and get into positions where he can find the net regularly, like what Kris Boyd does and what Kevin Smith did.

Exactly. We need someone who can only be played as a striker. Im not unrealsitc, I know we cant sign an instant 20 goals a season player, just someone who isnt afraid to put their foot through the ball!

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What everyone else said, no particular surprises there. The club were very coy about what had happened with Dunbar and I strongly suspected we'd still had to pay his wage for a year - looks like that was indeed the case.

Only slight surprise / point onf interest is that we've kept Tam Graham on. And I notice Liam Amos isn't in either list - anyone know?

Thanks and best wishes to Robert Sloan, he's done us well and wil get another club easily enough but I can't say I disagree with the decision to release him, difficult to see where he was going to fit in.

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I think we can all agree we need someone fairly big who can play up front beside Baird/Tadé/Weir, somebody who can hold the ball up and release it at the right time would make us a good side. Absolutely no idea who's out there who can do a job like that though.

Baird has played on the right-wing this season for Airdrie. I don't expect him to be the wonderful centre forward we need - but then, McGlynn doesn't seem to like centre forwards. He likes attackers who drop off, run into the channels and make space. All our current strikers do that fine, there's just nobody running into the spaces. So you'd then look perhaps for new midfielders, but we're keeping the same lot.

Personally, I'd be looking for another three players - a proper centre forward, a left midfielder and a centre midfielder - to take a place in the starting line-up. Maybe an extra striker to ensure Tadé won't be needed up there. I expect however we'll see a loan striker (and by striker I mean a Russell type who is better on the wing) and that's all because I'm guessing we've used up most, if not all, of the budget already.

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The midfield is fine - I'll settle for one more player so long as it's a good old-fashioned centre-forward. (I'd love to have Ally Graham back.)

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Looking at the signature of Baird and it actually seems a not bad bit of business. Recently he has been scoring and has scored over 10 this season which is naturally good. But we're also securing the players playing well for other clubs in our position. Hopefully he can be a good asset to the club and bang in the goals for us. I do agree with Renton that we still need to bolster our attacking options.

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The midfield is fine - I'll settle for one more player so long as it's a good old-fashioned centre-forward. (I'd love to have Ally Graham back.)

Certainly we have enough players to play there, but I do worry about what we're going to do with it. No new additions to it, the loss of Russell and Sloan and it didn't exactly prove very good supporting the strikers for much of last season. Tade-Walker-Simmons-Smith on the top of their games would be brilliant, but Walker-Davidson-Simmons-Williamson on an off day would spell disaster.

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think defence is pretty much settled when you look at it, with Sloan leaving it might mean we are looking more to have Ferry as midfield backup this season than being used in defence.

Sloan has been a great player and did make a bit of difference when he was introduced to games, his biggest problem was his lack of pace and his decision making time, by the time he had decided to play the ball he was often getting closed down

Williamson looked decent at the start of the season tho his performances towards the end of the season were pretty poor compared to the rest of the team tho he did chip in with some important goals

Smith proved that he can play at this level (Darren) and deserves a decent run in the side next season rather than playing Williamson out of position just to get him a game. As ive said before Smith on the left and Tade on the right (if we bring in another striker or 2) would be good attacking option for us

With strikers in mind there is no way Kevin Smith is getting a sniff of first team at Utd with the amount of strikers they have (even if Goodwillie goes in the summer) think he will be released from his contract (about a year left) or some kind of arrangement put in place. Tho personally i would of kept Amaya as well, felt he didnt get a fair crack at the first team and would of been a good addition to the squad

All this in mind there are alot of players being released just now and considering we have kept a majority of our squad we can afford to sit back and see who becomes avialable if we feel we need an extra player or two (left mid?)

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Three points. Firstly, Bryce wasn't a first team regular so it didn't really affect our striking options.

Granted but you then have to question the youth policy.Top goalscorer then released.He like many others do not get the opportunity and I don`t mean 15 mins here 15 mins there

I really don't understand this Simmons and Williamson-bashing:

Simmons could be/is a good player when and if he feels like it,unforunately not often enough.As you say,has major discipine problems and unlikley to change as has been see through the season,doesn`t learn from one sending off to the next or from one booking to the next much the same as Davidson

Williamson scored us a few vital goals last season and was on fire before he got his injury.

Agree hes scored some vital goals but hes overall contribution for me is not good enough

I'd imagine Wedderburn is signed only due to the fact we need players for our reserve team and so it will get him experience and he might make an appearence on the bench. I don't rate the lad but I can understand why John McGlynn kept him on.

Sorry but you don`t sign a player because were short for our reserve team,you sign a player on ability/potential or you rear another one or bring another one in

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Slightly disappointed that Baird is a versatile player as well rather than a 'am playin upfront or am no playin' kind of striker.

However, I have faith he will be a good addition as J McG in the transfer market is the anti-benitez (the vast majority of his signings are actually good!)

But to repeat it is essential we sign an out and out striker with a bit of presence. Someone like big Casa is exactly what we need. But obviously a player of his quality will be hard to come by unless loan options are available. We will see ... but I am sure Mcglynn will have some idea of how to improve the striking situation!

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Slightly disappointed that Baird is a versatile player as well rather than a 'am playin upfront or am no playin' kind of striker.

However, I have faith he will be a good addition as J McG in the transfer market is the anti-benitez (the vast majority of his signings are actually good!)

But to repeat it is essential we sign an out and out striker with a bit of presence. Someone like big Casa is exactly what we need. But obviously a player of his quality will be hard to come by unless loan options are available. We will see ... but I am sure Mcglynn will have some idea of how to improve the striking situation!

Fife free press has McG looking at bringing in another striker of 'recognised first division' standard, although he wouldn't rule out bringing in another SPL kid if it came down to it.

Paper says we have a GK, defender and striker all basically signed, and I'd guess quite likely that those are mcNeil, Dyer and Baird. All in all, if it is Dyer it gives us more flexibility at the back, which can only be good, but our strike force next year will still basically be Baird, Weir and A.N.Other as the main berths with Williamson and tade good for 8-10 goals. Think I'd like to have seen one or two more new faces - particularly a wide player, but if McG is happy I guess we can't be to unhappy.

No Mickey though I guess.

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Fife free press has McG looking at bringing in another striker of 'recognised first division' standard, although he wouldn't rule out bringing in another SPL kid if it came down to it.

Paper says we have a GK, defender and striker all basically signed, and I'd guess quite likely that those are mcNeil, Dyer and Baird. All in all, if it is Dyer it gives us more flexibility at the back, which can only be good, but our strike force next year will still basically be Baird, Weir and A.N.Other as the main berths with Williamson and tade good for 8-10 goals. Think I'd like to have seen one or two more new faces - particularly a wide player, but if McG is happy I guess we can't be to unhappy.

No Mickey though I guess.

Yeah I noticed that too Link

He obviously feels the midfield is fine so I will back his judgement and say no more about it before season starts. If gets another striker who can hold the ball up I'll be fairly happy with the squad (glad Ferry is staying too).

Interesting that McGlynn says in that article we've moved slightly further towards full-time status, I guess the rumours of Dougie Hill going FT are true, Baird I assume will be FT as well.

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Fife free press has McG looking at bringing in another striker of 'recognised first division' standard, although he wouldn't rule out bringing in another SPL kid if it came down to it.

Paper says we have a GK, defender and striker all basically signed, and I'd guess quite likely that those are mcNeil, Dyer and Baird. All in all, if it is Dyer it gives us more flexibility at the back, which can only be good, but our strike force next year will still basically be Baird, Weir and A.N.Other as the main berths with Williamson and tade good for 8-10 goals. Think I'd like to have seen one or two more new faces - particularly a wide player, but if McG is happy I guess we can't be to unhappy.

No Mickey though I guess.

Thats pretty promising that at least he is looking for new strikers.

Not that I wouldn't be delighted if we brought in a quality wide player but I don't think we really need one in comparison to a striker. I think are lack of strikers effects are strength out wide. I think tade on the right and smith on the left would be a good combo next season. But due to are lack of options tade has been up front ect. If we did manage to keep tade and smith out wide and either got injured ( not tade he is a machine, but smith was quite injury prone this season) then we do have players such as williamson who can come in and do a decent temporary job out wide.

But that is only if we get a proper striker.

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Thats pretty promising that at least he is looking for new strikers.

Not that I wouldn't be delighted if we brought in a quality wide player but I don't think we really need one in comparison to a striker. I think are lack of strikers effects are strength out wide. I think tade on the right and smith on the left would be a good combo next season. But due to are lack of options tade has been up front ect. If we did manage to keep tade and smith out wide and either got injured ( not tade he is a machine, but smith was quite injury prone this season) then we do have players such as williamson who can come in and do a decent temporary job out wide.

But that is only if we get a proper striker.

I agree with you, but when it comes to Williamson, as much as I think he has a place int he team, he just isn't a wide midfielder, his positional sense is just all wrong for that.

As long as we do get an additional striker in, hopefully not necessarily a nippy wee guy - we have enough of those - I'll be happy enough. Think we might be fine if we managed to bring in another loanee form somewhere as well.

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